| - Tuesday, October 15, 2013, 12:29 PM Spike Witwicky has arrived. Velum punch Spike Witwicky bleed Spike Witwicky picks up the speaking conch Carly Witwicky says, "Who are we waiting for?" Apocryphacius says, "Repugnus." Bug Creature says, "okay, back" Carly Witwicky says, "Yay" Kenya Momesa says, "Welcome back." Exo Suit waffles. Bug Creature says, "So I figure an informal meeting is best atm. Eh, Kenya, anything you wanna start off with?" Kenya Momesa says, "Yes. First Aid must app Marissa... And secondly, I have a couple of points but let's start with ranks and divisions. At the moment, it's a real mess." Carly Witwicky says, "It is!" Amber MacKenzie blames First Aid for not apping for Marissa! Jazz has arrived. Kenya Momesa says, "At the moment, we have a single division. I understand there are not many humans but I like the 3 classics divisions Military/Intelligence/Science-medical...etc" Apocryphacius says, "Solution: Reveal that Marissa was First Aid in a human disguise all along, appoint First Aid head of the EDC." Spike Witwicky says, "brilliant" Carly Witwicky says, "I think there needs to be a structure, but I think it is a mistake to try and put all the active players as higher ranking, as I think especially for humans the dynamic is different if you are someone of a high rank than a low rank" Spike Witwicky says, "silence rank 2 >:(" Carly Witwicky :c Exo Suit says, "You can shhh too other rank 2. 8oP" Kenya Momesa says, "I agree. But I think that active players that WANT to get higher ranks should have the opportunity." Carly Witwicky says, "Yeah" Velum says, "agreed" Apocryphacius says, "Not all of the characters who currently have high ranks are active, though." Carly Witwicky says, "Yeah activity seems to be inversely proportional to rank" Carly Witwicky says, "If only we had Marissa :c" Kenya Momesa says, "James and I aren't really active and we're the only high ranking officer atm. I would gladly demote myself if it's what come out of this meeting. Assigning proper ranks is one thing we should discuss here since we don't have a fachead atm." Bug Creature says, "Sorry, lost con" First Aid says, "Maybe you go for more of an X-COM thing, where rank isn't really commanding large numbers of people." Apocryphacius says, "And... let's say we divided the current roster up into three. You'd have mee in Science and maybe Carly, Amber in Intelligence and maybe also Aramasu, and everyone else who is /active/ would be military. Like, if Andi was around, sure, she'd be Science, but I haven't seen her in a while? Do divisions of 2 people even make sense?" First Aid says, "It just means you're more likely to reload when they die." Carly Witwicky says, "I dont really have a huge problem with most people being low rank if that is what they are happy with, as like, a small faction of mostly low ranking people is a different dynamic to one of mostly high ranking people" Velum says, "why not divide into 2 instead. military and intel/science combined" Kenya Momesa says, "Another option would be to add a the division to the titles like : Velum - Military Lt Commander." Carly Witwicky says, "That would probably be better" Velum says, "makes sense" Amber MacKenzie says, "I have no problem with changing the divisions. Nate had us broken into squads, but we don't have enough folks active for that. Though it amused me to be in charge of Spike and Carly for a time, even though they weren't even active then. ;) Rank doesn't bother me either." Exo Suit says, "It's kind of academic the number of divisioons you have, or the amount of people in them. With the amount of active humans, it's really just a label more than anything which division you are in." Apocryphacius says, "Divisions in titles would be fine." Velum says, "The only devision that matters is Magnus' division. Useless." Kenya Momesa says, "I tried to fix that but I think we will need a Wiz for that." Exo Suit says, "Indeed, this amount of people, rank becomes pretty much a label most of the time. Though there are differences to higher vs lower rank (like rank 9 Spike would be expected to be the SecGen again, while rank 2, grease monkey territory." Bug Creature says, "We may also need a Wiz who knows how to do that. :O" Amber MacKenzie says, "+roster, I think." Exo Suit says, "What you mean Kenya? Put division in the finger?" Apocryphacius says, "You want the 'useless' faction cleared out?" Kenya Momesa says, "Yeah Useless division should go and Magnus should not be in the terran faction at all." Exo Suit facepalms as he unconfuses himself, "Yeah, would need a Wiz to fix that as likely to need to adjust attribute values directly (best bet would be a certain code type ;o) )." Kenya Momesa says, "If only we had one with us!" Exo Suit says, "Maybe if we all wish really hard, we won't get slapped. ;o)" Velum says, "Hn, I need to go do something. Will try and be quick, brb." Kenya Momesa says, "Ok so, I think we all agree to put divisions in titles? What about ranks? Are you all happy with the current ranks (+ranks) and with your own rank? Since we're facheadless, who should promotion/demotion should be decided?" Spike Witwicky doesn't mind being bossed around, it's IC for this char. Spike wants to avoid paperwork :I Carly Witwicky says, "I am happy with mine though I am a bit unsure about the actual title since corporal is a bit militaristic, though I am not sure what the alternates are" Spike Witwicky says, "soccer mom" Exo Suit is completely happy to boss his parents around. <.< >.> Kenya Momesa must...resist....urge....to....change...title Carly Witwicky says, "What's a 'soccer'? Stop making up words, Spike" Apocryphacius says, "My rank is fine. I'm technically a war criminal and am scheduled to be executed in a few years, so... yeah, 1 is fine." Spike Witwicky >:I Spike Witwicky says, "haha jesus paco" Kenya Momesa blinks Amber MacKenzie grumbles. "The previous Marissa gave him that sentence as a holding measure to buy time. Her connection was bad during the RP, and she couldn't think of anything else." Kenya Momesa says, "What did you do? Butched her coffee?" Carly Witwicky says, "Hmm what about being a 'diplomat' again, I am sure I used to be" Apocryphacius says, "Eh, I did some bad stuff udner General Cross. ;)" Carly Witwicky says, "You can't kill Apoc, extinction is forever :c" Apocryphacius says, "Don't worry about it! I don't. ;)" Amber MacKenzie waggles a finger at Paco. "Naughty squid. You obeyed his orders and were condemned for it. You