| - Wallis' first weather machine was a large contraption that utilised the main antenna of the Metropolis Zone's TV.8 studio. The former weathergirl planned to drastically alter the planet's climate, constantly changing from extreme cold to intense heat, in an attempt to destroy the planet.
- Thousands of Weather Machines are in orbit around the Earth disguised as SKY Satelites, Lunar Landers and Frozen Russian Cosmonauts. They keep the weather patterns upon which all life, and more importantly, the economy, depend balanced. Should they fail to do this vital job, it is possible communism would take over.
| - Thousands of Weather Machines are in orbit around the Earth disguised as SKY Satelites, Lunar Landers and Frozen Russian Cosmonauts. They keep the weather patterns upon which all life, and more importantly, the economy, depend balanced. Should they fail to do this vital job, it is possible communism would take over. Every news station, government (except the French), fisherman, mad scientist, sane scientist, dog, cat, gerbil and small rock own at least one weather machine. The machines themselves vary from the classic manually operated kind to the more advanced yet evil type, adapted from Daleks. According to Mungos, weather machines are used by the government to regulate 'popalashin'.
- Wallis' first weather machine was a large contraption that utilised the main antenna of the Metropolis Zone's TV.8 studio. The former weathergirl planned to drastically alter the planet's climate, constantly changing from extreme cold to intense heat, in an attempt to destroy the planet. From a central control panel, Wallis' first move was to send a blizzard rushing through the city, causing heavy snowfall to provide huge disruptions. The machine then heated up the immediate area, melting the snow and bringing flash floods. Shortly afterwards, Wallis' machine froze the canals of water before summoning huge hailstones. As this was happening, Wallis successfully predicted each change in weather in turn, alerting Sonic the Hedgehog to her suspicious behaviour. When he turned up at the TV studio, Wallis manipulated her machine to conjure a raincloud that electrocuted her foe with a sudden bolt of lightning. However, when combined with the subsequent rainfall and the crackling electricity from the machine, a tornado was created that whisked Wallis away and destroyed the first weather machine.