| - Categoría:Listas bibliografía Categoría:Bibliografía Woyke, J. 1950a. 1. Histologiczna budowa pęcherzyków nasiennych u pszczoły domowej. Spraw. Pol. Akad. Um. 51(4): 234. 2. The histological structure of the vesiculae seminales in the honeybee (Apis mellifica L.) Acad. Pol. Sci. Let., C. R. M. Class Sc. Math. et Nat (6-7) M-2-10056]. Woyke, J. 1950b. Wpływ nastroju rojowego pszczół na zbiór nektaru. [Influence of swarming impulse on nectar collection]. Pszczelarstwo 1(4): 3-8. Woyke, J. 1950c. Miód w mateczniku. [Honey in queen cell]. Pszczelarstwo 1(5): 10-12. Woyke, J. 1953. Podkarmiaczka - ramka pracy. [Feeder - working frame] Pszczelarstwo 4(4): 4‑7. Woyke, J. 1954. Działalność lotna pszczół w czasie zaćmienia słońca. [Honey bees’ flight activity during sun eclipse]. Pszczelarstwo 5(9): 6. Woyke, J. 1955a. Zachowanie się pszczół w czasie zaćmienia słońca. [Behaviour of honey bees during sun eclipse]. Folia Biologica 3(3): 267-274. Woyke, J. 1955b. Wpływ lotów na pobudliwość płciową trutni. [Influence of flights on sexual excitability of drones] Pszczelarstwo 6(5): 1-3. Woyke, J. 1955c. Nieunasieniona matka i trutówki skladające jaja. [Virgin queen and laying workers]. Pszczelarstwo 6(6): 24-25. Woyke, J. 1955d. Działalność narządów rozrodczych trutnia. [Activity of reproductive organs of drones]. Pszczelarstwo 6(7): 4-6. Woyke, J. 1955e. Kilkakrotna kopulacja matki pszczelej. [Multiple mating of the honeybee queen]. Pszczelarstwo 6(8): 1-4. Woyke, J. 1955f 1. Multiple mating of the honeybee queen (Apis mellifica L.) in one nuptial flight. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Cl. II 3(5): 175-180. 2. Mnogokratnoie sparivanie pczelinoj matki (Apis mellifica L.) vo vremia odnovo bracznovo vyleta.Bjull. Pol. Akad. Nauk., Otd. II 3(5): 177-182.] Woyke, J. 1955g. Matka po powrocie z lotu godowego. [Honey bee queen after returning from mating flight]. Pszczelarstwo 6(12): 2-5. Woyke, J. 1956a. Zmiany anatomiczno-fizjologiczne a przebieg kilkakrotnej kopulacji matki pszczelej. [Anatomo-physiological changes and the multiple mating process in queen bee] Pszczelarstwo 7(1): 1-4. Woyke, J. 1956b. 1. Anatomo-physiological changes in queen-bees returning from mating flights, and the process of multiple mating. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Cl. II 4(3): 81-87. 2. Anatomo-fizjologiczeskije izmienienia vozvraszczajuszczejsia s bracznovo vyleta pczelinoj matki i process mnogokratnovo sparivanja. Bjull. Pol. Aad. Nauk. Otd. II 4(3): 81-87. Woyke, J. 1956c. Pszczoły nie rozróżniają larw pszczelich i trutowych. [Bees do not recognize worker and drone larvae]. Pszczelarstwo 7(5): 1-4. Woyke, J. 1956d. Anatomische Untersuchungen von Koeniginnen und Drohnen und die mehrfache Paarung der Königinnen. XVI Internationaler Bienenzuchter-Kongress, Wiss. Sondert., Wien: 1-5. Woyke, J. 1957a. Trupia główka (Acherontia atropos L.), jako szkodnik pszczoły w północnej Polsce. [Acherontia atropos L. as honeybee pest in northern Poland]. Pol. Pismo Entomol. Ser. B. 1(9): 77-81. Woyke, J. 1957b. Arsakene til flere gangers paringsutflukt hos dronningene. Nordisk Bitidskrift 9(3): 79-80. Woyke, J. 1958a. Monogokratnoje sparivanje pchelinoj matki vo vremia odnovo bracznovo vyleta. [Multiple mating of honeybee queen in one mating flight]. Pchelovodstvo, Moskwa 31(8): 32-38. Woyke, J. 1958b. Przebieg kopulacji u pszczół. [The process of mating in honey bees]. Pszczeln. Zesz. nauk. 2(1): 1-42. Woyke, J. 1958c. 1. Die Ursachen mehrmaliger Hochzeitaflüge der Königinnen. Pszczeln. Zesz. nauk. 2(3): 149-151. 2. Die Ursachen mehramaliger Hochzeisflüge der Königinnen. XVII Congr. Intern. Apicult. Bologna - Roma, Italy, 1958 Abstracts: 127. 