| - Bokonton is home to many species of wildlife, and some types of animals are eccentric to each of Bokonton's territories.For example, in OrkadLand (situated in the Isle of Wight) there is still a flourishing population of Red Squirrels.
- Like unlocking other racers 3rd karts, One must complete the 100cc special cup
- Everyone enjoys the outdoors
- Wildlife is A Season 1 episode of The Mr. Men Show.
- The Wildlife is Donkey Kong's second special kart in Mario Kart DS. It is a converted safari jeep, complete with a flagged antennae. It has average weight, low acceleration, handling, and items, along with high speed and drift.
- In Spellforce, wildlife is several NPC animals that harmlessly roam about the maps. They are not aggressive in any way, and killing them is never beneficial or detrimental. Wildlife animals include: Deer Doe Rabbit
- Stabler goes undercover to break up an animal-smuggling ring, and he gets help from a group insider, hip-hop artist Gots Money. However, this assignment leads to complication in Stabler's marriage and nearly costs him his life.
- The Kart looks very small for Donkey Kong, and he is probably twice as big as it. he takes up the whole vehicle.
- When you interact with this Wildlife on your neighbors' Islands you get File:Social.png and Experience. Common Wildlife are regularly found, but Special Wildlife are only found on your island, occasionally. Common Wildlife: Butterflies, Frog, Jellyfish, Hermit Crab, School of Fish, Starfish, and Clam (Clams occasionally yield ). All Common Wildlife can occasionally drop treasures, but only on your island. Special Wildlife: Octopus that yields , and a Hermit Crab with a treasure chest for a shell yields random treasure including and .
- Animals still roam the wild post-event, but their behavior may seem a bit odd. This is attributed to the magnetic disturbance, but is also due to some rather simple programming. Primary among the animals are the four-legged beasts, they are seen wandering about and interacting with their surroundings. Various birds are often heard nearby, though never seen. Crows do fly overhead, though they never land nor can they be caught and they do not react to anything around them. Fish can be caught, from under the ice in set locations, but immediately die when found, limiting any further interaction.
- Wildlife traditionally refers to non-domesticated animal species, but has come to include all plants, fungi, and other organisms that grow or live wild in an area without being introduced by humans. Wildlife can be found in all ecosystems. Deserts, forests, rain forests, plains, grasslands, and other areas including the most developed urban sites, all have distinct forms of wildlife. While the term in popular culture usually refers to animals that are untouched by human factors, most scientists agree that much wildlife is affected by human activities.
- The purpose of attracting wildlife in a Fairyland garden is to earn diamonds. Each creature spotted while a plant is being watered earns a certain number of diamonds for its finder, and for the garden owner if a visitor was the finder. If it's the first time that sort of creature is spotted in the garden being watered, the diamond reward is doubled.
- As the episode begins, Mr. Conductor is in an outdoor park struggling to keep a cookie from being snatched by a bird. The cookie is intended to be a gift to his neighbours, the squirrels. He berates the wild animals' bad manners as being comparable to those of coaches, and proceeds to tell the story of how some coaches caused trouble for Sir Handel in "Four Little Engines." Next, Mr. Conductor has to fend off a mouse's attempt to take the cookie. He calls mice, birds and squirrels pests who are nothing but trouble, just like the freight cars in the story, "Thomas Saves the Day."
- -Tyrannosaurus Rex -Megaloceros -Woolly Mammoth -Woolly Rhino -Wild Boar -Eusmilus -Tsintaosaurus -Ankylosaurs -Baryonyx -Dilophosaurus -Velociraptor -Brachiosaurus -Smilodon -Giganotosaurus * boosterpack -Allosaurus -Dilophosaurus -Velociraptor -Megaloceros -Smilodon -Liopleurodon * boosterpack -Edmontosaurus * boosterpack -Velociraptor -Apatosaurus -Deinonychus -Parasaurolophus -Iguanodon -Allosaurus -Gallimimus -Mosasaurus* boosterpack -Tarbosaurus* boosterpack -Euoplocephalus* boosterpack -Smilodon -Spinosaurus -Gigantopithecus -Carnotaurus -Polacanthus -Iguanodon -Panoplosaurus -Heterodontosaurus* boosterpack -Diplodocus