| - Holiday Rewards er belønninger en spiller får for å ha fullført et Holiday event. Det er tre faste helligdager som feires på Runescape:
* Jul
* Påske
* Hallowe'en I tillegg har man mindre slike events som ikke hender vert år:
* Thanksgiving
* Aprilsnarr
* Begynnelsen på Mai måned
- On Easter, Hallowe'en, and Christmas, Jagex would drop a certain item. For example, in December 2001 during Christmas, Jagex dropped Christmas Crackers. These Christmas crackers could only be obtained during a certain day during December. When a player walked around RuneScape, they may have seen a Christmas Cracker pop up out of nowhere on the ground nearby. This was how the items were dropped.
| - On Easter, Hallowe'en, and Christmas, Jagex would drop a certain item. For example, in December 2001 during Christmas, Jagex dropped Christmas Crackers. These Christmas crackers could only be obtained during a certain day during December. When a player walked around RuneScape, they may have seen a Christmas Cracker pop up out of nowhere on the ground nearby. This was how the items were dropped. Originally dropped for fun, Jagex kept this going on for a few more years. Every Christmas, Hallowe'en, and Easter, an item would be dropped. Unfortunately, players began to notice that these items could not be obtained any more unless they were bought from other players. Seeing this, players began to buy the holiday items low, and then sell them at an incredibly high price. This started the rise in the prices for holiday items. Players were also angry that they missed the drops. Players would complain to Jagex demanding that they redo the drop. Jagex decided to make the next few drops nontradeable. However, this only enraged players even more. Jagex, realising what was happening, decided to stop holiday drops, as players were becoming too greedy. On 22 December 2003, Jagex put an announcement on RuneScape's main page, saying that they were ceasing holiday drops. From then on, items were not dropped on holidays, but rather a player would have to do a holiday themed task for a NPC to obtain the holiday items. Around 2011, a recent outbreak of members only holiday items began appearing (the first members only holiday item was the wintumber tree in the 2006 Christmas event) such as the icicle crown from the 2011 Easter event, the hourglass from the 2011 Hallowe'en event, the Turkey Pet from the 2011 Thanksgiving event, Sparkles the Tinsel Snake from the 2011 Christmas event, and the (permanent) eggsterminator from the 2012 Easter event.
- Holiday Rewards er belønninger en spiller får for å ha fullført et Holiday event. Det er tre faste helligdager som feires på Runescape:
* Jul
* Påske
* Hallowe'en I tillegg har man mindre slike events som ikke hender vert år:
* Thanksgiving
* Aprilsnarr
* Begynnelsen på Mai måned De aller første holiday rewards var tradeable, for eksempel party hatter, santa hat, christmas cracker, H'ween masks og Easter egg. i det siste har Jagex valgt å ikke gjøre de nye holiday itemene tradeable, dette er fordi de som er tradeable nå er værdt veldig mye. De nye holiday items som ikke er tradeable kan du får tilbake ved å snakke med diango i Draynor Village.