Bloom: Hm? Hey, how are doing? One thing I can count on is that no matter what, you'll always love me.
* Stella pops out from the bushes and walks over to Bloom.* Stella: We love you too Bloom, very very much.
* Stella gives Bloom a big hug.*
* The other Winx are now standing in the gardens as well.* Flora: Excuse me miss, did you order a picnic lunch. Bloom: Order... what?
* Flora snaps her fingers and the Pixies appear, magically bringing out the picnic.* Flora: A picnic sweetie. Lockette: I must say the service here is really excellent.
* Tune wraps a napkin over Bloom's neck.*
Attributes | Values |
| - Winx Club - Episode 309/4Kids Script
| - Bloom: Hm? Hey, how are doing? One thing I can count on is that no matter what, you'll always love me.
* Stella pops out from the bushes and walks over to Bloom.* Stella: We love you too Bloom, very very much.
* Stella gives Bloom a big hug.*
* The other Winx are now standing in the gardens as well.* Flora: Excuse me miss, did you order a picnic lunch. Bloom: Order... what?
* Flora snaps her fingers and the Pixies appear, magically bringing out the picnic.* Flora: A picnic sweetie. Lockette: I must say the service here is really excellent.
* Tune wraps a napkin over Bloom's neck.*
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| |
| - Bloom: Hm? Hey, how are doing? One thing I can count on is that no matter what, you'll always love me.
* Stella pops out from the bushes and walks over to Bloom.* Stella: We love you too Bloom, very very much.
* Stella gives Bloom a big hug.*
* The other Winx are now standing in the gardens as well.* Flora: Excuse me miss, did you order a picnic lunch. Bloom: Order... what?
* Flora snaps her fingers and the Pixies appear, magically bringing out the picnic.* Flora: A picnic sweetie. Lockette: I must say the service here is really excellent.
* Tune wraps a napkin over Bloom's neck.* Bloom: Uh!
* Stella then magically makes a vase of flowers appear, and dress Kiko as a waiter.* Stella: Hmm. Now it's all perfect! Enjoy your picnic Bloom. Bloom: I'm sorry you guys but... I'm just not hungry. Stella: A little food might make you feel better. Bloom: I appreciate that you guys went through all this trouble for me but I'm just to upset to eat.
* Then a burp is heard.*
* Kiko had devoured all the food.* Flora: A least some enjoy there lunch.
* They all laugh.*