| - Lyner Barsett ライナー・バルセルト, Rainā Baruseruto?, lit. "Lyner Barsert") is the protagonist of Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia, the first game in the Ar tonelico series. He is the son of Leard Barsett, the governor of Platina, the most important city in the region of Sol Ciel that is situated at the upper levels of the Ar tonelico Tower, and has access to the local government as well as much of the tower. He also seems to be quite adept at speaking and understanding the Hymmnos Language.
| - Lyner Barsett ライナー・バルセルト, Rainā Baruseruto?, lit. "Lyner Barsert") is the protagonist of Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia, the first game in the Ar tonelico series. He is the son of Leard Barsett, the governor of Platina, the most important city in the region of Sol Ciel that is situated at the upper levels of the Ar tonelico Tower, and has access to the local government as well as much of the tower. He also seems to be quite adept at speaking and understanding the Hymmnos Language. Though expected to follow in the footsteps of his father, he instead chose to join the Knights of Elemia, a group of soldiers who protect Platina and serve directly under Shurelia, the Tower Administrator. He serves under her in the same squadron as his best friend Ayatane, who joined at the same time as he did. However, despite the high position he holds, he still displays many actions befitting the teenager he is, such as being very impulsive and showing a rebellious streak at times when anyone who is not Shurelia tries to give him orders. He also seems very selfless, willing to go so far as to put his own life in danger to protect everyone, not caring about the risk. He often argues with his father about his choice to become a Knight of Elemia, as his father wants to see him go into politics and succeed him as governor of Platina, but by the end of the game Lyner manages to make Leard realize that such a thing will not happen. Spoiler warning! The EXA_PICO Universe Wiki might reveal plot details about the series and its characters. Read at your own risk!