| - Very Rare spells are the 31st through 40th spells of each Magical Realm. These are the strongest (or at least, the most cost-efficient) spells in each realm, and many of them are outright game-changers. A single casting of certain Very Rare spells can turn the tide of a war, topple an enemy's entire economy, or win an otherwise hopeless battle. Furthermore, each Magical Realm has at least one top-tier Fantastic Unit that can be created using a Very Rare Summoning Spell - and these units may be nigh-unstoppable. Most other Very Rare spells are Global Enchantments that will have a profound effect on the game world. Of course, simply acquiring a Very Rare spell is only the first step: Virtually all Very Rare spells have respectively high Casting Costs and/or Upkeep Costs, which means that a wizard needs high Spell Casting Skill and File:Icon Mana.png reserves to utilize any of them. They will almost never be used before the mid-game, and may still be (appropriately) very rarely used even much later. The first wizard to become capable of casting Very Rare spells, even on an infrequent basis, has a good chance of winning the game. A wizard needs at least 3 Spellbooks in a Magical Realm to be able to research any Very Rare spells at all. The exact number of Very Rare spells available for research increases with the number of Spellbooks acquired. The exact spells available for research are randomly selected. With 10 or more spellbooks in a single realm, a wizard will be able to research all Very Rare spells of that realm. Very Rare spells require File:Icon Research.png to File:Icon Research.png to learn. No Very Rare spell will be available for casting when the game begins, regardless of how many Spellbooks a wizard possesses. Similar to the research constraints, with at least 3 Spellbooks in a realm, a wizard may learn any Very Rare spells of that realm through trade with rivals, conquest of rival Fortresses, or as Treasure - though they are exceptionally difficult to acquire this way.