| - El número (1023) es el número natural que sigue al 1022 y precede al 1024. Categoría:Números
- Performer(s) Appeared in 1023 (pronounced "ten to three") is a character from the Rankin/Bass television special Rudolph's Shiny New Year. He is a knight who is proprietor to an island which is home to some of the world's fondest nursery rhymes and fairy tales. Being a militant fellow with a strong sense of duty, he joins Rudolph in his search for Happy, the Baby New Year, after a thorough exploration of the island. They are constantly one step behind Happy, but they finally spot him riding atop Aeon the Terrible, who has abducted him from the woods just outside the home of the Three Bears.
- Maggie meets Yaeger on the docks in Collinsport. Yaeger tells her that Quentin is the murderer and then attempts to kidnap her. Buffie shows up and threatens to call the police if Yaeger doesn't let her go. Yaeger eventually gives in and returns to the lab, where he vows to himself to win over Maggie, even if it means killing Quentin. There is then a knock on the door and Yaeger rushes to take the potion. After turning back into Cyrus, he answers the door and Maggie walks in. Maggie tells her of the encounter she had with Yaeger, but Cyrus tells her that he is no longer friends with him. She begs him to get Yaeger of out Collinsport as soon as possible and wonders what would have happened if Buffie hadn't shown up. Maggie gives him a hug and leaves.
- Richard erkennst, dass er endlich mit der Vergangenheit abschließen muss. Seine Ehe ist endgültig beendet, Celine hat Oliver geheiratet - nur er fühlt sich von Tag zu Tag einsamer. Also geht er auf Claudias Annäherungsversuche ein und bittet sie zu einem netten Abend zu zweit. Die beiden genießen die entstehende Nähe, bis Simone mit einer schockierenden Nachricht die traute Zweisamkeit jäh beendet. Isabelle sucht in ihrer Wut auf Katja eine tröstende Schulter und findet sie unverhofft bei Tom, der zurück nach Essen kommt, nachdem er sich mit seinen Eltern überworfen hat. Katja will sich auf ihre Karriere konzentrieren. Umso geschockter ist Katja, als Tom ihr vorwirft, Bens und Isabelles Ehe weiter torpedieren zu wollen. Wehmütig beobachtet Florian seine Teamkollegen beim Eishockeytraining.
| - Performer(s) Appeared in 1023 (pronounced "ten to three") is a character from the Rankin/Bass television special Rudolph's Shiny New Year. He is a knight who is proprietor to an island which is home to some of the world's fondest nursery rhymes and fairy tales. Being a militant fellow with a strong sense of duty, he joins Rudolph in his search for Happy, the Baby New Year, after a thorough exploration of the island. They are constantly one step behind Happy, but they finally spot him riding atop Aeon the Terrible, who has abducted him from the woods just outside the home of the Three Bears. Thanks to Big Ben, Happy is freed from Aeon's grasp, but lands on the island belonging to 1776. Joined by Rudolph and O.M., 1023 arrives on the island, only to arrive too late as Happy is humiliated again and flees once more into Aeon's grasp. Aeon takes Happy to the Island of No Name, and when 1023 and the others come to rescue him, Aeon buries them in snowballs, with Rudolph the only one to escape thanks to his nose. 1023 is freed from his snowball when Aeon, after falling out of his nest in a laughing fit from seeing Happy's big ears himself, lands right on top of his and the other past years' snowballs, thereby preventing Aeon's presumed death at the end of the current year as he could no longer turn into ice and snow when he's so full of warmth and laughter. As Big Ben's tail clock chimes midnight, Santa Claus arrives to take the past years back to Father Time's castle in time to crown Happy the new year before the twelfth stroke, saving the time stream from being stopped for eternity.
- El número (1023) es el número natural que sigue al 1022 y precede al 1024. Categoría:Números
- Richard erkennst, dass er endlich mit der Vergangenheit abschließen muss. Seine Ehe ist endgültig beendet, Celine hat Oliver geheiratet - nur er fühlt sich von Tag zu Tag einsamer. Also geht er auf Claudias Annäherungsversuche ein und bittet sie zu einem netten Abend zu zweit. Die beiden genießen die entstehende Nähe, bis Simone mit einer schockierenden Nachricht die traute Zweisamkeit jäh beendet. Isabelle sucht in ihrer Wut auf Katja eine tröstende Schulter und findet sie unverhofft bei Tom, der zurück nach Essen kommt, nachdem er sich mit seinen Eltern überworfen hat. Katja will sich auf ihre Karriere konzentrieren. Umso geschockter ist Katja, als Tom ihr vorwirft, Bens und Isabelles Ehe weiter torpedieren zu wollen. Wehmütig beobachtet Florian seine Teamkollegen beim Eishockeytraining. Er muss Ingo gestehen, dass er von Richard aus dem Team geworfen wurde. Ingo ist jedoch dringend auf Florian angewiesen, vor allem, als auch ein weiterer Stürmer ausfällt. Doch sein Appell an Richard bleibt erfolglos. Ingo muss also zu anderen Mitteln greifen, um Florian ins Team zurück zu holen.
- Maggie meets Yaeger on the docks in Collinsport. Yaeger tells her that Quentin is the murderer and then attempts to kidnap her. Buffie shows up and threatens to call the police if Yaeger doesn't let her go. Yaeger eventually gives in and returns to the lab, where he vows to himself to win over Maggie, even if it means killing Quentin. There is then a knock on the door and Yaeger rushes to take the potion. After turning back into Cyrus, he answers the door and Maggie walks in. Maggie tells her of the encounter she had with Yaeger, but Cyrus tells her that he is no longer friends with him. She begs him to get Yaeger of out Collinsport as soon as possible and wonders what would have happened if Buffie hadn't shown up. Maggie gives him a hug and leaves. Cyrus wrestles with the idea of turning back into Yaeger and becomes angry at the thought of harming Maggie. He goes beserk and begins destroying much of his lab equipment, and also lights his journal detailing his experiments on fire. Maggie returns to Collinwood and finds Roger roaming around the drawing room. Roger tells her that Quentin is upset. Worried that it might be over something she has done, Roger teases her and tells her that she's flattering herself. He leaves and Angelique comes down the stairs. Maggie asks "Alexis" about the letters she received from Angelique. She wants to know if her sister ever told her of Quentin's moodiness. Angelique tells her that the letters were always full of how happy she and Quentin were together and all the things they did, which makes Maggie even more depressed. She confesses to Angelique that the one thing she could not stand is being shut out of Quentin's life. After Maggie leaves, Angelique voes to "let Maggie in on some more secrets." Later in the evening, Angelique meets with Roger in the drawing room. Roger again mentions his fascination of her resemblance to her "sister." Maggie comes in and asks if anyone has seen Quentin. Roger says he probably wants to be alone because today is the wedding anniversary of Quentin and Angelique. This leaves Maggie on the verge of tears, and she decides to go to her room for the remainder of the evening. That night, Angelique causes Maggie to dream of finding Quentin’s love letters in the East Wing. Maggie wakes up and goes to Angelique's room, where she finds the love letters where she dreamt they would be.