Red-Green Alliance is an Alorian green-socialist party formed in 3764. It was founded by Hérnando Mendez , who is also the party leader and presidental candidate. Soon after its founding, Sigurd Anderson, who is of northern descent, joined the party and is now the partys' Head-of-State candidate. In January 3765, Henrico Férnandez joined the party, who is now currently the Red-Greens Alliances' candidate for Finance.
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| - Red-Green Alliance is an Alorian green-socialist party formed in 3764. It was founded by Hérnando Mendez , who is also the party leader and presidental candidate. Soon after its founding, Sigurd Anderson, who is of northern descent, joined the party and is now the partys' Head-of-State candidate. In January 3765, Henrico Férnandez joined the party, who is now currently the Red-Greens Alliances' candidate for Finance.
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| - Red-Green Alliance is an Alorian green-socialist party formed in 3764. It was founded by Hérnando Mendez , who is also the party leader and presidental candidate. Soon after its founding, Sigurd Anderson, who is of northern descent, joined the party and is now the partys' Head-of-State candidate. In January 3765, Henrico Férnandez joined the party, who is now currently the Red-Greens Alliances' candidate for Finance.