also disobeyed his orders and were condemned for it. A bit contradictory there." Spike Witwicky says, "carly the diplomat :(" Kenya Momesa says, "What about James and I? We're not active enough to justify our ranks. I'm motivated to be much more active but I haven't been for a while." Carly Witwicky says, "Like SPike the Diplomat was much better" Spike Witwicky gasp Carly Witwicky says, "I have no problem Kenya as long as you will be active" Kenya Momesa says, "Are you hitting on me again?" Carly Witwicky says, "Like, rank should not /just/ be a gift for being IC a lot, otherwise you get some strange rank systems, but also you need to be about a bit" Kenya Momesa says, "Come on...Spike is here!" Carly Witwicky says, "y-yes" Spike Witwicky hits on velum then Apocryphacius says, "I don't mind. However, I would like to see someone who is reliably active at rank 6, so s/he can move people around and change titles and stuff." Kenya Momesa says, "I agree we can have someone going from rank 1 to rank 8 and back to rank 1 all the time." Amber MacKenzie says, "I know it's not a popular idea, but maybe we should merge with an Autobot unit until such time as we can be active enough to do our own things." Carly Witwicky says, "But on the other hand sometimes you dont /want/ the big boss to be about /all the time/ as that changes rp" Carly Witwicky says, "I dont like a merging idea" Carly Witwicky says, "If anything the Autobots should merge with us >:(" Kenya Momesa says, "I'm not a fan of merging myself...but that's another point I want to discuss." First Aid likes the EDC separate as well. Their goals are different than ours. Kenya Momesa says, "As far as ranking management goes, I'm often around even if Kenya is not logged in so if something needs to be changed, I can do it." Spike Witwicky derps, does not know who kenya's alts are Apocryphacius says, "I would be okay with merging with the Autobots, as Amber suggests, but... I think most people don't like that, and that is fine, too." Carly Witwicky says, "Yeah, toploading the edc just for ooc purposes is not a good idea" Kenya Momesa is Avarice/Outrun/Magnus atm Spike Witwicky says, "WAT" Spike Witwicky mindblown Carly Witwicky says, "I mean I don't think its a huge problem, as long as someone in admin keeps tabs on who is/isnt active etc" Carly Witwicky says, "So we dont have a situation like a few months back when all the active EDCers had the rank of 'inactive'" Apocryphacius says, "Which admin's job is that? Rodimus, ad the allied admin? Repugnus, as the head?" Carly Witwicky says, "I would say Rodimus and/or Repug yeah" Kenya Momesa says, "Most likely." Carly Witwicky says, "Is that the rank thing done?" Kenya Momesa says, "I think it is." Exo Suit says, "I suspect it would fall to various staff. Heck I'll happily help where/when I can (though Galv is obviously not allied with you guys, he sure could thin your ranks if required ;oP )." Kenya Momesa says, "I'll punch him in the face before I go down!" Kenya Momesa says, "Do you have another topic you wish to discuss Carly?" Carly Witwicky says, "I am just going with the flow" Kenya Momesa says, "The next item on my list is our relation with the Autobots. Like I said, I'm personnally not for merging with them. In fact I think we should be more independant from them." Carly Witwicky says, "yes absolutely" Velum says, "okay finally back. Really sorry." Exo Suit used to be really really independant of the Bots. Carly Witwicky :c Velum says, "I agree with independance. Sure, we're strong allies, but we have our own things to deal with at times" Apocryphacius says, "+roster - I cleare dout Useless!" Velum says, "yaay" Exo Suit says, "YAY!" Velum says, "suck it, magnus" Exo Suit says, "Death to the Magnus! Erm I mean good to clear that up. <.< >.>" Kenya Momesa says, "Thanks Paco." Velum says, "This also brings up the point that I think more events to involve the EDC should happen. We had Cross and all the other past stuff and it was great, but mainly it's Autobot and Decepticon stuff at this point." Velum says, "I'm not saying all the time. but once in a while wouldn't hurt" Carly Witwicky says, "I have a selection of different sorts of scenes I will be running" Apocryphacius says, "I sort of wish that being involved with Autobot events was a bit easier?" Carly Witwicky says, "Which will all be exciting" Velum says, "It's difficult?" First Aid says, "I find that plots that cater to certain groups help, but for the most part activity comes from the players and staff actually has very little control over it." Kenya Momesa says, "We should at least have an official position during big event. Like I don't even know what was the terran position during the TCP TP. Did we agree with finishing off Vector Sigma or not?" Carly Witwicky says, "Well having a human in a scene is a different dynamic" First Aid says, "Definitely agree with you, Kenya. Getting them involved in such things is needed." First Aid says, "To answer the question, they waffled until Velum convinced them 'no'" Velum played rather seperate from the EDC during that Kenya Momesa says, "I can't blame you for that." Exo Suit idly notes he'd like to find ways to make Con stuff easier to feature humans rather than just as add-ons to the Bots, "But as Marissa... I mean FA says, that sort of activity comes more from players." Velum says, "But that's cause I was part of retoris, which is where it started" Velum has to juggle three factions, man! Carly Witwicky says, "Well I also want to push the whole 'evil nebulon' thing which would help to make human scenes vs villains" Loadout has arrived. Kenya Momesa says, "Masters certainly help with that." Velum says, "I agree with evil Nebulans" First Aid says, "I guess for official government policy maybe it does have to come from staff to a point, with the EDC higher ups advising or something?" Spike Witwicky says, "evil nebs ftw" Velum says, "that damn Krunk" Bug Creature says, "Well, not to worry, folks, this upcoming scene will involve the EDC quite a bit. Spoiler alert, but the humans and the Autobots are soon going to come to realize that they need to GET TOUGH to beat the Decepticons and their newly found friends in MECH." Velum says, "I'm glad MECH has come around. It's been good in involving the eDC" First Aid says, "...we're not going to resurrect Cross, are we?" Kenya Momesa says, "May I become Grimlock's headmaster?" Carly Witwicky says, "I am genuinely still confused about MECH and what they are" Exo Suit