| - "You will never win.", said the guard. Shockwave smiled, he knew he had already won Damascus. Humans are so fragile., thought Shockwave. He had single-handingly killed Syria's psycho president, freeing the people of the country. Now, he had to get back to the Himalayas. "Say goodbye, evil-doer." Shockwave quickly ripped the guard in half and jumped off the balcony. Then, he activated his cloaking device. As he snuck through the streets of Damascus, saw a man with six fingers. That man is going to die., he thought. Just as he thought this, two guards came to the man and shot him. I knew it! He kept sneaking, until he got to an alley. He deactvated his cloak and turned, he bumped into a platypus. "Watch it, mate!", the platypus yelled. He had a Scottish accent and a thick army jacket that sa
| - "You will never win.", said the guard. Shockwave smiled, he knew he had already won Damascus. Humans are so fragile., thought Shockwave. He had single-handingly killed Syria's psycho president, freeing the people of the country. Now, he had to get back to the Himalayas. "Say goodbye, evil-doer." Shockwave quickly ripped the guard in half and jumped off the balcony. Then, he activated his cloaking device. As he snuck through the streets of Damascus, saw a man with six fingers. That man is going to die., he thought. Just as he thought this, two guards came to the man and shot him. I knew it! He kept sneaking, until he got to an alley. He deactvated his cloak and turned, he bumped into a platypus. "Watch it, mate!", the platypus yelled. He had a Scottish accent and a thick army jacket that said "OWCA","SGT.",and "McCaine". He had red fur, green eyes, and a mean lookin' rifle."Well don't bother to say 'sorry!'", he said. The platypus turned and walked away. Shockwave dd the same, in the direction of India......