| - The Great War, also referred to simply as The War, was a significant conflict that occurred between the Kingdoms of Vale and Vacuo and the Kingdoms of Mantle and Mistral and came to its conclusion eighty years before the events of RWBY. The Great War preceded the Faunus Rights Revolution, a conflict over racial politics, by several years. However, no specific time frame has been provided.
- The Great War was a five-year conflict that occurred in Mobius' recent history between the Overlanders and Mobians (primarily the Kingdom of Acorn). The conflict between the two distinct races goes back as far as the time of the Kingdom's first monarch Alexander. Although the Overlanders had the advantage of superior technology in the beginning of the Great War, the defection of Julian Kintobor and his knowledge of technology and Overlander tactics allowed the Mobians to gain a significant advantage. Eventually, due to Julian's help, the Mobians pushed back the Overlanders and won the Great War.
- The Great War (人魔戦争 Jinma Sensou?, "Magical War") is a war that took place ten years prior to the events of Tales of Vesperia. The war was fought between the Entelexeia, a wise, long-lived race that keeps the amount of aer in the world of Terca Lumireis in balance, and the humans.
- The Great War(大戦Ōikusa) is a war between the Crimson Denizen organization known as Töten Glocke and the Flame Haze Army. It is the largest and most renowned conflict between Flame Haze and Crimson Denizen of all time (next to the Ancient War).
- The combatants were members of the Entente and Central Powers alliance systems, and the Central Powers won on both continents.
- The Great War is an event of Skytopian history that happened from 10 BU to 0 BU. There is little information on it and it was shortly followed by the Great Upheaval. This is because of the Unobtainium Based weaponry that was used during the Great War
- See Great War
- The Great War started and ended on Saturday, October 23, 2077 when nuclear weapons were launched by all the nuclear-capable nations of the Fallout world (mainly from the United States, China and the USSR). The exchange lasted for approximately two hours, according to most survivors' accounts. Once the last atomic bomb and nuclear warhead had fallen, the world fell into the deep darkness of a nuclear holocaust, resulting in the majority of human civilization crumbling across the planet. In the decades that followed, what was once the territory of the contigious United States gave birth to the treacherous and unforgiving wastelands loathed by the people now residing in the lands of the former country.
- Roughly 1,000 years ago, prior to the formation of Mobotropolis, the Mobian Alexander realized that every species on the planet offered something unique that they could contribute to a single, large society. While trying to gather the various groups to form a single civilization, Alexander found that the Overlanders' aggressive tendencies would prove too great a risk to incorporate them into his community, and so they were excluded.
- The Great War is a term used to describe the Autobot/Decepticon conflict. In the Great War, Autobots wage their battles to destroy the evil forces of the Decepticons. It is also known as the Third Cybertronian War. It was preceded by the Golden Age of Cybertron.
- The Great War was a fierce conflict between the Lombaxes and the Cragmites that occurred in the Polaris Galaxy eons before the series, eventually resulting in the disappearance of both races from the universe.
- The Great War is the most blodiest war in the entire history of the world. TO BE CONTINUED
- The First Great War was a world-wide war that took place between the Yamatian Invasion and the Cataclysm in 1003–1006 AE in the Third Age. It was fought between the armies of Light, led by King Marcus Sarillius of Remon and King Kagetsu II of Maar Sul who wished to liberate oppressed kingdoms, and the armies of Darkness led by High Cleric Distreyd Thanadar XII of the Clergy of Mardük and Shogun Masamori Hyuga of the Yamato Empire who wished to keep the whole world in the empire's grip. Although these two armies were the main belligerents, independent factions also fought against or aided both armies throughout the conflict. The war ended in a surprising draw, and the following Cataclysm changed the world permanently.
- The Great War was the period of time, about 1000 years, which occured after the Great Rescue. It started when Teridax teleported Vakama with the Vahi on Mata Nui and the other Toa Metru, along with him, sacrificed their Toa Power to awaken the Matoran. They had 1 year to prepare for a new assault from Teridax. Things also happened in different lands during this period.
