| - Will's first caught Pokemon. Raised from an Abra, Will kept Alakazam as a close friend and became a Psychic-type Master because of their bond. It's unnatural color has caused much trouble to occur for Will.
Learnset: Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast
- Will's first caught Pokemon in Hoenn, it was raised from a Mudkip that had been injured by a Dustox. Will saved and captured him, forming a strong bond. Swampert acts as the muscle of Will's main team.
Learnset: Hydro Cannon, Blizzard, Hammer Arm, Earthquake
- While exploring the Sky Tower in Hoenn, Will had a run-in with the sky guardian Rayquaza. After a short battle between it and Will's Alakazam, Will tried explaining how he was not there to bother him. Suddenly, a big metal net was shot onto Rayquaza by Team Rocket. Will fought them and defeated them, freeing Rayquaza and befriending it. In the end, Rayquaza tapped on one of Will's fallen Pokeballs and decided to follow and watch him. He is only ever used at the gym and is mostly set free to roam the world, returning whenever Will really wished for it.
- Will's first Dragon-type Pokemon. Capturing it in Kanto as a Horsea, Will trained her with love and sternness, gaining his own respect for Dragon-types after Seadra evolved into Kingdra.
Learnset: Dragon Pulse, Surf, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon
- After a fateful encounter in the Johto Region, Will slowly befriended the recluse Mewtwo and even convinced him to be Will's partner. Though Mewtwo has a habit of staying far away from humans, Will showed him that he was his ally and felt trusting enough to accept his offer. He made is home in the Willingrad Gym and spends time out of his pokeball reading in the gym's library.
- Will's first and favorite pokemon. He obtained it from Prof. Oak's lab on the day he started his journey. Though he has had the chance to evolve her many times, both he and she never took them.
Learnset: Hyper Voice, Shadow Ball, Synchronoise, Iron Tail
- Originally caught as a Sneasal in Johto, Will had a hard time trying to get him to be friendly as Sneasel was stuck-up and rash. Even with these feelings, Sneasel grew to have a caring heart for Will and his allies, becoming his fastest pokemon on the team.
Learnset: Sucker Punch, Ice Punch, Aerial Ace, Brick Break
- Mew first met Will in Kanto while he was leaving the Indigo League. He played with Eevee and later disappeared when other people arrived. They later met again while Will was traveling through the Kanto Battle Frontier. It was then that Mew secretly followed Will on his journey, all the way up to him returning home. He then showed himself and made his home at the Willingrad Gym. He doesn't battle or is Will's actual Pokemon.
- Will had caught this Pokemon in Unova during his travels on Route 14. Fully evolved, Braviary has a high defense stat and is ranked as the most defensive Pokemon on Will's main team.
Learnset: Brave Bird, Superpower, Crush Claw, Zen Headbutt