puts on 'When The Going Gets Tough'. Velum says, "MECH was guiding Cross to blow up Cybertron the first time, then they were guiding the hand of the Galactic Assembly" Amber MacKenzie hears the ghostly voice of Franklin Cross coming from somewhere... ;) Carly Witwicky says, "in that, are they a rogue organisation or still part of the government" Bug Creature says, "They're an anti-Transformer unit originally formed by the UN to destroy all Cybertronians, as opposed to the EDC, which only wants to stop the Decepticons." Carly Witwicky says, "Noone seemed to know when I asked on channel last" Bug Creature says, "They WERE authorized by the UN at first, but had to go rogue after General Cross died." Kenya Momesa says, "I had no clue myself." Carly Witwicky says, "Ok, so they are rogue" Carly Witwicky says, "got it" Velum says, "They're similar to their TFP version" Bug Creature says, "And right now they're friends with Scorponok and Lord Zarak." Amber MacKenzie says, "Any reason why we never followed up with Jasper, Nevada? That's practically in Area 51's backyard." Carly Witwicky says, "yeah that confused me too" Carly Witwicky says, "If we know where their base is, and they are rogue and illegal, why have we not chased them out" Bug Creature says, "Well, look at +tpinfo." Velum is eager to punch Zarak and Silas at the same time Carly Witwicky says, "When I asked about it, peopel thought they were still part of the gov and that was why" Carly Witwicky says, "aha" Bug Creature says, "That won't be THE scene but it will be a contributing scene." Carly Witwicky says, "Got it" Velum says, "So are we gonna app Breakdown for Silas anytime soon" Bug Creature says, "MECH, being what it is, does still have shadowy backers in various corporations and governments." Spike Witwicky hee Bug Creature says, "You know, like Cobra, but competent." Velum says, "haha" Exo Suit says, "And without having Starscream voice their leader." First Aid says, "Having some State of The ___ posts help in people learning about this sort of stuff." Carly Witwicky says, "yeah" First Aid says, "Which is why the latest Quint post was great. It makes a lot of things clear." Amber MacKenzie says, "Wasn't someone posting weekly summaries for a while?" First Aid says, "Before if you had asked a random player what the Quints were up to, I doubt they'd really know." Kenya Momesa says, "I agree with FA. I always liked those post. They are especially usefull for those who miss key scenes." Bug Creature says, "Sorry. I guess I take it for granted that this stuff filters down!" Bug Creature says, "Maybe I should make an article about MECH, too, not just Silas." Carly Witwicky says, "I think there aare a decent amount of people who weren't about when the MECH tp went down" Amber MacKenzie says, "Baseball cap dudes!" Rodimus Prime has arrived. Exo Suit nods, "Probably a good idea." Kenya Momesa says, "The wiki is an awesome tool for that yeah." Bug Creature says, "Lessee... their motto: Humans up, robohos down" Amber MacKenzie says, "How about "Us against the freaks of the Universe"?" Carly Witwicky says, "How about 'Protecting the Earth against the robot menace, Monday to Friday 9-5, not bank holidays"" Bug Creature says, "So here's a question for everyone. Would it help increase interest in EDC characters if there were opposing MECH characters, like wacky TP characters, for them to fight?" Velum says, "I think so, yes" Carly Witwicky says, "Maybe not /wacky/ as MECH seems to be a more serious thing, but some sort of face to it would help" First Aid says, "Not for me, personally. I'm fine with murdering Decepticons. I think an increased awareness of what's going on human-side would." Kenya Momesa says, "Hell yeah. It was so much more fun for me when Ollin was around. I'm sure it would help to have MECH TP chars." First Aid says, "(of which MECH could be a big part)" Amber MacKenzie says, "Eh, I worry about similarities to the Protectorate." Velum says, "though I also agree with FA. So I don't think MECH stuff should be all the time" Carly Witwicky says, "The problem with the Protectorate was that it was 'here is a faction of evil humans who conquered half the world in a bbpost, also there are three of them and everything is a fait accomplai" Carly Witwicky says, "There's nothing wrong in principle with evil humans" Carly Witwicky says, "Though I kinda think the nebulons fill the gap a bit for 'evil size 2 guys'" Kenya Momesa says, "They were PC instead of TP char." Kenya Momesa says, "Do the *masters have size 2 modes now? I saw someone saying something about that." Carly Witwicky says, "Yeah" Velum says, "yep and it's awesome" Exo Suit says, "Yeah they do." Kenya Momesa says, "Awesome." Velum says, "it really changes up the playing field" Bug Creature says, "Well, as Compton Xabat, the thing I discovered was how hard it was to be an evil human when no one else wants to be one." Carly Witwicky says, "Xabat was cool though" Exo Suit says, "It also means more of them can hit on Velum." Bug Creature says, "So TP characters might work better?" Velum says, "ohmy~" Amber MacKenzie says, "The Decepticon Nebulans won't have that problem. They're evil by definition." Spike Witwicky darts afk Carly Witwicky says, "I guess it depends if this MECH is short, mid or long term" Carly Witwicky says, "And what it will bring to the table" Bug Creature says, "Well! We'll see how popular they are after this next event. I know Rodimus really likes MECH, or Silas at least." Carly Witwicky says, "But having people with actual charbits, even for one or two scenes, as opposed to just emitting chars is always preferable to me" Apocryphacius says, "I was imagining MECH would be mid term but not permanent, as a player? I imagine people will get bored of them eventually." Exo Suit says, "The protectorate was a rather big push to create player characters that were sort of the opposite of the EDC. The trouble, and the reason there was such a bad reaction to them was because it was such a big push without any input from players. The Alt-u stuff worked because (as I recall) it came out of a TP that players liked so much it got expanded. Having TP chars around for MECH I think won't be close to where the Protectorate failed." Kenya Momesa says, "Alt-humans are just awesome :)" First Aid says, "S'why I liked Cross a lot. The setting was put out there and everyone reacted differentl and took different stands." Bug Creature says, "It would be like a monster of the month, except the