| - The Hill Valley Thunderstorm was a highly electrical severe thunderstorm that hit Hill Valley, California on the night of November 12, 1955, the same night as the local Enchantment Under the Sea dance at Hill Valley High School. At precisely 10:04:00 p.m., lightning struck the clock tower of the Hill Valley Courthouse, freezing the clock at that time for at least sixty years. Numerous attempts were made to replace the clock tower after the incident, but the Hill Valley Preservation Society intervened and collected donations to keep it standing.
| - The Hill Valley Thunderstorm was a highly electrical severe thunderstorm that hit Hill Valley, California on the night of November 12, 1955, the same night as the local Enchantment Under the Sea dance at Hill Valley High School. At precisely 10:04:00 p.m., lightning struck the clock tower of the Hill Valley Courthouse, freezing the clock at that time for at least sixty years. Numerous attempts were made to replace the clock tower after the incident, but the Hill Valley Preservation Society intervened and collected donations to keep it standing. Originally thought to be a clear night, the weather forecast for the area changed dramatically about one hour prior to the storm's arrival and a severe thunderstorm warning for Hill Valley was issued on the radio. The storm was powerful enough to take down several trees around the Hill Valley area, including a large one split by lightning at the construction site of Lyon Estates two miles from town. Marty McFly and Doc Brown used the storm as a way to channel electricity, 1.21 gigawatts of it, into the DeLorean time machine's flux capacitor, rendering the vehicle capable of entering temporal displacement and allowing Marty to return to 1985. Doc came up with an ingenious plan to rig a cable to the clock tower and string it over the street where the DeLorean would intersect it. When Doc and Marty returned to 1955 to retrieve the Grays Sports Almanac, they encountered the storm at Lyon Estates before it reached town. Lightning struck the flying DeLorean, sending Doc back to 1885. After the violent bursts of lightning ended, there came a large downpour of rain, through which a man from Western Union drove to give Marty Doc's letter.