| - Azula was tasked by her father, Fire Lord Ozai, to apprehend the exiled nationals Iroh and Prince Zuko after Iroh's treachery and Zuko's failure at the North Pole. Azula found the two and pretended that she was to escort them home so that Ozai could be surrounded by family, the only ones he could really trust. However, Iroh suspected the lie and he and Zuko escaped from Azula when one of Azula's guards let slip that they were prisoners. Not willing to alert them of her presence or be slowed down by the Royal Procession, Azula recruited Ty Lee and Mai to help her hunt down Zuko and Iroh. However, at the captured city of Omashu, where Mai's family had moved to supervise the occupation, Azula's group encountered Team Avatar as they attempted to rescue King Bumi. It was here that Azula first e
| - Azula was tasked by her father, Fire Lord Ozai, to apprehend the exiled nationals Iroh and Prince Zuko after Iroh's treachery and Zuko's failure at the North Pole. Azula found the two and pretended that she was to escort them home so that Ozai could be surrounded by family, the only ones he could really trust. However, Iroh suspected the lie and he and Zuko escaped from Azula when one of Azula's guards let slip that they were prisoners. Not willing to alert them of her presence or be slowed down by the Royal Procession, Azula recruited Ty Lee and Mai to help her hunt down Zuko and Iroh. However, at the captured city of Omashu, where Mai's family had moved to supervise the occupation, Azula's group encountered Team Avatar as they attempted to rescue King Bumi. It was here that Azula first encountered the Avatar and, although Aang and his friends managed to evade her, Azula was relentless and continued to track them down. After their escape, Team Avatar found Toph Beifong to teach Aang earthbending. Meanwhile, after a quarrel, Zuko and Iroh went their separate ways. Zuko took refuge at a small Earth Kingdom village, befriending a young boy named Lee and staying with his family for a short period of time. However, when the villagers discovered his true identity, he was forced to leave. While these events transpired, Iroh resolved that instead of listening to Zuko and leaving him alone, he would covertly track him. Azula and her group followed Team Avatar in a tank train by following the trail of Appa's shed hair. Team Avatar noticed the train and attempted to lose them, but Azula's group tailed them into the night, catching up before any real rest could be had and leaving Team Avatar sleep-deprived by the time morning arrived.