3. 1960 Proceedings, Atti ufficialli sec. vol. Imola: 402-403. 4. 1959. The reasons for repeated mating flights of queenbees. Bee Research Assoc. Tampa, Fla. USA: 6. Woyke, J. 1958d. Histologiczna budowa organów rozrodczych trutnia. Pozn. Tow. Przyj. Nauk., Wydz. Mat.-Przyr.Prace Kom. Biol. 19(2): 1-51. [Histological structure of drone reproductive organs. The Poznan. Soc. Friends. Sciences 19(2): 1-51.] Woyke, J. 1960a. Naturalne i sztuczne unasienianie matek pszczelich. [Natural and instrumental insemination of queen bees]. Pszczeln. Zesz. nauk. 4(3-4): 183-275. Woyke, J. 1960b. 1. Sztuczne unasienianie matek pszczelich różną ilością nasienia. [Instrumental insemination of queen bees with different amount of semen]. II Międzynar. Konfer. Pszczel. P.O.P.P.S., Warszawa: 55-56. 2. Künstliche Besamung der Weiseln mit verschidenen Samenmengen. II Imkerorganisationen Konferenz Soc. Land., Warszawa: 59-61. Woyke, J. 1962a. Natural and artificial insemination of queen honey bees. Bee World 43(1): 21‑25. Woyke, J. 1962b. Geneza powstawania niezwykłych pszczół. [Origin of unusual bees]. Pszczeln. Zesz. nauk. 4(2): 49-63. Woyke, J. 1962c. The hatchability of “lethal” eggs in two sex allele fraternity of honey bees. Journal of Apicultural Research 1: 6-13. Woyke, J. 1963a. Drones from fertilized eggs and biology of sex determination in the honeybee. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Cl. V, Ser. sci .biol. 9(5): 251-254. Woyke, J. 1963b. Drone larvae from fertilized eggs of the honeybee. Journal of Apicultural Research 2(1): 19-24. Woyke, J. 1963c. Rozpoznawanie płci żywych larw pszczelich. [Recognition of sex in alive bee larvae]. Pszczeln. Zesz. nauk. 7(1): 23-31. Woyke, J. 1963d. The behaviour of queens inseminated artificially in different manner. Apimondia XIX Intern. Beekeeping Congress, Prague Abstracts: 127. Proceedings, Comp. Text of Lect. of XIX Congress of Apimondia: 702-703. Woyke, J. 1963e. Drones from fertilized eggs and the biology of sex determination in the honey bee. Apimondia XIX Intern. Beekeeping Congress, Prague Abstracts : 126. Complete Text. of Lect. of XIX Congress of Apimondia: 715-718.(?) Woyke, J. 1963f. Contribution of successive drones to the insemination of a queen. XIX-th Intern. Beekeeping Congress, Prague. Abstracts, : 124-125. Proceedings, Comp. Text. of Lect. of XIX Congress of Apimondia: 715-718(?). Woyke, J. 1963g. What happens to diploid drone larvae in a honeybee colony. Journal of Apicultural Research 2(2): 73-76. Woyke, J. 1963h. Rearing and viability of diploid drone larvae. Journal of Apicultural Research 2(2): 77-84. Woyke, J. 1963i. Metoda wychowu matek i diploidalnych trutni z jaj poza ulem. [The method of rearing queens and diploid drones from eggs outside bee colony]. Pszczeln. Zesz. nauk. 7(2): 63‑80. Woyke, J. 1964a. Causes of repeated mating flights by queen honey bees. Journal of Apicultural Research 3(1): 17-23. Woyke, J. 1964b. Genetic characters in immature stages of wild and mutant bees. Journal of Apicultural Research 3(2): 91-98. Woyke, J. 1965a. Genetic proof of the origin of drones from fertilized eggs of the honeybee. Journal of Apicultural Research 4(1): 7-11. Woyke, J. 1965b. Study on the comparative viability of diploid and haploid larval drone honey bees. Journal of Apicultural Research 4(1): 12-16. Woyke, J. 1965c. 1. Les males provenant des oeufs fecondes et la biologie de determination du sexe de l’abeille mellifere. Apiacta 1(1-2): 76-77. 2. Drones from fertilized eggs and the biology of sex determination in the honeybee. Apiacta 1(1-2): 77-78. 