- The Great War is a game variant included with the Triple-A Package.
- The Great War is a term used during the Beast Era to describe the Autobot/Decepticon conflict depicted in every single Generation One continuity. It is also known as the Third Cybertronian War. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4 It was preceded by the Golden Age of Cybertron and was officially ended by the forming of the Pax Cybertronia with the Autobots the victors and the Decepticons placed under heavy restrictions.
- La Great War fue un conflicto de cinco años que se ha producido en la historia reciente de Mobius entre los Overlanders y los mobians (principalmente el Kingdom of Acorn). El conflicto entre las dos razas distintas se remonta hasta la época de Alexander como primer monarca del Reino. Aunque los Overlanders tenían la ventaja de la tecnología superior en el comienzo de la Great War, la deserción de Julian Kintobor y su conocimiento de la tecnología permitió darles tácticas a los mobians para obtener una ventaja significativa. Finalmente, debido a la ayuda de Julian, los mobians hicieron retroceder los Overlanders y ganaron la Great War. Los sentimientos de racismo y xenofobia en la que ambas partes han continuado existiendo entre las dos especies, como resultado de la guerra.
- The Great War was a world war that began on August 1914 and lasted until October 1918. The conflict was fought between the Central Powers (Austria-Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire) and the Triple Entente (mainly Russia, Britain, and France).
- Der Great War ist der größte und gravierendste Krieg in der Geschichte von Cybertron. Durch die Bildung der zwei Fronten der Autobots und der Decepticons spaltete sich die Bevölkerung des Planeten und es brach ein nicht enden wollender Bürgerkrieg aus.
- The Drakon Empire had established themselves as a dominating force across the galaxy, conquering all planets in their wake and colonising them to spread their reign. In this time, scientists on Drak had created Chaos energy, a powerful but highly unstable energy source. None of the planets they owned had a vessel capable of storing such energy, so the Drakons continued their universal conquests. One day, the Drakons happened upon Mobius' Emerald mines and began watching the planet for several months. One day, they invaded, taking control of the mines and stole seven Emeralds. The gems, when combined with the Chaos energy, formed the legendary Chaos Emeralds.
- The Great Wars are a series of wars between the LUEnited Nations and the New Pacific Order, and their respective allies. In particular, the Great War was fought between the CoaLUEtion and the Coalition of Justice, the Second Great War was fought between the League and the Initiative (also referred to as the Farklands War), and the Third Great War was fought between the Initiative and their allies versus the coalition of alliances known as Aegis. The rapid expansion of the Second Unjust War has also led it to be called a Great War by a minority of people.
- Each time you enter take note of the color and name that you will be fighting for as it changes with each Great War. This time (below) you are Blue/Brunhild and you have 10 AP to use up . Note* each (battle/square) you fight in uses up 1 AP. In the center of your blue 'occupied' square of land is your Fort. And at the very top of the picture you can see a square containing 2 'dots' in it... this is the nearest Turret so you'll want to try to capture it for points before a rival does. File:GW 2.png File:GW 3.png File:GW 5.png File:GW 4.png File:GW 6.png File:GW 7.png File:GW 8.png
- The Great War was a military conflict centered on Europe that began in the summer of 1914. The fighting ended in late 1918. This conflict involved most of the world's great powers, assembled in two opposing alliances: the Allies (centred around the Triple Entente) and the Central Powers. More than 70 million military personnel, including 60 million Europeans, were mobilized in one of the largest wars in history. More than 15 million people were killed, making it also one of the deadliest conflicts in history. The war is also known as the War to End All Wars.
- The Great War is probably one of the most well known and deadliest wars to have ever broken out in the Caribbean. It was the war between two great men, and the title they fought over. Many would call this story rubbish, many would be entranced by its thrilling tales. But nobody knows what really started it. This is what happened.....