| - Maorin Keppallo (/ˈmaʊˌrɪn kɛˈpɑːˌloʊ/) was a male Vuul political scientist and academic in the Golden Empire. Born on Yin in 30 ABY, he had already achieved a doctorate and developed a reputation as a political scholar by 70 ABY, when he joined the faculty of the High College of Government. He wrote several pieces on Yin's relationship with Iscandar and Keliso, and visited both planets for research. In 95 ABY, when the Vuuls were contacted by the Golden Empire, Keppallo was among the outside parties consulted by the ruling officials who had been asked to join the Empire. Based on the benefits he had observed in Yin's relationship with its trading partners, he was one among many who urged the merger. In the aftermath of that decision, he toured the Empire extensively, giving several lectures. He was a visiting professor for three years at the University of Dolomir after the Great Liberation, and had several research trips to the worlds of what had been the Tetrarchy of Mezlagob, and later the Chiss Ascendancy. When the Empire allied with the P'w'eck Confederation, Keppallo was fascinated by the arrangement and researched the foreign power in depth. In 146 ABY, Doctor Sheqir Kysh authored The Case for Conquest, urging that the Confederation be absorbed into the Empire by whatever means necessary. In response, Keppallo wrote Allegiance to Alliance to encourage the opposite course, positing benefits to having an outside partner. Kysh and Keppallo wrote back and forth to one another, disagreeing vehemently but developing great professional respect for one another. Keppallo was lecturing at the University of Dolomir in 149 ABY when the planet was invaded and devastated by the Reawakened early in the Nightmare War; he was killed in the attack. Kysh wrote of him, "He possessed one of the ablest and most agile minds I have ever been privileged to engage."