3.Trutni iz oplodotvoriennych jaic i opredelenie pola miedonosnych pchel. Apiacta 1(1-2): 78-79. 4. Drohnen aus befruchteten Eiern und die Biologie der Geschlechts- determination bei der Honigbiene. Apiacta 1(1-2): 79-80. Woyke, J. 1965d. Die „Diploide“ der Drohnen. Paper delivered at the J. W. Goethe University. in Frankfurt/M., 15 July 1965, reported by H. Herman in. Deutsche Bienenwirtschaft 16(8): 224. Woyke, J. 1965e. Study on diploid drone honey bees. Abstracts - Ve Congr. Inter. de l’Union Intern. pour l’Etude d. Insect. Socieaux. Resumes des Comunications.Tulouse Compt. Rand. du Ve Congr. Intern. de l’Union Intern. pour l’Etude Insect. Socieux, Toulouse: 257-262. Woyke, J. 1965f. The diploid drone. Apimondia, XX Intern. Beekeep. Jub. Congr. Comiss. Bee Biol., Bucharest. Abstracts 1(14): 1-4, Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania :152-154. Woyke, J. 1965g. On bee genetics. Apimondia XX Intern. Beekeep. Jub. Congr., Bucharest: 77‑82. Woyke, J. 1965h. Do honey bees eat diploid drone larvae because they are in worker cells? Journal of Apicultural Research 4(2): 65-70. Woyke, J. 1965i. Rearing diploid drone larvae in queen cells in a colony. Journal of Apicultural Research 4(3): 143-148. Woyke, J. 1965j. Raport de sinteza asupra Genetica la albina. Apicultura (Bucharest) 18(11-12): 20-23. Woyke, J. 1966a. Wovon hängt die Zahl der Spermien in der Samenblase der auf natürlichem Wege begatteten Königinen ab? Zeitschr. für Bienenforsch. 8(3): 236-247. Woyke, J. 1966b. Relation of semen volume to the number of sperms in the spermatheca of artificially inseminated queen honey bees. Intern. Symposium on Bee Genetics and Artificial Insemination of Bee Queens, Czechoslovakia: 1-2. Woyke, J. 1966c. The development, maturation and production of drones and natural mating of virgin and drone honey bees. Final Techn. Report P.L. 480, Agricult. Uni., Bee Cult. Lab., Warsaw: 1-108. Woyke, J. 1967a. Rearing conditions and the number of sperms reaching the queens spermatheca. Apimondia XXI Intern. Apicult. Congr. Univ. Maryland, USA. Abstracts: 84-85. Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 232-234. Woyke, J. 1967b. Diploid drone substance - cannibalism substance. Apimondia XXI Intern. Apicult. Congr., Univ. Maryland, USA. Abstracts: 57-58. Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 471-474. Woyke, J. 1968. Some facts concerning the beekeeping in both Americas and in Africa and the genetic studies in Brazil. XIII Intern. Congr. Entomol. Moscow: 331-332. Woyke, J. 1969a. Weitere Untersuchungen über die diploiden Drohnen. Allgemeine Deutsche Imkerztg.3(3): 68-71. Woyke, J. 1969b. A method of rearing diploid drones in a honeybee colony. Journal of Apicultural Research 8(2): 65-71. Woyke, J. 1969c. Rearing diploid drones on royal jelly or bee milk. Journal of Apicultural Research 8(3): 169-173. Woyke, J. 1969d. The role of sex alleles in the development of reproductive organs of diploid drones. Apimondia XXII Intern. Bienenzüchter-Kongr., München Abstracts: 187. Proceedings: Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest: 625. Woyke, J. 1970. Ergebnisse der künstlichen Besamung der Königinnen verchiedener Bienenrassen. Bienenforscherkonf. Inst. f. Biaval, Norg. Land. Hogsk. – Asker : 3. Woyke, J. 1971a. 1. Correlations between the age at which honeybee brood was grafted, characteristics of the resultant queens, and results of insemination. Journal of Apicultural Research 10(1): 45-55. 