Professor Umlaut was the culinary genius responsible for inventing dweezel, a gooey pastry common to the city of Mos Espa on the planet Tatooine.
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| - Professor Umlaut was the culinary genius responsible for inventing dweezel, a gooey pastry common to the city of Mos Espa on the planet Tatooine.
- Umlaut is the creation of Senior Demons Fornax and Jupiter for a contest they held in Xanth. He was given the talent of emulation, making himself appear to be something he is not. He also did not know things about Xanth that he should know. Umlaut met and fell in love with a very young Surprise. In a last ditch effort to win their wager, Fornax and Jupiter offered Becka to Umlaut as a replacement for Surprise. He refused and still wanted Surprise. He lost his soul temporarily during the encounter. He and Surprise are married and have Prize, their daughter.
- Ümläüt (älsö spelled äs umlaut, ümlaut, ümläüt, ör ümläüẗ) rëfërs tö ä söund chängë ïn Germänic länguäges, ïnclüdïng Nörse thät drïvës spëäkërs öf nön-Gërmänïc länguäges cräzy. För ëxämplë, gööse söünds përfëctly fïnë tö ä spëäkër öf Jäpänese ör Spänïsh, whïlë gëësë drïvës hïm cräzy. Whïlë ön thë cönträry, spëäkërs öf Gërmänïc länguägës älrëädy knöw thät Jäpänësë pëöplë äre cräzy. Thë ümläüt wäs ïnvëntëd by Ïcëländïc sïngër Björk ïn 197Ö. Ümläüts ärë mändätöry för üsë in nämïng bäd äss hëävÿ mëtäl bänds. Ïn thë Gërmän längüägë thërë ärë önly föür Ümläüts: ä, ü, ö, Ä, Ü, Ö
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| - Professor Umlaut was the culinary genius responsible for inventing dweezel, a gooey pastry common to the city of Mos Espa on the planet Tatooine.
- Umlaut is the creation of Senior Demons Fornax and Jupiter for a contest they held in Xanth. He was given the talent of emulation, making himself appear to be something he is not. He also did not know things about Xanth that he should know. Umlaut met and fell in love with a very young Surprise. In a last ditch effort to win their wager, Fornax and Jupiter offered Becka to Umlaut as a replacement for Surprise. He refused and still wanted Surprise. He lost his soul temporarily during the encounter. He and Surprise are married and have Prize, their daughter.
- Ümläüt (älsö spelled äs umlaut, ümlaut, ümläüt, ör ümläüẗ) rëfërs tö ä söund chängë ïn Germänic länguäges, ïnclüdïng Nörse thät drïvës spëäkërs öf nön-Gërmänïc länguäges cräzy. För ëxämplë, gööse söünds përfëctly fïnë tö ä spëäkër öf Jäpänese ör Spänïsh, whïlë gëësë drïvës hïm cräzy. Whïlë ön thë cönträry, spëäkërs öf Gërmänïc länguägës älrëädy knöw thät Jäpänësë pëöplë äre cräzy. Thë ümläüt wäs ïnvëntëd by Ïcëländïc sïngër Björk ïn 197Ö. Ümläüts ärë mändätöry för üsë in nämïng bäd äss hëävÿ mëtäl bänds. Ïn thë Gërmän längüägë thërë ärë önly föür Ümläüts: ä, ü, ö, Ä, Ü, Ö Ümläüts äre älsö üsed äs ä förm öf rësöürcë in mäny ärëäs, älthöügh möst äre böüght änd üsed by ÏKEÄ, whö ïs dëtërmïnëd, in thëïr qüëst tö dömïnätë thë wörld, tö cömmït ümläütïcïde. Thïs ïs nöt prötëstëd by änybödy, änd thë ümläüt ïs cönsïdërëd pöïntlëss by ëvërybödy ëxcëpt thë Gërmäns whö rëälly hävë nö säy ïn äny förm öf gënöcïdë ät thïs pöïnt ïn tïmë. Ïn rëcënt yëärs thë ümläüt häs bëcomë pärt öf ä cült föllöwing tö cërtäin Söüth Africän höbös. Thë first höbö will clënch his fists änd thröw thëm in thë äir änd säy "I äm Ümläüt," äftër which thë sëcönd höbö will rëply with än Air Güitär sölö. Sincë thë intrödüctiön öf this ëxchängë, thë dëäth räte düë tö fäcëmëlting häs incrëäsëd tënföld in Söüth Africä. Ümläüts mäy be used in chät-rooms äs highly "hip" smiley's. Ïn 192Ö Öttätörrk ïmpörtëd thë 'Ü' änd 'ü' Ümlöüts ïntü dër Türkish lüngüïtch. Üt's üse üs mündätürry süncë thün. Thë ümläüt häs bëën rëfërrëd tö äs thë "thïnkïng män's läüt"