| - It can be used with barrows, shadow or third-age dye to create a barrows, shadow or third age noxious longbows respectively. This process is irreversible and the longbow cannot be traded if it is dyed.
- The longbow will degrade to a broken state after 60,000 charges of combat (but loses 2 charges per hit, has close to a minimum duration of 5 hours of combat). It can be fixed by Repair NPCs such as Bob in Lumbridge, or at an armour stand in a Player-owned house. A full repair, without discounts, costs . Creating a noxious longbow by buying a spider leg yields a profit of . It can be used with Barrows, Shadow, Third-Age or blood dye to create a barrows, shadow, third-age or blood noxious longbows respectively. This process is irreversible and the longbow cannot be traded if it is dyed.