- The bulwark of Tai-tastigon is an outer defensive earthwork surrounding the actual city Curtain walls. It is described in God Stalk as "an earthen bulwark of alarming size but overgrown with feather weed and breached with many deep fissures."
- thumb|200px|Bulwark русской мафии Bulwark (англ. бастион, крепость) — автомобиль из Grand Theft Auto 2, выступающий в качестве автомобиля русской мафии.
- Large and durable. Armed with a powerful cannon attached to his right arm. Unwilling to resort to violence unless absolutely necessary - even then, more willing to throw punches and ram into enemies than actually use his cannon. Transforms into a tank, enhancing accuracy but reducing speed. Extremely slow and energy inefficient, perhaps due to faulty engineering or millenia without maintenance.
- The Bulwark is a gang vehicle in Grand Theft Auto 2.
- One of the subjects for Project Blockbuster, Bulwark is a Po-Toa with a faint Hispanic accent and a tendency to use some Spanish phrases. He's very relaxed and a bit sarcastic, but is also downright ferocious in battle - Barely giving his opponents time to breath between attacks.
- Bulwark's extra duration appears to round down. As debuffs are timed in game ticks, most shields won't see the full effect of bulwark. For example, as shown in the table below, rank 1 bulwark without a shield shows no change in the length of debilitate. This is because the calculated increase is 0.468 seconds, which is less than a single game tick.
- thumb|BulwarkBulwark on Russian Mafian käyttämä farmariauto pelissä Grand Theft Auto 2. Se esiintyy vain teollisuusalueella. Jos Bulwarkin vie romutettavaksi, niin palkkioksi saa haulikon.
- Inspires friendly units, reducing the damage they receive for a short duration.
- Bulwark (Oswald Boeglin) is a member of Emplate's Hellions team. He died in the Neverland concentration camps.
- The bulwark (a.k.a. "missile tank") is a scrapped terran unit from StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. It can be found in the game's beta files.
- As with everything the Ravens "own", their weapons are also made from random stolen goods. The Bulwark blades were stolen from the Eagles and given a nice paint job. Hard to tell, right? Use it as a protective shield while you fire Chi pulses, or use the blades to open cans or jars.
- Bulwark – pojazd występujący w Grand Theft Auto 2, używany jako pojazd mafii rosyjskiej. Jest czterodrzwiowym sedanem, wzorowanym na sowieckim Gaz-21 Wołga z lat 1956-70 (jednak nazwa wewnętrzna pojazu - BUICK, może ironicznie nawiązywać do amerykańskiej marki Buick). Tak jak mafia rosyjska, pojazd występuje tylko w Industrial. Po zezłomowaniu daje shotgun. Jest dość szybki i ma niezłe prowadzenie, a także cechuje go przyzwoita odporność na zderzenia (wytrzymuje dwa wybuchy w porównaniu ze standardowym jednym); reasumując, jest samochodem solidnym i dobrym do ucieczek przed policją.
- The Bulwark is the Forsaken's last bastion of defense against the main forces of the Scourge. It lies in southeastern Tirisfal Glades, and forms the border with the Western Plaguelands beyond. The Argent Dawn and Forsaken defenders on the Bulwark have teamed up to protect the land from the hordes of undead to the east, and send experienced adventurers of the Horde to battle the minions of the Lich King. Unlike the rest of Tirisfal Glades, this area is filled with plaguemist and the sky is tinted the same yellowish-gray color as in the Western Plaguelands.
- El Bulwark es un vehículo que aparece en Grand Theft Auto 2, es utilizado por la Mafia Rusa de Anywhere City. Solo se puede encontrar en el Distrito Industrial y consta de una estrella roja que identifica a esta mafia. Su equivalente no modificado es el Panto. Vehículos de Grand Theft Auto 2 Categoría:Vehículos de Grand Theft Auto 2 Categoría:Vehículos de Grand Theft Auto 2 Categoría:Vehículos de bandas