| - Argon is a chemical element usually in the form of a gas. The planet Hoth's atmosphere, visited by the Destiny expedition in 2009, contained a hint of argon. (SGU: "Water")
- Photon cannon with single-barrel energy focusing. By arranging several lenses the penetration power is increased leading to a higher charging time though.
- Argon was the fourth child of Fingolfin,First High King of the Noldor in Beleriand.His mother was Anairë, and his brothers were Fingon and Turgon. He had an older sister, Aredhel.His Quenya name was Arakáno (Q. "High Commander"), named so partially for his impetuous character. Argon set foot on Middle-earth with his father and brothers, but he was killed during the Battle of the Lammoth.Argon distinguished himself during the fighting by hewing a path through his foes and slaying the captain of the Orcs.
- Argon was the fourth child and the youngest son of Fingolfin, the High King of the Ñoldor in Beleriand. He was one of the mighty Prince of the Noldor in Tirion, Valinor. Furthermore, Argon grew up in Valinor, until later, the Noldor went into exile for Middle-earth where he journey with his father Fingolfin and all of his siblings as well.
- thumb|200px|Ar(a)go(r)n Świebodziński Argon (Ar) – osiemnasty pierwiastek chemiczny, gaz szlachetny, ładnie świeci. Podobnie jak większość szlachetnych organizmów i tworów, nie ma praktycznie żadnego zastosowania. Jego śladowe ilości można znaleźć w powietrzu, ale nie dotyczy to raczej przeciętnego zjadacza chleba. Podobnie jak hel, przez setki lat uważany był za niezłomny i nieaktywny chemicznie pierwiastek. Dopiero w 2000 roku udało się go zmusić do pierwszej reakcji. Argon tworzą głównie atomy potasu, którym znudziło się bycie potasem i postanowiły się uszlachetnić.
- Argon is a Turaga of Light.
- Argon is an element which is represenmted by Ar in the Periodic table. It is a member of Group 8, or Noble Gases of the periodic table. It has an Atomic Number of 18.
- De Azurenevel nabij Klingon ruimte is een klasse 11 nevel die voornamelijk bestaat uit zuurstof-argon. (VOY: "Flashback")
- Le Argon est un gaz utilisé par les Humain dans le New Mombasa Data Center pour inonder le centre..
- Argon is an altered form of Common spoken by numerous barbarians, especially those in and around the northern islands and shores of Argonnessen, like the Seren. In a time long lost, the dragons of Argonnessen brought thirty tribes of humans to their home continent from a land far away. These humans, who spoke Old Common evolved a separate language than the current Common used on Khorvaire and the Riedran spoken on Sarlona. This new language is called Argon, named after Argonnessen.
- Argon was a bossy and demanding subroutine of the Elements. He can be found near the bar on one of the upper floors of Club Duality which is located in the Kedemoth of the Richland district (587/181/-913). he was orignally a controlling routine when he was together with the other Element programs. he is the boyfriend of Beryl and rival to Anti M.
- Argon – elf; czwarte, ostatnie dziecko Fingolfina i Anairë, najwyższy spośród rodzeństwa. Jego imię znaczy "król-dowódca" ze względu na jego porywczy, nie znoszący sprzeciwu charakter. Przybył do Śródziemia wraz z ojcem i rodzeństwem, gdzie wziął udział w Bitwie o Lammoth w 1 roku Pierwszej Ery. Wykazał się ogromną odwagą wybijając sobie ścieżkę przez armię orków i zabijając ich kapitana, jednak sam zginął w tej bitwie.
- Known as the Stonesmith of Creation, Argon carved the lands of Alganon from the primordial stone. His temples are great forges, dedicated to the arts of masonry and smithing. Argon longs for the Alganon of the past, before the destruction of the Colossus Born. His sighs of longing are often heard echoing though the night.
- Argon è la traslitterazione in Sindarin del nome Arakáno datogli dal padre Fingolfin, che significa letteralmente "Gran Condottiero".
- A significant number of inhabited planets in the Orion Arm have Argon present in their atmospheres, including Earth.
- Argon (geboren ?, gestorben 1. E.Z. in den Jahren der Bäume), war der dritte Sohn von Fingolfin und Anairë. Er hatte zwei ältere Brüder und eine ältere Schwester: Fingon, Turgon und Aredhel. Es ist nicht bekannt, ob er Frau oder Kinder hatte. Beim ersten Zusammentreffen von Fingolfins Schar und den Orks von Morgoth, in der Schlacht von Lammoth, wurde Argon getötet.
- Argon (アルゴン Arugon?) was a kaiju that appeared in Ultraman 80 Subtitle: Transforming Monster (変身怪獣 Henshin Kaijū?)
