Darth Vowrawn is a Pureblood Sith male Dark Lord of the Sith Empire, and currently sits on the Dark Council as the head of the Pyramid of Production and Logistics.
Darth Vowrawn era un Signore dei Sith e un membro del Consiglio Oscuro durante la Grande Guerra Galattica.
Darth Vowrawn is a Pureblood Sith male Dark Lord of the Sith Empire, and currently sits on the Dark Council as the head of the Pyramid of Production and Logistics.
Darth Vowrawn was a male Pureblood Dark Lord of the Sith and one of twelve to serve on the Imperial Dark Council in the times of the Great Galactic War.
Darth Vowrawn was a male Sith Pureblood who was a Dark Lord of the Sith on the Dark Council of the Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War, Cold War, and Galactic War. He was killed in 3,637 BBY, slain by Jedi Master Bela Kiwiiks during the Battle of Dromund Kaas.