monster is actually a human with a baseball cap and maybe a doomsday weapon." Velum says, "maybe" Carly Witwicky says, "But I think the important thing is to let things develop organically and do more of what people find neat" Carly Witwicky says, "Which is the lesson that came from the Protectorate, I think" Bug Creature says, "Precisely. And fear not, MECH is not going to take over 75% of the world's land mass suddenly." Bug Creature says, "Maybe." Exo Suit nods, "Yup, it's pretty much the lesson learnt from why the alt-u succeeded and the Protectorate did not." Carly Witwicky says, "I would also like to see more scenes that are explcitly 'human scene' as it is a different dymanic that I am enjoying. I am trying to run some myself, but just throwing that out there. WHile I like to be inclusive, if you are running a human scene and a giant robot turns up, it can tend to become 'giant robot uses their giant robot strength and lasers and reach to insta-win" Velum says, "On a previous note about the Nebulans, I'm curious to see what they come u pwith also" Loadout us his giant robot strength to kick in Velum's front door. Loadout uses too. Bug Creature says, "Unless it's Americon." Velum kicks Loadout's ass >:I Carly Witwicky says, "And I guess a solution is to keep running exciting scenes to inspire people to add a human/nebulon to their repertoire, so when a good scene does come along they can log in their size 2 guy rather than going along as grimlock or whatever" Carly Witwicky says, "Yes apart from Americon" Exo Suit sneaks in Velums back door while she is busy with Loadout, "Now, hope she has Netflix." Apocryphacius says, "What if the monster is a tiny spider and the Autobots are too big to get the spider and only a tiny human can get the spider." Carly Witwicky says, "Well Americon is super non-twinky" Bug Creature says, "But I get that. Then again, a social scene nay be derailed by the appearance of a guy from a rival faction regardless." Velum says, "true" Carly Witwicky says, "Well not just social scenes, but yeah" Velum says, "It depends on the location, I think" Kenya Momesa says, "It's harder for a TF to show up inside a human house." Bug Creature says, "There's situations which only humans or human-like people can deal with, too. Like say you want to infiltrate a cake factory that's actually an evil bioweapons lab for MECH. Doing that as a giant transforming robot might be pretty hard!" Velum says, "Tell that to Americon. The guy's crafty, man" Kenya Momesa says, "Just like I find it harder to justify bringing Kenya to a scene on Cybertron...which may be a problem if we wish to increase humans activity." Carly Witwicky says, "Yeah Pug, that's what I mean. And sometimes it is hard to say 'no this is a human scene' so you end up with Grimlock coming along to infiltrate and then he uses his giant dinosaur lasers to kill everyone (just as an example this did not happen)" Amber MacKenzie nods. "I've sat out so many TPs because it didn't make sense for Amber to be mingling with fighting giant robots on an alien planet. She has no armor." Kenya Momesa gives Amber a green lantern ring. First Aid says, "Despite me constantly trying to convince you that it's cool and the Autobots are used to humans doing that." Bug Creature says, "Well there could be consequences for that. Like if Grimlock rampages in the cake factory, he may accidentally unleash Super Herpes on the human race." Amber MacKenzie says, "Decepticons aren't. ;)" Velum says, "haha" Carly Witwicky says, "It is very G1 to go to an alien planet full of robots shooting at you, wearing only casualwear" Kenya Momesa says, "Maybe we should open an embassy on Cybertron or something." Amber MacKenzie says, "There's an embassy section in the Decagon." Kenya Momesa says, "Really? Cool." Carly Witwicky says, "The solution is to run more exciting scenes so people will want to go to them" Bug Creature says, "Ooh. What about a park? Like a bunch of grass and trees in the middle of all the metal and stuff." Exo Suit has no problem hanging around giant robots, "Though my courage may be involved there." Velum says, "I wouldn't be surprised if there was already stuff in like Iacon to accomidate humans and the like" Velum says, "There's certainly Retoris, which is where all the aliens go to live." Loadout says, "You want to bring your filthy -dirt- onto our homeworld?" Loadout says, "You savages." Kenya Momesa kicks Loadout. Carly Witwicky says, "Amber, is the issue 'why and in what context are these humans in space with Autobots'?" Carly Witwicky says, "because I admit sometimes it is tricky to think up just /why/ you would be tagging along" Carly Witwicky says, "Though the old 'EDC-Autobot relations' thing can cover most holes" Bug Creature says, "Well, it never stopped the G1 writers. :O" Kenya Momesa says, "I was hoping to run a couple of black ops on Cybertron...this could help justify our presence up there. We're just visiting...that's right...visiting." Carly Witwicky says, "Yeah Spike and Carly ran about on Cybertron all the time, and it didnt even have an atmosphere" Exo Suit says, "Though to be fair they may have been on drugs when writing (not saying any proof, but it would not shock me)." Carly Witwicky is just hardcore Loadout says, "Autobots have a long history of taking squishy vulnerable humans into stupidly dangerous situations for no good reason." Apocryphacius says, "Do we know it didn't have an atmosphere? :v" Carly Witwicky says, "Good point" Carly Witwicky says, "But then in G1 helicopters can fly in space so I guess everywhere has an atmosphere" Velum says, "magic" Carly Witwicky says, "Kenya I am planning on stepping up Con activity on Earth, especially aimed against the EDC with evil nebulon guys, perhaps we could liaise" Amber MacKenzie says, "I was just speaking of my own situation. Amber is very specialized at this time: stealth operations. Though I've been working on widening her usefulness. So that leaves a no-armour, no-exo woman in an alien atmosphere who is rarely needed for stealth stuff, and who actually values her life. If she's gonna risk it, it had better be for a bloody good reason, not because she wants to tag along like... Daniel used to. ;)" Aramasu Hikage has arrived. Jazz has left. Exo Suit says, "It was the candy, they kept offering me candy!" Kenya Momesa says, "Sure Carly." Carly Witwicky says, "I guess that is the sort of situation where it is useful to have someone high up giving you orders to do things" Velum