This page includes all Burning Crusade leather gear that is oriented around PvE DPS, specifically Rogues and Feral Druids. To qualify, it must have at least one stat/equip/use listed on the categories below and had to have been added during the Burning Crusade. Any mail or plate gear which meets these criteria should be placed into additional pages listed, including any accessories and weapons. For additional information, see Rogue equipment.
Attributes | Values |
| - BC DPS equipment (leather)
- BC DPS equipment (leather)
| - This page includes all Burning Crusade leather gear that is oriented around PvE DPS, specifically Rogues and Feral Druids. To qualify, it must have at least one stat/equip/use listed on the categories below and had to have been added during the Burning Crusade. Any mail or plate gear which meets these criteria should be placed into additional pages listed, including any accessories and weapons. For additional information, see Rogue equipment.
- This page includes all Burning Crusade leather gear that is oriented around PvE DPS, specifically Rogues and Feral Druids. To qualify, it must have at least one stat/equip/use listed on the categories below and had to have been added during the Burning Crusade. Any mail or plate gear which meets these criteria should be placed into additional pages listed, including any accessories and weapons. For additional information, see Rogue equipment.
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| - This page needs your help! Add in items you find in your journeys! Click here to find out how!
- This page needs your help! Add in items you find in your journeys! Click here to find out how!
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| - This page includes all Burning Crusade leather gear that is oriented around PvE DPS, specifically Rogues and Feral Druids. To qualify, it must have at least one stat/equip/use listed on the categories below and had to have been added during the Burning Crusade. Any mail or plate gear which meets these criteria should be placed into additional pages listed, including any accessories and weapons. For additional information, see Rogue equipment.
- This page includes all Burning Crusade leather gear that is oriented around PvE DPS, specifically Rogues and Feral Druids. To qualify, it must have at least one stat/equip/use listed on the categories below and had to have been added during the Burning Crusade. Any mail or plate gear which meets these criteria should be placed into additional pages listed, including any accessories and weapons. For additional information, see Rogue equipment.