The Karemma were a humanoid species from the planet Karemma in the Gamma Quadrant. The Karemma were members of the Dominion. The Karemma had a trading relationship with both the Ferengi and the Federation. Due to their position within the Dominion their trading activities with the Federation were conducted through the Ferengi. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition", "Starship Down") During their 22nd century uprising against the Dominion, the Teplans attempted to warp a commandeered Jem'Hadar attack ship into the Karemma homeworld. (The War of the Masters: "A Good Compromise")
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| - The Karemma were a humanoid species from the planet Karemma in the Gamma Quadrant. The Karemma were members of the Dominion. The Karemma had a trading relationship with both the Ferengi and the Federation. Due to their position within the Dominion their trading activities with the Federation were conducted through the Ferengi. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition", "Starship Down") During their 22nd century uprising against the Dominion, the Teplans attempted to warp a commandeered Jem'Hadar attack ship into the Karemma homeworld. (The War of the Masters: "A Good Compromise")
- First contact was made between the Karemma and the Ferengi in 2370. The Ferengi struck a trade deal with the Karemma, who agreed to purchase tulaberry wine from the Alpha Quadrant. In 2371, Federation representatives aboard the USS Defiant approached the Karemma in an effort to contact the Founders. A secret code used by the Dominion during the Dominion War was based on the language of a primitive island-dwelling tribe on planet Karemma.
- Die Karemma sind eine humanoide Spezies aus dem Gamma-Quadranten. Sie sind Mitglied des Dominion. Beziehungen zwischen den Karemma und dem Alpha-Quadranten kommen erstmals 2370 durch die Ferengi wegen eines Tauschhandels von Tulabeerenwein zustande. (DS9: )
- The Karemma were a humanoid race native to the planet Karemma in Gamma Quadrant, and members of the Dominion. They were tall and slender with black or dark brown hair that is combed back. They had a head ridge, like Klingons, but smoother and without edges. The ridge goes down over the nose, making the nose seem large. There was a line in the skin on each side of the nose pointing downwards to the outer sides of their faces.
- In 2371 kwamen afgevaardigden van de Federatie aan boord van de USS Defiant met Eerste Minister Ornithar van de Karemma in een poging om contact te leggen met de Stichters. Deze bijeenkomst werd geregeld door Quark, die eerder de deal voor tulaberry wijn had gesloten. Ornithar gaf toe dat het enige contact dat de Karemma met de Stichters hadden via een ras genaamd de Vorta verliep. Hij verwees de Defiant en haar bemanning door naar Callinon VII, waar ze iedereen die vragen had naartoe moesten sturen. (DS9: "The Search, Deel I")
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| - First Minister Ornithar, a Karemman male
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| - Die Karemma sind eine humanoide Spezies aus dem Gamma-Quadranten. Sie sind Mitglied des Dominion. Beziehungen zwischen den Karemma und dem Alpha-Quadranten kommen erstmals 2370 durch die Ferengi wegen eines Tauschhandels von Tulabeerenwein zustande. (DS9: ) 2371 treffen sich Föderationsrepräsanten an Bord der USS Defiant mit Minister Ornithar der Karemma um einen Kontakt mit den Gründern herzustellen. Diese Treffen wird von Quark arrangiert, der am Tulabeerenweinhandel beteiligt gewesen ist. Ornithar erklärt, dass der einzige Kontakt der Karemma zu den Gründern durch die Vorta besteht. Er schickt die Defiant-Crew nach Callinon VII, von wo aus sie dem Dominion ihre Anliegen übersenden kann. (DS9: ) In den folgenden Jahren nehmen die Karemma Handelsbeziehungen zur Föderation auf und exportieren zahlreiche Güter, wie karemmanisches Fleece. Die Ferengi agieren als neutrale Unterhändler, allerdings belegen sie die Karemma mit hohen Abgaben und Steuern. 2372 trifft ein von Hanok kommandiertes Schiff der Karemma die Defiant um den Umfang der Handelsbeziehungen zu besprechen. Während des Treffens werden die beiden Schiffe von zwei Angriffsschiffen der Jem'Hadar abgefangen. Alle vier Schiffe geraten in die Atmosphäre eines Gasriesen. Der Defiant gelingt es, die Schiffe der Jem'Hadar zu vernichten und die karemmanische Crew an Bord zu beamen, ehe deren Schiff zerstört wird. (DS9: )