says, "heya hikage" Exo Suit watches Carly take command of the Decepticons, "The ultimate revenge on Scorponok, Galvatron makes Carly his new commander." Aramasu Hikage says, "I was already here, just swapped comp and character but hello to you too :P" Aramasu Hikage says, "Replace Zarak with Sped" Carly Witwicky says, "I was going to criticise you for not filling out your oocfinger but then I realised I am worse :c" Aramasu Hikage says, "Done :)" Carly Witwicky says, "Aha" Carly Witwicky says, "Now I know who you are!" Carly Witwicky says, "Also I am running a scene on Saturday, it would be nice if people could come along. I am aiming for it to be lighthearted but it might end with Spike losing consensual death and getting killed off" Kenya Momesa says, "I guess I can help with that Amber. I'll find you some stealthty stuff to do. I'm sure Hikage would like a partner." Bug Creature says, "It's about time, dude's 70" Exo Suit is also rather stealthy these days, "In that I have hide on the exo." Velum says, "You silly humans and your hiding. Gotta be up front with GUNS BLAZING" Kenya Momesa says, "I can't promise anything for saturday. I may be around but my girlfriend may also threaten to crush my if I'm on the computer all night." Exo Suit says, "Just remember not to idle." Kenya Momesa says, "I won't end up like Nosecone, I swear." Carly Witwicky says, "Haha I remember that" Velum says, "so what's next on the list of topics?" Kenya Momesa says, "I have another, more technical point, I would like to discuss. Would it be possible to change Marissa's function to EDC Commander? I think many people are unaware of her IC position. It may be wishfull thinking but she may attract more attention that way." Carly Witwicky says, "That is a good idea" Kenya Momesa says, "Of course, since FA is going to app her, it's not very important but still." Carly Witwicky says, "General makes me think of an old man with a beard and mutton chops" Apocryphacius says, "Maybe she IS an old man with a beard and mutton chops. Who knows?" Apocryphacius says, "Changing her function is probably doable." Exo Suit says, "Also, may be an idea to force her the alias Marissa (typing the fullname is icky, and most people will likely try the first name). Or I may just be lazy." Amber MacKenzie says, "How about reactivating Lovecraft for a figurehead until such time as we have a real, live EDC Commander? He can make bboard posts as needed to mobilize the EDC." Bug Creature says, "Lovecraft?" Kenya Momesa says, "Sec Gen" Carly Witwicky says, "I am not sure anyone remembers who he is" Amber MacKenzie says, "+finger Lovecraft. I think Ollin was the last person to play him." Carly Witwicky says, "You might as well just use Marissa" Aramasu Hikage says, "Can always use Barton for a puppet General" Bug Creature says, "Geeze, nobody's gonna know who that guy is." Carly Witwicky says, "HP Lovecraft" Velum always imagined MArissa to be the true edc fachead Bug Creature says, "They'll get the reference but won't see the relevance." Amber MacKenzie says, "Used to the the Sec-Gen, but that was back in the 90s." Bug Creature says, "Cross > Marissa, though." Carly Witwicky says, "Bring back Xabat" Velum says, "that damn cross" Carly Witwicky says, "make him sec gen" Velum says, "Actually don't we have an NPC sec gen?" Exo Suit seems to recall Spike being Sec-Gen too. Velum says, "To" Amber MacKenzie says, "Carly was, too. :)" Kenya Momesa says, "Do we need a NPC Sec Gen?" Carly Witwicky says, "Haha what" Carly Witwicky says, "Really?" Bug Creature says, "Elaine To is the current one?..." Amber MacKenzie says, "Yep." Carly Witwicky says, "So I was sec gen AND mother to Dawn?" Carly Witwicky says, "Has half the EDC been Sec Gen?" Exo Suit has never been sec-gen. Bug Creature says, "Sure, you have to meet your quota of surviving robots first." Exo Suit says, "So they may still have standards." First Aid says, "So it's agreed. Daniel is our next Sec-Gen." Carly Witwicky says, "I would prefer an NPC sec gen than squeeze another char into it" Kenya Momesa says, "God help us." First Aid says, "Currently (as of TCP) Elaine To is our Sec-Gen." Amber MacKenzie says, "Danno has a shady past, though." Exo Suit says, "First act as sec-gen, demote Kenya to my butler." First Aid says, "She featured in a couple news reports and gave Velum assignments." Velum says, "yess" Kenya Momesa says, "Then we have our NPC." Apocryphacius says, "Okay, so we have Elaine To as our NPC to give orders." Carly Witwicky says, "Maybe the Sec Gen could be Tabax Notpmoc" Bug Creature says, "And may actually be a MECH-controlled android." Loadout says, "You need a sec gen who delivers orders through messages on explosive paper. Name him Chief Wimby." Loadout says, "Chief Quimby rather. God I hate this keyboard." Exo Suit says, "So Kenya has to say, "Go Go Gadget Armour" to summon his armour?" Kenya Momesa says, "lol I could do that. Still beat the power rangers." Carly Witwicky says, "I guess one outstanding question is what sort of scenes for humans are people most interested in? I mean I remember Nate saying he disliked that the EDC became mostly BBQ socials, so should we do more actiony things, or out and out fighty, or do we need to whip out the BBQ?" Velum still wants to see Kenya and Hikage fight Cons sometime Carly Witwicky says, "I personally think that every scene needs to involve a BBQ" Kenya Momesa says, "You will soon hopefully." Amber MacKenzie agrees with Nate. First Aid says, "From when I was a fleshling, I liked doing things in current TPs that furthered Earth's cause." Kenya Momesa says, "BBQ are fine...but not while the cons are attacking a hospital." Velum says, "I think bbqs should sit on the bottom of the list" First Aid says, "If Andi ever comes back we're doing a BBQ." Kenya Momesa says, "I remember the glory days of humans, when FA was playing Marissa. We had more humans than autobots in scene. I even had some cons freaking at me for not playing my TF alts enough." Apocryphacius says, "There's... not much that I specifically /want/ to do with Apoc? He's in the weird situation of being super-techy, but if he's in a scene, someone else who is even techier will show up, and he won't have anything to do?" Kenya Momesa says, "I think humans should be sneaking...launching raids on Decepticons facilities on Cybertron... searching for Trypticon on Earth...etc" First Aid thinks the Bots know where Trypticon is, but I could be wrong. First Aid says, "His move was hard to