2. Republished by journal editor: Les conditions d’elevage et le nombre de sperms qui atteignent le receptacle seminal de la reine. Revue fr. Apic. 1971, 289: 255-256. Woyke, J. 1971b. Unasienianie matek pszczelich na trutowisku o zwiększonej liczbie trutni. [Mating of queens in mating station with increased number of drones]. Pszczeln. Zesz. nauk. 15(1‑2): 43-51. Woyke, J. 1971c. Badania nad uzyskaniem diploidalnych trutni pszczelich (Apis mellifica L.). [Investigations on rearing diploid drones (Apis mellifica L.)]. Przegl. Zool. 15(4): 355-364. Woyke, J. 1971d. Czy diploidalne trutnie są nadsamcami czy interseksami? [Are diplod drones supermales or intersexes?] X Nauk. Konf. Pszczel., Puławy: 22-23. Woyke, J. 1971e. Dlaczego trutnie nie wychowują się w matecznikach. [Why the drones do not develop in queen cells?]. X Nauk. Konf. Pszczel., Puławy: 23-24. Woyke, J. 1971f New experimental data in the honey bee genetics. Apimondia XXIII Intern. Apicult. Congr. Moscow Abstracts: 110-111. Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 365-367. Woyke, J. 1971g. Biology of reproduction as a basis for production of new varieties of honey bees. Final Techn. Rep. for UDSA, Agricult. Un i., Bee Cult. Lab. Warsaw: 1-154. Woyke, J. 1972a. Obserwacje nad pszczołami indyjskimi przeprowadzone w NRF i w Polsce. [Observations on Indian bees, conducted in Germany and in Poland]. Pszczelarstwo 23(5): 2-4. Woyke, J. 1972b. Naturalne i sztuczne unasienianie pszczół indyjskich. [Natural and instrumental insemination of Indian bees]. XI Nauk. Konf. Pszczel., Puławy: 24-26. Woyke, J. 1972c. 1. Forecast on investigations on poliploid honey bees by the test of hypothesis of genic balance, and of the heterozygosity of multiple loci. Apimondia Sci. Bull.: 33-35. 2. Prognoz issledovanii poliploidii u miedonosnych pchel na osnovie gipotez geneticzeskovo balansa i geterozigotnosti mnozhestviennych lokusov. Sborn. Naucz. Trudov Apimondii: 33-35. Also 3 in French, 4. German & 5 Spanish. Woyke, J. 1972d. 1. Sexallele und kontrolierte Paarung. Intern. Symp.: Paarungskontrolle und Selektion bei der Honigbiene. Lunz am See: 69-74. 2 Sex alleles and controlled mating. Apimondia Sci. Bull. 1: 103-108. 3. Polovye alleli i kontrolirujemoie sparivanie. Sborn. Naucz. Trudow Apimondii 1: 103-108. Also the same in 3 French, 4. German, and 5 Spanish. 6. Republished by journal editor Me Feng 1985, (4): 4-8 (in Chinese).]. Woyke, J. 1972e. How to determine the sex of living honey bee larvas. Republished No. 32 by editor of Nation. Techn. Inform. Service. Sprinfield, Virginia, USA: 1-8. Woyke, J. 1973a. Reproductive organs of haploid and diploid drones. Journal of Apicultural Research 12(1): 1-18. Woyke, J. 1973b. Instrumental insemination of Apis cerana indica queens. Journal of Apicultural Research 12(3): 151-158. Woyke, J. 1973c. Laranja: a new honey bee mutation. Gene dosage and the maleness of diploid drones. Journal of Heredity 64: 227-230. Woyke, J. 1973d. DNA content in spermatidis and spermatozoa of haploid and diploid honeybee drones. Apimondia XXIV Intern. Apicult. Congr., Buenos Aires: Abstracts: 53. Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 324-327. Woyke, J. 1973e. Artificial insemination of Apis cerana indica. Apimondia XXIV Intern. Apicult. Congr. Buenos Aires, Argentina Abstracts: 52 Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 335-338. Woyke, J. 1973f. Przedłużenie języczka pszczół przez ich poliploidyzację. [Increase of the tongue length of honey bees by poliploidization]. XII Konf. Nauk., Puławy: 23-30. Woyke, J. 1973g. Zawartość DNA w komórkach rozrodczych dwóch rodzajów trutni. [DNA contents in reproductive cells of two types of drones]. XII Nauk. Konf. Pszczel; Puławy: 31-32. Woyke, J. 1973h. Experiences with Apis mellifera