- Argon - Ein Kind aus dem Volk der Tauren, das früh schon zum Priester des Dondra geweiht wurde. Erlebte mit Sahur, Kemanaos, Baleine, Daenerys, Aori, Roana, Heydur und Blumenfeld gemeinsam Abenteuer am Grünen Meer. Nach einem Empfang in Serlandor, bei dem der Generalkapitän des Grünen Meeres, de Valece, durch den Kaiser und durch Fürstin Karia von Ataris geehrt wurde, ging Argon mit dem Hohepriester des Dondra auf die Insel Rhemis wo er die weiteren Weihen der Dondra-Religion lernen und annehmen wollte - und lernen, sich kleiner zu machen als die normalen fünf Schritt, die er bereits mass.
- Argon was a human male Grand General in the Imperial Army and the protege of Emperor's Reach and Imperial Intelligence agent Lord Shadowspawn. Argon served Shadowspawn by commanding his ground forces, mainly Army and Stormtrooper Corps personnel, during the Galactic Civil War. After the deaths of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader over Endor, he continued serving Shadowspawn faithfully. When he created the Shadow Empire to restore the Galactic Empire, Argon served in it as the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Armed Forces. He was killed by New Republic troops after a battle on Mindor.
- L'argon est un élément chimique, de symbole Ar et de numéro atomique 18. Il fait partie du groupe des « gaz nobles ou gaz rares » auparavant appelé famille des « gaz inertes » et aussi famille des « gaz rares » ; avec l'hélium, le néon, le krypton, le xénon, le radon et probablement l'ununoctium. Malgré le nom de sa famille, l'argon n'est pas un gaz rare : il est, derrière le diazote, le dioxygène le troisième constituant en importance de l'atmosphère terrestre (0,933% en volume) et est de ce fait l'un des gaz nobles les plus utilisés.
- Argon se puede referir a:
* Argón, un elemento gaseoso.
* Argon, un Gran Moff Imperial . 1.
* La versión original de este artículo, o parte del mismo, fue traducida de Wookieepedia, [ ver autores].
- Kategorie:Edelgas Kategorie:Periode-3-Element Das Argon (altgriechisch ἀργόν „das träge Element“; wegen seiner chemischen Reaktionsträgheit) ist ein chemisches Element im Periodensystem der Elemente mit dem Symbol Ar und der Ordnungszahl 18. Das farb- und geruchlose inerte einatomige Gas ist das häufigste Edelgas in der Erdatmosphäre.
- Argon är ett grundämne vanligen i form av en gas. Planeten Hoths atmosfär, som besökts av Destiny Expeditionen under 2009, innehöll en antydan till argon. (SGU: "Water")
- Argon ist ein Edelgas, das in der Erdatmosphäre enthalten ist. 2151 findet Hoshi Sato eine Schnecke, welche sie Schneckchen nennt an Bord der Enterprise (NX-01) mit. Aber Schneckchen bekommt die neue Umgebung auf der Enterprise nicht und sie hört auf zu fressen. Doktor Phlox versucht, Schneckchen mit einer Argonlampe zu helfen. Doch auch diese hilft nicht. Erst als man die Schnecke auf die Planetenoberfläche eines ähnlichen Planeten bringt geht es der Schnecke besser. (ENT: ) Der Planet der 37er verfügt über eine Sauerstoff-Argon-Atmosphäre. (VOY: )
- The Argons (also known as Argonians) were a civilization of humanoid lifeforms native to somewhere in the Alpha or Beta Quadrants. Vaguely ape-like in nature, the Argons had purplish skin and fur, and tall elongated skulls. In the mid-23rd century, the Argons were commonly known to roam spacelanes as pirates. The Argon threat to Federation shipping was well-documented in the mid 2260s, to the point where Starfleet starships in the vicinity of Starbase 10, and elsewhere, were given intelligence reports on the military capabilities of Argon ships.
- Argon is the most domineering and powerful of the Elements. He likes to think of himself as a careful planner and strategist, and reveres historical military commanders like gods. However, in truth he is somewhat rash in his moves, pushing forward out of hubris and ego more than anything else. Under his expensive suit, he is truly just a thug. Argon has no qualms about doing whatever is necessary to gain more power and influence over the Matrix.
- Argon was born to Melchior and Freda Brand on Corellia in Coronet City during the last years before the Rebellion finally struck a major blow. Melchior worked as a CorSec officer, mainly dealing with smuggling operations, while Freda is a respected doctor from an older, wealthy family. Both imparted a strong sympathy for the Republican ideal on their son, and later children, as they grew older.
- Argon has approximately the same solubility in water as oxygen gas and is 2.5 times more soluble in water than nitrogen gas. Argon is colorless, odorless, tasteless and nontoxic in both its liquid and gaseous forms. Argon is inert under most conditions and forms no confirmed stable compounds at room temperature.