disguise." Carly Witwicky says, "I was told that when the Cons moved Trypticon they did it in /secret/ but i am not sure how true that is?" Kenya Momesa says, "Really? I was under the impression there was a big diversion." Velum says, "Apoc is the EDC mascot" Apocryphacius says, "(And also, he always flubs his TECH rolls.)" Bug Creature says, "Eh, the secret has to be out by now." Carly Witwicky says, "I guess it depends if anyone in Bot intelligence ever followed it up" First Aid ran the scene and I don't recall a diversion. He's in a canyon but viewable from above. Carly Witwicky says, "I am more keen on people doing things ICly than just OOCly assuming knowledge" Amber MacKenzie says, "The Cons hid Tryppy in Antarctica before. This isn't the first time. I'm sure there would be environmental effects, too, that could be traced." First Aid says, "It wouldn't have been tough to have a spaceship watching him." Exo Suit says, "This is where they need an evil scientist type to come up with some crazy device to help hide him." First Aid says, "He was in Newfoundland before if I recall." Kenya Momesa says, "I thought he was underground. My bad." Amber MacKenzie looks at Paco. Carly Witwicky says, "I mean sure, the Bots might have a good idea OOCly where it is, but if ICly they've just been sitting back in their chairs, smoking their enercigs and going 'eh I dont care to look into where the Con baes is' then they shouldn't be able to ICly find him" Carly Witwicky says, "I have no idea how a move would have been hidden, but if people did successfully ICly do that, then it should be respected as a first-base assumption of the situation" Kenya Momesa says, "I could picture a bunch of humans on snowmobiles sneaking towards Tryppy to spy on the cons." First Aid says, "Snowjob from GI Joe will get a cameo." Carly Witwicky says, "Like, it is an opportunity for Rodimus to order Bot intel to do some proper intel work" Kenya Momesa says, "What about our intel? Amber : get a warm coat." Apocryphacius knits Amber a sweater. Bug Creature says, "Was Snowjob the one that got turned into a whale? :O" Amber MacKenzie eyes Kenya and Paco. "It'd have to be better than that, dudes. It'd have to beat infrared, or the Cons would see me." First Aid says, "He's the 'don't give him the stick' guy." Bug Creature says, "Ah, right." Apocryphacius says, "How do you know my sweaters don't beat infrared? :v" Kenya Momesa says, "Just crawl in the snow. It will do the trick." Amber MacKenzie politely declines, inviting Kenya and Paco to do it themselves. Kenya Momesa says, "I should really app a sneaky ability like Holo or Sneak so I can do other things than punching Decepticons in the face." Bug Creature says, "Cover yourselves in wet mud like in Predator." Amber MacKenzie says, "Send the Ninja. :)" Kenya Momesa says, "Half naked Amber covered in mud? Keep Dano away." Velum says, "but punching cons i nthe face is fun :C" Bug Creature says, "...or just stay out of sight as much as possible." Amber MacKenzie already had her mud bath on the way to the Ark. As did Velum. :) Kenya Momesa says, "Well this is an interesting tactical discussion but I have another question : Would it be possible for the EDC to get their own booster vendor? Or are booster a TF only thing?" Velum says, "Two muddy ladies on a bike" Apocryphacius says, "Anyone can buy from booster vendors." Bug Creature says, "Hrm. Maybe he means a vendor that's more... local?" Apocryphacius says, "Sure, that's doable." Kenya Momesa nods. Apocryphacius says, "it won't be any different from the other one, though." Kenya Momesa says, "I think that would be cool. But that's just me. I don't know what the others think. It would be a nice touch to our R&D facilities. We could name it Q." Carly Witwicky says, "Also on an IC note the EDC seem to have a lot of bases but none are eber really used" Amber MacKenzie snickers. "For Quintesson." Amber MacKenzie says, "Yes! For instance, the Arcology. Been sitting there since the 90s. Almost never been used since then." Velum says, "Another booster vendor would be nice, yes" Carly Witwicky says, "I always though the Arcology was some sort of natural history museum" Carly Witwicky says, "Like, genuinely, becuase it sounds like 'archeology'" Carly Witwicky says, "That is just how my brain works" Amber MacKenzie says, "It's in Cairo. I believe it was attacked once, had some damage, then was repaired." Carly Witwicky says, "But apparently we have Decepticon island as a base too?" Apocryphacius says, "I thought the Arcology was a Militant thing that would launch into space when you beat Sim City." Aramasu Hikage lol Amber MacKenzie says, "We should do something with Copernicus. After all, Pug had to party by himself to get it back." Carly Witwicky says, "I think it is worth knowing what is an actual base and what is defunct, and maybe make sure we have a 'main' base" Amber MacKenzie points to FA. "He built the current base." Kenya Momesa says, "I didn't know we had any base left beside the ground bridge one." First Aid will take the blame for the ground bridge base :-) Apocryphacius says, "Well. FA built the current base." Carly Witwicky says, "According to one thing I saw we have lots but I genuinely have no idea which are actually in use" Kenya Momesa says, "I love it!" First Aid says, "It paid for my tech upgrade though so I apologize for nothing!" Apocryphacius says, "We could just get rid of the other bases." Bug Creature says, "Brutally" Carly Witwicky says, "We can put them on the Decepticon hit list" Carly Witwicky says, "Yeah" Kenya Momesa says, "Damn right." Aramasu Hikage says, "Better!" Exo Suit says, "So how does the ground bridge base work? Is it an actual ground bridge, or that just the name?" Kenya Momesa says, "I cleared the EDC page from all base except the ground bridge one anyway :p" Carly Witwicky says, "Or have them lose consensual death, so they wont necessarily be destroyed but if the bad guys win they will be" Aramasu Hikage says, "We get rid of the other bases by baiting the Decepticons to attack them and blow them up with them inside." First Aid says, "Basically there's several bases spread throughout the planet connected by Ground Bridges, so the EDC can respond to anywhere in the world quickly." Exo Suit says, "So are the bases such as Arcology in that network?" Kenya Momesa says, "Nope" Kenya Momesa says, "We have : Area 51, Paris, Korea, Burkina Faso, Siberia..." Amber MacKenzie says, "There's the Groundbridge base, the