| - After Wolverine was able to explain his situation to the Black Widow, she takes him back to her place. There, she provides him with a fake copy of the carbonadium synthesizer, just in case he may need it. Wolverine thanks her but indicates that he still needs to find out where Omega Red is – he needs to save a young girl. The Black Widow reminisces that he wants to save this girl just like he saved her, or at least he tried. Years ago, a younger Logan met up with a young Natalia Romanova. They were on the same train that was attacked by Natalia’s father – Taras Romanov. Once they meet up with him, Logan trained under the tutelage of Taras, who was a great spy. During the two years he spent with him, he learned everything he could about the spy game. He also trained Natalia on how to fight. One night, Taras burst into his room, informing him that Natalia had been kidnapped and his guards had all been killed. Logan offers to go after him alone and, when he finds Natalia in the woods, she informs him that Taras is not her father. Logan informs her that he has lied to her as well. His mission was to kill Taras and, ultimately, her. He completed the first part but can’t bring himself to kill Natalia. He tells her that she is now “dead” as well but does not kill her. Back in present day, Wolverine finds out where Omega Red is when an explosion occurs a few blocks away. The Black Widow had deceived S.H.I.E.L.D., who was looking for Wolverine. She had instead given them the location of Omega Red. Unfortunately, during the explosion, a beam had fallen on Jubilee and Wolverine knows that, if he doesn’t act, Jubilee will be dead. Knowing this, he stands on the roof of his building and waves the “fake” carbonadium synthesizer over his head daring both Dum Dum Dugan, leading the S.H.I.E.L.D. operation, and Omega Red to come and get him.