Fallow was a squad healer in the Li Heng garrison.
Fallow was a hare in the Long Patrol under Lady Cregga Rose Eyes. He served as a night watch with Deodar. Fallow was a minor character, nothing else is known.
From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Fallow]] fealh (“‘fallow land’”), from the Proto-Germanic *falgo, perhaps a derivation of Proto-Indo-European *pel- (“‘to turn’”), assimilated in English to the adjective fallow because of the color of plowed earth. Originally "plowed land", then "land plowed but not planted"
Fallow was an Grade 3 Ol with Prandine's own form, and one of the most loyal servants of the Shadow Lord. He was the main antagonist in Return to Del of Deltora Quest and therefore the final villain of the first series.
Fallow was placed in Del by the Shadow Lord after the death of Prandine. Fallow served as the leader of the Shadow Lord's forces in Del for roughly sixteen years, though he usually made the Grey Guards perform his daily duties. At some point before the Emerald was recovered, Fallow had Lief's parents imprisoned.
Fallow is a young female squirrel who is in Sepia's Choir. Her best friend is Siskin