| - 1. From the beginning to the end is the arrow of time, its head all that will be, its shaft all that is, its tail all that was. 2. With the first span time created all the things that was, is, and will be; and this we call matter. 3. With the second span time created the void, and all the enormity thereof; and the void swallowed up all that was, is, and will be; and this we call space. 4. With the third span time created the great lights; but the void swallowed that up too, all save one; so that all their light is but a pittance against the darkness of the night sky; and these we call the stars.
| - 1. From the beginning to the end is the arrow of time, its head all that will be, its shaft all that is, its tail all that was. 2. With the first span time created all the things that was, is, and will be; and this we call matter. 3. With the second span time created the void, and all the enormity thereof; and the void swallowed up all that was, is, and will be; and this we call space. 4. With the third span time created the great lights; but the void swallowed that up too, all save one; so that all their light is but a pittance against the darkness of the night sky; and these we call the stars. 5. And the one light not swallowed by the void illuminates the day, and this we call the sun. 6. With the fourth span time created the worlds, worlds of air, and water, and earth; and this world among them, made of air And water And earth, which we call the earth. 7. With the fifth span time planted the tree of life, the world tree, which grew from the water above the earth; and made Might its caretaker. 8. And Might tended to the tree of life, and guided its growth, and tended the well, and trimmed the sick, of the branches of the tree of life. 9. And along the arrow of time the tree of life grew from seed to sprout to sapling; and it grew branches beyond counting, its branches cover the world. 10. And at the ends of each living branch grows the fruit of the tree of life: 11. They are the leaves, that strive against each other to suck up the light; and the vines, that strive against each other to suck up the life. 12. For the tree of life is life itself, and life is strife. 13. And all the fruit of the tree of life bud, and grow, and ripe, or are eaten; and those that do not will surely fall to the ground when over ripe, and that we call death. 14. And under the care of Might, the branches of the tree of life fight a war as old as life itself. 15. And now the tree of life is old and vast, and filled with dead branches. 16. With the sixth span time created man and woman as a branch of the tree of life, an offshoot from another branch. 17. All of humanity is this branch, unique among all the branches as the branches are all unique. 18. This is our branch, as we are only here because the branch has grown this way. 19. This is our branch, for the living among us are the fruit growing upon it. 20. This is our branch, and so what happens with it matters to humanity. 21. This is a story of the sixth span. 22. It is not The story of the sixth span, for a span is long beyond memory, space vast beyond envisioning, things complex beyond conception. 23. The story of history cannot be fully told, for it is of stories beyond counting; and so this is not the story. 24. But it is A story.