- In 2371 kwamen afgevaardigden van de Federatie aan boord van de USS Defiant met Eerste Minister Ornithar van de Karemma in een poging om contact te leggen met de Stichters. Deze bijeenkomst werd geregeld door Quark, die eerder de deal voor tulaberry wijn had gesloten. Ornithar gaf toe dat het enige contact dat de Karemma met de Stichters hadden via een ras genaamd de Vorta verliep. Hij verwees de Defiant en haar bemanning door naar Callinon VII, waar ze iedereen die vragen had naartoe moesten sturen. (DS9: "The Search, Deel I") In het daaropvolgende jaar begonnen de Karemma zaken te doen met de Federatie voor producten zoals Karemman fleece. De Ferengi dienden als neutrale tussenpersonen, alhoewel ze oneerlijke belastingen en tarieven opdrongen aan de Karemma. In 2372 ontmoette een Karemman schip de Defiant om hun klachten over de handelsovereenkomst te bespreken. Tijdens deze ontmoeting werden de schepen door twee Jem'Hadar shepen onderschept. Alle vier de schepen gingen de atmosfeer binnen van een gasreus, waar de Defiant de Jem'Hadar schepen wist te vernietigen en de bemanning van het Karemman schip in veiligheid bracht. (DS9: "Starship Down")
- The Karemma were a humanoid species from the planet Karemma in the Gamma Quadrant. The Karemma were members of the Dominion. The Karemma had a trading relationship with both the Ferengi and the Federation. Due to their position within the Dominion their trading activities with the Federation were conducted through the Ferengi. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition", "Starship Down") During their 22nd century uprising against the Dominion, the Teplans attempted to warp a commandeered Jem'Hadar attack ship into the Karemma homeworld. (The War of the Masters: "A Good Compromise")
- The Karemma were a humanoid race native to the planet Karemma in Gamma Quadrant, and members of the Dominion. They were tall and slender with black or dark brown hair that is combed back. They had a head ridge, like Klingons, but smoother and without edges. The ridge goes down over the nose, making the nose seem large. There was a line in the skin on each side of the nose pointing downwards to the outer sides of their faces. First contact was made between the Karemma and the Ferengi in 2370. The Ferengi struck a trade deal with the Karemma and agreed to purchase tulaberry wine to sell in the Alpha Quadrant. (DS9 episode: "Rules of Acquisition") In 2371, Federation representatives aboard the USS Defiant approached the Karemma in an effort to contact the Founders. They had to meet up with First Minister Ornithar to do it.(DS9 episode: "The Search, Part I") In 2372, Karemma representative Hanok came aboard the Defiant to discuss trade disputes with the Federation. His ship and the Defiant were both attacked by Jem'Hadar and forced into the atmosphere of a gas giant. The Defiant eventually destroyed the Jem'Hadar and rescued the crew of the Karemman ship. (DS9 episode: "Starship Down") A secret code used by the Dominion during the Dominion War was based on the language of a primitive island-dwelling tribe on planet Karemma. (SCE eBook: War Stories, Book 1)
- First contact was made between the Karemma and the Ferengi in 2370. The Ferengi struck a trade deal with the Karemma, who agreed to purchase tulaberry wine from the Alpha Quadrant. In 2371, Federation representatives aboard the USS Defiant approached the Karemma in an effort to contact the Founders. In 2372, Karemma representative Hanok came aboard the Defiant to discuss trade disputes with the Federation. His ship and the Defiant were both attacked by Jem'Hadar and forced into the atmosphere of a gas giant. The Defiant eventually destroyed the Jem'Hadar and rescued the crew of the Karemman ship. A secret code used by the Dominion during the Dominion War was based on the language of a primitive island-dwelling tribe on planet Karemma.
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