| - Sky Grey is the twin daughter of Scott Summers and Jean Grey, her biological twin being Rey Grey, with whom she grew up with for most of her childhood. When she was born by Jean Grey, she was estranged from her mother along with her twin sister to be raised outside of a world where she would be under threat from the likes of Magneto. Jean never consented to being separated from her own children, so Professor Charles Xavier created a psychic barrier between Jean and the twins so that they couldn't be contacted by their mother until the time was proper. The two sisters were raised in a children's home, and both of them were identical and completely inseparable, to such an extent that Sky could sometimes even finish her sister's own sentences (This was the neonate stage of her telepathic powers coming into existence). It was heavily observed by others that the two of them were two precise halves of the same individual, but the twins were all too aware of their own similarities and ensured that they appeared different by Rey colouring her hair black instead of her natural red, so that she was interchangeable from her twin. However, when she was twelve years old, Sky came to the realisation that she was homosexual - she had a powerful crush on her classmate Regina Carlson, who was her best friend alongside Rey. However, when Sky approached Regina with her romantic feelings for her, Regina screamed at her and called her a freak, right in front of everyone in the class. Rey saw it all happened and openly insulted her sister, demanding that she stay away from her from then on. Traumatised and horrified, Sky fell into a violent depression and screamed, accidentally unlocking her powers and unleashing a telekinetic shockwave that ripped apart the building and brought the whole establishment collapsing on top of them - Sky survived because her powers protected her with an energy shield. She was the only survivor.