| - thumb | left | Ninpo magia en la acción como se ve en Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus Ninpo (忍 法 Ninpou, las artes ninja) son las artes espirituales y mentales de los Ninja. Cuando, como Ninjutsu se centra en las artes marciales físicas, Nin-po se centra en las artes espirituales y mentales. Ninpo se realiza a través de un conjunto de técnicas que pueden utilizar los ninjas en la batalla. Lo más famoso, Ryu Hayabusa ha dominado muchas técnicas Ninpo, la utilización de ellos en sus aventuras por todo el mundo.
- (裂空陣風殺, Rekkū Jinpū Satsu, lit. "Deadly Wind Formation Sky Tear") A deadly technique that allows the user to generate a large lightning-like blast of energy from their hands and shoot it toward their target. The color of the energy summoned differs from person to person: Hayate summons white energy, Raidou red, and Kasumi pink.
* Art of the Raging Mountain God
* Gessen Goryu Ha
* Teleportation
* Art of Substitution
| - thumb | left | Ninpo magia en la acción como se ve en Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus Ninpo (忍 法 Ninpou, las artes ninja) son las artes espirituales y mentales de los Ninja. Cuando, como Ninjutsu se centra en las artes marciales físicas, Nin-po se centra en las artes espirituales y mentales. Ninpo se realiza a través de un conjunto de técnicas que pueden utilizar los ninjas en la batalla. Lo más famoso, Ryu Hayabusa ha dominado muchas técnicas Ninpo, la utilización de ellos en sus aventuras por todo el mundo. Ninpo funciona mediante la recopilación de la energía y luego centrarse en un formulario. Técnicas Ninpo se llaman Artes. Artes se aprenden a través pergaminos se encuentran en todo el mundo. Cada vez que se utiliza Ninpo, que consume la energía ki. Ryu puede restaurar esa energía a través de diversos artículos tales como un Way Mushroom Diablo o en el tiempo.
- (裂空陣風殺, Rekkū Jinpū Satsu, lit. "Deadly Wind Formation Sky Tear") A deadly technique that allows the user to generate a large lightning-like blast of energy from their hands and shoot it toward their target. The color of the energy summoned differs from person to person: Hayate summons white energy, Raidou red, and Kasumi pink.
* Art of the Raging Mountain God (忍法・覇神震山, Ninpō: Hajin Shinzan; lit. "Ninja Arts: Divine Conqueror Mountain Shaker") A very powerful and mortal technique that allows the user to draw in energy from the surrounding area and expel it in a large blast of energy around themselves.
* Gessen Goryu Ha (月旋轟龍波, Gessen Goryū Ha, lit. "Moon Rotating Roaring Dragon Wave") Similar to the Torn Sky Blast, it is an energy attack used by Ryu Hayabusa, which originally started out as a powerful ki powered strike in Ninja Gaiden and was elevated into a ninpo attack. In Dead or Alive: Dimensions, he tried to use it against Hayate but missed (thanks to Ayane) and used it to take down DOATEC airships. In Dead or Alive 5, Alpha-152 in its completed form, switched its physical form to match Hayabusa's and fired this in an attempt to kill Hayate and Ayane, but Hayabusa countered it with his own blast, destroying the MIST laboratory they were in.
* Teleportation Teleportation abilities used by some of the shinobi allow the user to leave one place and arrive at another without the need of walking, usually used for travelling long distances or for a quick escape from danger. Actions performed for teleporting differ from person to person: Kasumi spins around until she appears or dissappears within a weak whirlwind of sakura petals; Hayate teleports in a flash of light (although, in Dead or Alive 4, the flash had leaves and in Dimensions, it was white feathers); Hayabusa teleports in a short whirlwind, normally with green leaves dancing around him; Alpha-152 disappears in a flash of blue-green light. Ayane also possessed the ability to teleport in the first Dead or Alive in a flurry of light blue stars. However, for the rest of the series until Dead or Alive 4 , she does not teleport. In Dead or Alive 4 and Dimensions small purple butterflies appear when Ayane teleports. In Dead or Alive 5, the butterflies are replaced with iris petals.
* Art of Substitution In Dimensions, Hayabusa managed to create a perfect copy of himself with a small log. This copy was good enough to fight against Hayate but was defeated. After being defeated, it turned back to its normal form, much to Hayate's surprise. It's possible that shinobi can use any object to create copies of themselves.