| - At high Woodcutting levels, players make more coins an hour at ents not including the bird nests that they may also drop than actually chopping yews at Seers' Village. Players can reach the ents by teleporting to the Corporeal Beast's lair via a games necklace and exiting the cave. From here, players can either safe-spot the ents using the trees and rocks just north of the lair, or run southward toward either the east side or the west side of the Chaos Temple.
Around the temple, Protect from Magic should be used to ward off the Elder Chaos druids if players find themselves in the crosshairs of their attacks. Alternatively, players can journey north of Varrock into circa level 13 Wilderness to reach the ents.
Regardless, they can easily be safe-spotted with Ranged or pray flicked with Melee. A good weapon and Prayer gear will suffice, but tier-40 gear, such as Rune equipment or Dragonhide armour, will do as well depending on player's preference.
Also, there are many trees along the path that players can run into before safely logging out should they encounter a player killer. Attack the two ents at the northern part of the path since there's a lesser chance for them to attack you because they spawn farther apart compared to the other ents at the beginning of the pass.