Arcology, the UN, pieces of GECCO (defunct), and Copernicus. There's a secret base that belonged to the Mils (never been found). The Obsidian Pyramid in Central America (formerly the Mils' and probably defunct, too). I think Gentemata Ranch is also defunct." Exo Suit says, "Maybe find all the current bases, decide which ones to keep, and get them hooked up (RP accordingly at getting techs to hook them up, can even introduce random plots while they do so to create chaos, good for a one off TP perhaps?" Carly Witwicky says, "That sounds like a BUILDING PROJECT *stares at Spike*" Kenya Momesa says, "I want a base on the moon :(" Velum says, "good idea" Spike Witwicky returns Aramasu Hikage says, "We already have copernicus" Spike Witwicky says, "huh" Apocryphacius says, "We could have a TP where the Decepticonc crash Copernicus into the moon so we put a base on the moon?" Aramasu Hikage says, "It's close enough" Carly Witwicky says, "I like that idea" Kenya Momesa says, "Sounds good. The fire will clean it from Blot's smell." Aramasu Hikage says, "Then we can secretely build the Gotterdammerung on the dark side of the moon." Kenya Momesa says, "ha ha ha." Velum says, "the what" Amber MacKenzie hears "Neodammerung" when you say that. Aramasu Hikage says, "Gigantic space vessel hidden under the moon surface built by Nazis on the dark side of the moon in 1945" Velum says, "neat" Rewind has arrived. Carly Witwicky says, "Okay guys it has been magical but I need to go to bed as I have work tomorrow, just pretend I was still here giving sage advice and being witty" Velum says, "night carlyyy" Aramasu Hikage says, "Night Carly" Rodimus Prime has left. Kenya Momesa says, "Night Carly!" First Aid says, "Night Carly!" Rewind says, "Is the idea behind the EDC still that's it's sort of X Com based?" Kenya Momesa says, "Un funded organisation that aim to protect Earth." Loadout says, "It should be Kerbal Space Program based." Kenya Momesa says, "Mostly but not only from the Cons." Bug Creature says, "Yeah." Velum says, "I always thought the EDC was like the merging of the worlds' militaries" First Aid says, "Its size keeps varying, on whether they're an army or a smaller squad." First Aid says, "Small squad is somewhat more recent." Amber MacKenzie says, "After the Long Night, I would think that it expanded hugely. People can't ignore the problem any longer." Kenya Momesa says, "I always saw them as Earth's army." First Aid says, "The nations still have their army." Bug Creature says, "Well, the Long Night kinda totaled them, and Cross's campaign got a lot of them killed too. Buuut it has been a year since Cross died (kinda)" First Aid says, "I dunno, up to you guys on size." Kenya Momesa says, "Oh you're righr FA." First Aid says, "I think I prefer smaller size, but with the option to commandeer assets from governments as needed." Velum says, "makes sense" First Aid says, "So if they need an aircraft carrier then the US supplies them with one." Amber MacKenzie says, "Or they can cycle assets from various national armies into the EDC for something like a tour of duty." First Aid says, "Or if they need a base to operate from in Europe then France lends a hand." First Aid says, "Or if they need a busted submarine then they phone up the Canadians." Kenya Momesa says, "We're not suicidal." Amber MacKenzie notes, "France is pro-Decepticon, thanks to some people." She eyes Pug. Aramasu Hikage says, "If we need state of the art aircraft we can call North Korea" First Aid says, "Or that sweet life size model jet." Bug Creature says, "That's Nate's fault actually! :O" Velum says, "Damn those Briars" Exo Suit says, "It may even be a combination. A core group that is always in the EDC, and can call on the resources of any nation as the circumstances require, and our gumbies are provided through nations on the whole 'tour of duty' setup." First Aid says, "Small size also helps explain why their leader are going into combat rather than riding a desk." Kenya Momesa says, "Could be an interesting way to train Earth's armies so they learn to defend themselves from the Cons." Amber MacKenzie says, "That way, various forces can learn how to work as a team with the EDC as well." Kenya Momesa says, "Because someone could force Marissa to stay home while the others go fighting? :)" Kenya Momesa says, "When I look at this, I imagine Spike as a Drill sergeant receiving a new load of recruits every now and then." Velum says, "it's the only time he gets to boss people around" Spike Witwicky :I Velum says, "Btw, I think at some point we should do an IC meeting to discuss current events and tactics, if possible." Kenya Momesa cheers for strategic meetings. "I agree. We need to use our base sometimes." Bug Creature says, "Yeah, you got a lot of cool buildings for studying things, and building them, and training and all that." Exo Suit says, "Wait... surely a strategic meeting would be held in Kenyas backyard with a BBQ. ;o)" Velum slaps Daniel Amber MacKenzie shoots Daniel. Apocryphacius says, "One thing. would it make any IC sense to have this particular collection of people at a steategic meeting?" Kenya Momesa says, "I'm gonna put you on that BBQ." Exo Suit says, "Ahhh, slapped and shot by the women of the EDC. Feels like old times now." Kenya Momesa says, "If we're a small core unit...yes." Spike Witwicky says, "BBQQQ" Velum says, "To be fair everyone here is fairly unique and important in the EDC" Velum says, "And not just 'generic soldier'" Exo Suit says, "And I'm just too cute not to invite." Rewind says, "Yeah, I think if the EDC is like this GI Joe team that supercedes standard military, they'd all be on the same page more or less for security access" First Aid says, "Speaking of all this, if the EDC is small the rank thing could almost refer to their technical rank when working with a nation's army." Amber MacKenzie says, "Paaaaaaaco. Can you make me an environmental suit with armor?" Velum says, "you get invited cause you're Witwicky >:I" Apocryphacius says, "If you can get CharStaff to approve it, I can build it, I am sure." Amber MacKenzie says, "Who do I bribe?" Apocryphacius says, "Go bother FM." Kenya Momesa says, "Until he begs for mercy!" Bug Creature says, "Well, we got any other topics we wanna discuss?" Velum says, "Spindrift is also charstaff" Kenya Momesa says, "I'm done." Amber MacKenzie says, "I do like the idea of interacting with Nebulans, and not necessary just the bad guys." Velum <3 Bug Creature says, "Yeah, the