adansonii in Brazil and in Poland.Apiacta 8(3): 115-116. Woyke, J. 1973i. Reproduction and artificial insemination of Apis cerana indica Fabr. Indian Bee Journal 35(3-4): 10-20. Woyke, J. 1974a. The story of diploid drones of honeybee. History of the Bee Res. Assoc. London B.R.A.: 151-154. Woyke, J. 1974b. Genic balance, heterozygosity and inheritance of size of testes in diploid drone honeybee. Journal of Apicultural Research 13(2): 77-85. Woyke, J. 1975a. DNA content of spermatids and spermatozoa of haploid and diploid drones. Journal of Apicultural Research 14(1): 3-8. Woyke, J. 1975b. Works of the Central Bee Research Institute in India. Indian Bee Journal 35(1‑4): 55-59. Woyke, J. 1975c. Natural and instrumental insemination of Apis cerana indica in India. Journal of Apicultural Research 14(3-4): 153-159. Woyke, J. 1975d. 1. Survival rate of brood in the bee sanctuary on Kangaroo Island. Apimondia XXV Intern. Apicult. Congree, Grenoble, Abstracts: 223-224 Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 277-279. 2. Przeżywalność czerwiu w rezerwacie pszczelim na wyspie Kangura. XIV Nauk. Konf. Pszczel., Puławy: 11. Woyke, J. 1975e. 1. Eggs in comb cells of three species of Indian bees. Apimondia XXV Intern. Apicult. Congress, Grenoble Abstracts: 224 Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 321-322 2. 1975, Jaja w komórkach trzech gatunków pszczół indyjskich. XIV Nauk. Konf. Pszczel., Puławy: 11-12. Woyke, J. 1976a. Population genetic studies on sex alleles in the honeybee using the example of the Kangaroo Island bee sanctuary. Journal of Apicultural Research 15(3/4): 105-123. Woyke, J. 1976b. 1. Brood-rearing efficiency and absconding in Indian honey bees. Journal of Apicultural Research 15(3/4): 133-143. 1977, 2. Brood rearing and absconding of tropical honey bees. Apimondia Intern. Symposium on African Bees 1976: 96-102. 2. Republished by journal editor: Me Feng in year 1982, (3): 12-14 (in Chinese.). Woyke, J. 1977a. 1. The heredity of color patterns in the honey bee. Intern. Symposium on Genetics, Selection and Reproduction of the honeybee. Moscow 1976. Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest: 49-55. 2. Republished by journal editor: Me Feng 1986, (1): 3-5 & (2): 6-7 (in Chinese.). Woyke, J. 1977b. The density of bristles covering the wings as discrimination value between African and other races of honey bees. Apimondia Intern. Symposium on African bees, Pretoria 1976: 15-24. Woyke, J. 1977c. Cannibalism and brood-rearing efficiency in the honeybee. Journal of Apicultural Research 16(2): 84-94. Woyke, J. 1977d. Sex determination in the honey bee. Proceedings, 8th Intern. Congr. IUSSI, Wageningen: 188-190. Woyke, J. 1977e. Comparative biometrical investigation on diploid drones of the honeybee. I. The head. Journal of Apicultural Research 16(3): 131-142. Woyke, J. 1978a. Rozwój teorii determinacji płci u pszczół. [The progress of the theory of sex determination in honey bees]. Kosmos 27, Ser. A. Biol. (2): 181-188. Woyke, J. 1978b. Comparative biometrical investigation on diploid drones of the honeybee. II. The thorax. Journal of Apicultural Research 17(4): 195-205. Woyke, J. 1978c. Comparative biometrical investigation on diploid drones of the honey bee. III. The abdomen and weight. Journal of Apicultural Research 17(4): 206-217. Woyke, J. 1978d. Determinacja płci i płciowości u pszczoły miodnej. [Determination of sex and sexuality in honey bees]. XVII Nauk. Konf. Pszczel., Puławy : 24-25. Woyke, J. 1978e. Szczecinki na skrzydłach pszczoły jako cecha rasowa, płciowa i polimorficzna. [Bristles on honeybee wings as characteristics of