| - “Out of the way, coming through, make a hole, GET OUT OF THE WAY.” White Berets: “Stop him!... You can’t get away!!....Catch him!!” Boy: “Just give up already!!” Boy: *noticing the Berets closing in* “Gak!” Berets: *adopting the classic “fishface” * “HE CAN FLY?????” Boy: *from mid air* “HAHA! See ya!!” Boy: Eyes turning to stars* “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A SHIP!!” Boy: Sighing* “There’s nothing on this ship.” Boy: *yawning* “Whaaaaaat a good nap.....” *looking around before adopting the “Fishface” * “.......WHERE THE HELL AM I??????” Boy: Sighing and unfurling his wings* “Guess im flying in... *spins in circles before suddenly stopping*... THIS direction, yea that’s definitely the way.” Boy: “Sheesh flying is HARD im hungry….LUNCH TIME” Boy: “GAK!!!” Henry Slither: Kobarabarabahaahaaa! ???, ???, and ???: Kobarabarabahaahaaa! Henry Slither: Kobarabarabahaahaaa! It would appear that all of my dirty dealings with that Ibrahim fellow was worth it in the end. I got my daughter back from social services, bribed my three best friends out of prison, got myself a fine ship for us all, and now I'm about to get myself a private island! Kobarabarabahaahaaa! Big Guy 1, 2, and 3: Kobarabarabahaahaaa! Androgynous Woman: Could you please stop with the repetitive laughter... Henry Slither: Kobarabarabahaahaaa! Come now, my dear Avery. Don't be such a spoilsport. We're at the top of the world right now. Of course we can't help but to laugh. Kobarabarabahaahaaa! Big Guy 1, 2, and 3: Kobarabarabahaahaaa! Avery Slither: If you say so father... File:Sweatdrop.jpg Henry Slither: H-h-hey! Avery! Wait up for us! Avery Slither: Not a chance... Avery Slither: Step aside! Unnamed Male: ... The male did not answer Avery with words, but rather with steel. Before Avery could react, the male withdrew his rapier from its scabbard in a manner that then allowed him to seamlessly cross the blade of the rapier with the blade of Avery's katana. The sudden clash offset Avery into a backward stumble as the male languidly stood to his feet. As soon as Avery regained her balance, she immediately lunged at the male so that she could assault him with powerful thrust of her katana. Much to Avery's surprise, the male managed to accurately parry the thrust with seemingly no effort at all. Said parry redirected Avery towards the lighthouse which she unintentionally proceeded to explosively impale a sizable cavity into the wall. The male then wasted no time in making an attempt to hack at Avery's back, but the androgynous woman quickly performed an about-face and blocked the hack with her katana. Avery and the male angled the blades of their respective swords into a perfect cross as the both of them desperately struggled to overpower the other. However, by this point in time, Avery's family were arriving to the scene. Henry Slither: Hey! What do you think you're doing to my... Avery Slither: Stay out of this! All four of you! Snarled Avery as she looked over her shoulder and at her father and uncles. As soon as Avery did so, the male lightened the amount of force he was exerting so that he wouldn't overpower her while she was distracted. Avery Slither: This is a duel between swordsman, so you have no right to interfere! Just go into the lighthouse and get the crown! I should be through with him by the time you managed to get a hold of it! Henry Slither: I don't like this...but fine. Have it your way. But one of your uncles is staying here. Just in case. Responded Slither right before he motion for Big Guy 3 to stay behind. Avery Slither: As long as he keeps his nose out of my affairs, I really don't care if he sticks around to watch. Henry Slither: Good! Now come on guys! There is a crown awaiting our arrival! Henry Slither: Meh. Not my problem. Kobarabarabahaahaaa! Big Guy 1 and 2: Kobarabarabahaahaaa! Henry Slither: Kobarabarabahaahaaa! Big Guy 1 and 2: Kobarabarabahaahaaa! Henry Slither: Kobarabarabahaa- ???: ....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Boy: It seems that you CAN break your fall with an Impact Dial.