The Destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor is an event that occurred in King's Landing late in the War of the Five Kings. In order to evade her trial and get revenge on her recent enemies, Queen Cersei Lannister has the Great Sept of Baelor destroyed by wildfire shortly after the trial of Ser Loras Tyrell. As a result, the main branch of House Tyrell is killed off, with the exception of Olenna Tyrell, who fled the city days before the explosion; as well as most, if not all, of the Sparrows, including the High Sparrow, the High Septon of the Faith of the Seven; Ser Kevan Lannister, the Hand of the King; most of the members of the Royal Court; and the entirety of the Small Council save for Qyburn. Septa Unella survived after being abducted by Cersei. Shortly after witnessing the massacre an
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| - Destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor
| - The Destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor is an event that occurred in King's Landing late in the War of the Five Kings. In order to evade her trial and get revenge on her recent enemies, Queen Cersei Lannister has the Great Sept of Baelor destroyed by wildfire shortly after the trial of Ser Loras Tyrell. As a result, the main branch of House Tyrell is killed off, with the exception of Olenna Tyrell, who fled the city days before the explosion; as well as most, if not all, of the Sparrows, including the High Sparrow, the High Septon of the Faith of the Seven; Ser Kevan Lannister, the Hand of the King; most of the members of the Royal Court; and the entirety of the Small Council save for Qyburn. Septa Unella survived after being abducted by Cersei. Shortly after witnessing the massacre an
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| - Pycelle
- None
- inside and around the Great Sept of Baelor killed, including but not limited to;
*Queen Margaery Tyrell
*Lord Mace Tyrell
*Ser Kevan Lannister
*High Sparrow
*Brother Lancel
*Brother Loras
*King Tommen Baratheon
- ----
*Grand Maester
- Massive; everyone
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| - Festival of the Mother of 303 AL
| - Destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor
| - Gregor Clegane
- Cersei Lannister
- Qyburn
- Pycelle
- Ser
- Ser
- Dowager Queen
- Multiple little birds
- Nobility of King's Landing and the Crownlands
- *Queen Margaery Tyrell †
*Lord Mace Tyrell †
*Ser KevanLannister, Hand ofthe King †
Grand Maester
- High Septon †
Brothers of the Faith Militant
*Brother Lancel †
*Brother Loras †
Six judging Septons †
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| - *The Great Sept of Baelor and
- surrounding buildings are
- destroyed by wildfire
*Death of all individuals in the Great Sept of Baelor and in the
- districts around it
*Extinction of House Baratheon with the suicide of King Tommen I Baratheon
*Cersei of House Lannister is
- subsequently proclaimed Queen of the Andals and the First Men
*Extinction of the main branch of House Tyrell and annihilation of the Faith Militant
*House Tyrell ends its alliance with House Lannister and makes an alliance with House Targaryen and House Martell
| - Heavy casualties surrounding the Great Sept of Baelor, complete annihilation of surrounding
- buildings and occupants
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| - The Destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor is an event that occurred in King's Landing late in the War of the Five Kings. In order to evade her trial and get revenge on her recent enemies, Queen Cersei Lannister has the Great Sept of Baelor destroyed by wildfire shortly after the trial of Ser Loras Tyrell. As a result, the main branch of House Tyrell is killed off, with the exception of Olenna Tyrell, who fled the city days before the explosion; as well as most, if not all, of the Sparrows, including the High Sparrow, the High Septon of the Faith of the Seven; Ser Kevan Lannister, the Hand of the King; most of the members of the Royal Court; and the entirety of the Small Council save for Qyburn. Septa Unella survived after being abducted by Cersei. Shortly after witnessing the massacre and hearing of the deaths, his wife Margaery included, King Tommen I kills himself by jumping out of a window in the Red Keep. Cersei is later crowned Queen of the Andals and the First Men following Tommen's death.
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