- Mane is a material found in Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland. A horse's mane that are dropped by horse enemies. Can be gathered from the Endless Corridor once it is unlocked.
- A mane was a tanar'ri demon formed when a chaotic evil soul died and was sent to the Abyss. Manes were considered the "fodder" of the Abyss.
- Bristly, tough hair cut from a wild boar.
- Mane is one the Ranyhyn.
- Who needs hair when you've got a mane?
- Mane was a ten year old Wickan of the Crow clan. She wore rags held together by a belt of woven horsehair. Despite her age, she was a hardened and capable leader, with a face that carried a tempered edge to match the knife at her belt.
- The Mane is an historic outfit dating back to the first wizards. According to Moire, who still knows the secrets of this garment, "The first wizards were said to wear an earth colored garb of supple leather and cloth. It was as comfortable as loose cloth, yet protected them from misused spell and daggers of dangerous alliances gone awry."
- Middle English mone, from Old English manu, from common Germanic *manō, ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *mon- "neck". Near cognates include German Mähne and Dutch maan.
- The mane is the hair on a horse that hangs down over the neck. Donkeys and wild asses have manes that stick straight up, but manes can be very long and flowing. Manes can be all different colors. The hair is quite thick and rough.
- Mane (Japanese: マイン Romaji: main) is a small village located in the Duchy of Kalmaart. Mane is located along old back roads that lead from the Kingdom of Saillune through Kalmaart and eventually into the Kingdom of Dils. A minor farming village with only one or two hundred residents, it holds little significance until Krotz founds the Cult of Shabranigdu. Most if not all of the townsfolk become members of the cult, which worships Ruby Eye Shabranigdu and demands material sacrifices to sate the Dark Lord's greed. Nearby towns are filled with fearful rumors of the cult, but have failed to do anything about the situation.