Nebulans suddenly became pretty popular despite ruining the MUSH forever." Kenya Momesa says, "Damn them." Velum says, "psh you're just jealous" Kenya Momesa says, "Down we the Nebulans. Bring back the alt-humans!" Rewind says, "Oh! I guess, as a thought in brains" Bug Creature says, "?" Rewind says, "The new Cybertron grid is gonna have several 'human colony' type places" Velum says, "sweet" Rewind says, "so put that i nyour brains" Kenya Momesa says, "Really? Nice" Bug Creature says, "Argh it hurts" Exo Suit passes that on to an alt, who makes a sort of 'NYARGH' noise. Velum says, "it makes sense" Exo Suit likes the idea. Velum says, "Daniel can have an apartment star systems away from his parents now" Rewind says, "Yup" Kenya Momesa says, "Well our barracks are in Siberia... :p" Exo Suit says, "I've been travelling the stars, who says I don't have many apartments in all manner of directions to use as bolt holes when Carly gets in the mood to set me up with someone." Velum says, "haha" Aramasu Hikage gets paid by Carly to keep track of Daniel. Exo Suit uses his exo to fly away from the ninja, and then to hide from him. Velum says, "you can't hide from a ninja, man" Rewind says, "i just realized that one of the Cybertron human areas actually mentions BBQs ;(" Velum says, "ohgod" First Aid says, "Ha ha." Amber MacKenzie avoids it! Kenya Momesa says, "CONSPIRACY!" Velum says, "So does that conclude the meeting then, or..?" Kenya Momesa says, "Unless someone has something else to add?" Velum doesn't. Bug Creature says, "Recap the big points?" Bug Creature says, "Reshuffle ranks" Bug Creature says, "Give the EDC things to do" Bug Creature says, "Make Marissa the official boss" Kenya Momesa says, "Raises all humans stats to 100." Bug Creature says, "...and there may be more? I was getting paged a lot. ;(" Bug Creature bap Kenya Momesa says, "Ouch" Bug Creature transforms before that becomes a problem Amber MacKenzie says, "Except size." The creature spins and twists about into Repugnus's robot mode! First Aid has a minor human point. First Aid might be the only one, but it feels like the way humans are set up it'd be really hard to have something exotic as your alt mode. Repugnus says, "Sure" Exo Suit says, "You forgot 'Make First Aid app Marissa'" Velum has left. First Aid says, "Like if you had a jet mode or even a submarine mode, you'd be locked out of a lot of scenes." Velum has arrived. Kenya Momesa says, "I think that's why most of us favor power armors." Velum says, "SORRY" Velum says, "That damn Prime wisking me away" Repugnus says, "Oh. That's true. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, though, if the vehicle had another mode...?" Rewind says, "Wisked her right off her feet" Velum says, "I know he wants me to have the Matrix next, but pls" First Aid says, "Yeah, like power armour seems like the safest option unless you want to splurge on a triplechanger." Kenya Momesa says, "3rd mode is expensive for an OC" Exo Suit says, "I can confirm that, since I worked out the cost when working on Daniel. Icky for an OC." Kenya Momesa says, "There's no easy way to fix that. At least none that I can see." Repugnus says, "Or maybe if your jet had really big wheels and could drive around like a car." Amber MacKenzie says, "Flight isn't as important as it used to be, since you can use +meetme to get to a fight, even if it's in space." Apocryphacius says, "Thing is, no one ever had dogfights before +meetme existed." Aramasu Hikage says, "Flight is cool when you want to hit jets with your melee attacks." Kenya Momesa says, "And with a Jet mode you would be screwed if the scene happens inside a building." First Aid says, "Yeah." Repugnus says, "Hrm, well, some buildings even a guy with an Exo-Suit might have to get out." Kenya Momesa says, "I'm only size 4 in armor mode...so most of the time, I'm ok. I know Velum has a bigger exo though." Velum says, "size 5" Amber MacKenzie says, "Is she... compensating? ;)" Velum says, "big arm, big exo... maybe" Aramasu Hikage is also size 4 in power armor First Aid says, "What's the smallest that flesh creature power armour can be?" Exo Suit is size 3 in both his exo modes. Kenya Momesa says, "You're small!" Velum says, "I think the same size as them maybe? idk" Exo Suit says, "Size 3 is the smallest for human combat modes." Kenya Momesa says, "That would be too small for me." First Aid nods. Exo Suit says, "I *think* you can get away with size 2 for alt-u modes (due to their previous values). But don't quote me on that one." First Aid says, "Yeah Josef was Size 2." Kenya Momesa says, "I thought all alt-humans were size 3 without their armor." Exo Suit recalls his Benefactor was size 2. Exo Suit says, "It was an option, size 2 or 3." First Aid seems to recall specifically asking for size 2 cuz I wanted to be able to use the EDC stuff. Aramasu Hikage is size 2 without armor but I am small to sneak into places. Ravenstep was 3 Kenya Momesa says, "I feel lonely now :(" James Bailey has arrived. Repugnus says, "Hrm, well, it is quieting d--woaaahh!" James Bailey hahs. Sorry just got home from work. Kenya Momesa gasps. Exo Suit says, "So, that concludes the meeting, tomorrow we commence operation: Kill Jame... oh hey there James. <.< >.>" First Aid says, "Bailey!" Velum says, "jaaames" Velum says, "Speaking of people that need to get IC." Amber MacKenzie hires Hikage to kill Bailey. O:) James Bailey grins First Aid says, "Yeah!" Rewind has left. Repugnus says, "James, we've discussed a lot of stuff, such as ranks, finding things for the EDC to do, MECH, and blowing up/merging bases." James Bailey ahhs Exo Suit heads off to snore and cause earthquakes (well I can dream), "Night all." Repugnus says, "I guess it's a bit late, but did you have anything you wanna add?" James Bailey waves Repugnus says, "Seeya." Kenya Momesa says, "Night dano" James Bailey says, "Nope not really. Sorry for never being around, but RL is just not letting me be in scenes right now." James Bailey says, "Although I'm always up for smaller non-plot RP" Repugnus says, "Alright then. Well, shoot, seems you came in right at the end, though. ;(" Kenya Momesa says, "Did you inform him he's going to have to trade his exo for a bicycle?" Amber MacKenzie says, "And that he'll have to temp Marissa for us?" Aramasu Hikage says, "I thought it was for a Segway" Repugnus says, "Combat Segway from Segway Island" Aramasu Hikage says, "Sounds like we are pretty much done for tonight." Aramasu Hikage has left.