| - Hey, what happened to my candy? Oh, right. Can you bring me some, please?
- Billy said he had an idea about what to do with the Crazy Brain Candy. Might as well find out what he has to say.-Edd
- Bringing Foster's the candy! Bringing Foster's the candy!
- Cool! You is rocking the casa!
- Did you talk to Eduardo yet? Go talk to him!
- You can't take this candy to Foster's -- it's dangerous! Take this box of jawbreakers instead. I'll hide the Crazy Brain Candy where no one will find it.
- Oh, that's muy nice of you to bring this candy. While you are here, can you help us with some mucho scary monsters? There's too many! I promise to give you some candy after!
- Okay, take this candy. Don't break your jaw!
- If you get to Foster's and they want you to do something for them, then you should. Like defeating four Extremospawns or something.
- Thanks for the jawbreaker. Ow! Here, you want this armor? Ow, my jaw! Ow! Ow. Ow! My jaw. Ow! I love candy. Ow.
- Take the graveyard candy to Foster's. They like them some candy, boy howdy!
- Did you bring that weird candy to Fosters? Those guys love candy! Thanks for the help. Stop by sometime and we can watch TV together.
- Come back to me and I will be sharing the candy with you.
- Wait a minute...what is Billy thinking? Don't bring that candy to Foster's...bring it here. I'll put it somewhere safe.-Edd
- I have decided that this graveyard candy is gross. You know who likes candy? Those guys at Foster's. If you bring this to them, I'll give you a surprise.
- Hey, you got a jawbreaker! I've got a surprise for you, so how about we trade?