races, sex and castes]. XVII Nauk. Konf. Pszczel., Puławy: 26-27. Woyke, J. 1978f. Biology of reproduction and genetics of the honeybee. Final. Techn. Rep. for USDA. Agricult. Uni., Bee Cult. Div., Warsaw: 1-381. Woyke, J. 1978g. Genetic regulation of the development of testes in diploid drone honey bee. Intern. Symp. on Regulation of Insect Reproduction, Czech. Acad. Sci., Praha: 64. Woyke, J. 1979a. Sex determination in Apis cerana indica. Journal of Apicultural Research 19(2): 122-127. Woyke, J. 1979b. 1. Effect of the access of worker honey bees to the queen on the result of instrumental insemination. Journal of Apicultural Research 19(2): 136-143. 2. Republished by journal editor: Me Feng 1983, (2): 4-5 & (3): 12-14 (in Chinese.). Woyke, J. 1979c. 1. Badania nad pszczołą Apis mellifera capensis. 18 Nauk. Konf. Pszczel., Puławy: 21-22. 2. New investigations on Apis mellifera capenisis. Apimondia XXVII Intern. Congr. Apicult., Athens Abstracts: 319-321. Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 319-321. 3. Republished 1979. New investigations on Apis mellifera capensis. In five languages, Apiacta 1979, 14 (4): 173. Woyke, J. 1979d. 1. Wpływ przeżywalności czerwiu na produkcję pszczół i miodu.18 Nauk. Konf. Pszczel., Puławy: 23-24. 2. Influence of brood survival on offspring and honey production. Apimondia XXVII Intern. Apicult. Congr., Athens, Abstracts: 125-126. Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 316-319. 3. 1980. Influence of brood survival on offspring and honey production Apiacta: (in five languages) 1: 5-7 & 23. 4. Republished by journal editor: Me Feng 1983 (4): 14 (in Chinese). 5. 1980, Kapbiets eqendomliga fortplantnings biologi./ Swedish/ Bitidningen 1: 6-7. Woyke, J. 1980a. Evidence and action of cannibalism substance in Apis cerana indica. Journal of Apicultural Research 19(1): 6-16. Woyke, J. 1980b. Effect of sex allele homo-heterozygosity on honeybee colony population and on their honey production. I. Favourable development conditions. Journal of Apicultural Research 19(1): 51-63. Woyke, J. 1980c. Genetic background of sexuality in the diploid honeybee. Journal of Apicultural Research 19(2): 89-95. Woyke, J. 1980d. Siła rodziny pszczelej i produkcja miodu jako funkcja czerwienia i długość życia robotnic. [Colony strength and honey production as function of brood rearing and life longevity of worker bees]. Streszczenia referatów; II Krajowy Zjazd naukowy Pszczelarzy, Puławy: 25-26. Woyke, J. 1980e. Estudio comparativo sobre el manejo de las abejas meliferas durante todo el ano en zonas moderadas y tropicales. Minist. Agric. y Ganad., Direcc. General Ganaderia, San Salvador: 1-6. Woyke, J. 1980f. International aspects of queen rearing around the world. Bee World 61(4): 131-137. Woyke, J. 1981a. Effect of sex allele homo-heterozygosity on honeybee colony population and on their honey production. 2.Unfavourable development conditions and restricted queens. Journal of Apicultural Research 20(3): 148-155. Woyke, J. 1981b. Flora apicola Salvadorena. Ministr. Agric. y Ganad., Direcc. General, Ganaderia, FAO., San Salvador: 1-14. Woyke, J. 1981c. 1 Investigation sobre factores internos de las colonies de abejas de los cuales depende la production de la miel en El Salvador. Dir. Gener. Ganad., FAO, San Salvador: 1-29. 2. Influence of colony internal factors on honey production in El Salvador. Apimondia XXVIII Congr. Intern. Apicult., Acapulco, Mexico: Abstracts:135-136. Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 298-304. Woyke, J. 1981d. Comparative study of management of bees through the year, in temperate and tropical zones. Apiacta 16(30): 107-110. Woyke, J. 1981e. Dzieło Jana Dzierzona we współczesnej nauce pszczelnictwa. [Jan Dzierzon in contemporary apiculture] Jan Dzierzon w historii i współczesności pszczelarstwa., Materialy na sesję naukową w 170 rocznicę urodzin. Instytut Śląski w Opolu: 54-84. Woyke, J. 1981f. Investigation sobre necesided de alimentaction de sosten a las abejas en El Salvador. Dir. Gener. Ganad., FAO., San Salvador: 1-15. Woyke, J. 1981g. Investigation sobre influencia de la frecuencia de alimentaction del sosten sobre desarrollo de colonies de abejas en El Salvador. Dir. Gener. Ganad., FAO., San Salvador: 1-18. Woyke, J. 1981h. Investigation sobre metodos de alimentaction de estimulo a las colonies de abejas en El Salvador: Dir. Gener. Ganad., FAO., San Salvador: 1-12. Woyke, J. 1981i. Produccion de la cria en las colonies de abejas durante todo el ano en El Salvador. Dir. Gener. Ganad., FAO., San Salvador: 1-12. Woyke, J. 1981j. Sobrevivencia da la cria de las abejas en El Salvador. Dir. Gener. Ganad., FAO., San Salvador: 1-5. Woyke, J. 1981k. La Apicultura en El Salvador. Dir. Gener. Ganad., FAO., San Salvador: 1-16. Woyke, J. 1981l. Tablas para determinar las candidades de las crias en las colonias de abejas. Dir. Gener. Ganad., FAO., San Salvador: 1-9. Woyke, J. 1982. Fomento de la apicultura, El Salvador. Relation final, FAO., Rome: 1-17. Woyke, J. 1983a. 1. Dynamics of enter of spermatozoa into the spermatheca of instrumentally inseminated queen. Journal of Apicultural Research 22(3): 150-154. 2. Republished by journal editor: Me Feng 1986, (2): 27-31 (in Chinese). Woyke, J. 1983b. Length of haploid and diploid spermatozoa of the honeybee and the question of the production of triploid workers. Journal of Apicultural Research 22(3): 143-149. Woyke, J. 1983c. Wpływ leczenia pszczół fumagiliną na produkcję potomstwa i miodu. [The effect of fumagilin treatment on honey and brood production]. XX Naukowa Konferencja Pszczelarska, Puławy: 26-27. Woyke, J. 1983d. 1. Feeding of bee colonies in tropical zones. Apimondia XXIX Intern. Congr. Apiculture, Budapest Abstracts: 10- 11. Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 354-355. 2. Republished by journal editor: Apiacta 28(3): 83. Woyke, J. 1983e. 1. Pojedyńcze i wielokrotne plemniki diploidalne pszczoły miodnej. Nauk. Konf. Pszczel., Puławy: 26-27. 2. Single and multiple diploid spermatoza of honey bee. Apimondia XXIX Intern. Congr. Apiculture, Budapest; Abstracts: 210. Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 174-175. Woyke, J. 1984a. Wykorzystanie komórek plastra na wychów potomstwa w rodzinach pszczelich o różnym stopniu przeżywalności czerwiu. [Exploatation of comb cells for brood rearing in honeybee colonies with larvae of different survival rates] XXI Nauk. Konf. Pszczel., Puławy: 26. Woyke, J. 1984b. Exploitation of comb cells for brood rearing in honeybee colonies with larvae of different survival rates. Apidologie 15(2): 123-135. Woyke, J. 1984c. Ultrastructure of single and multiple diploid honeybee spermatozoa. Journal of Apicultural Research 23(3): 123-135. Woyke, J. 1984d. Correlations and interactions between population, length of worker life and honey production by honey bees in temperate region. Journal of Apicultural Research 23(3): 148‑154. Woyke, J. 1984e. Beekeeping in Afghanistan. Proc. Expert Consultation on Beekeeping with Apis mellifera in Tropical and Sub.-Tropical Asia, Bangkok Chiang Mai, Thailand, FAO., Rome: 124-130. Woyke, J. 1984f. Apiculture development in Afghanistan. Report on consultancy, Field document TCP/AFG/2201, FAO., Rome: 1-21. Woyke, J. 1984g. Apiculture development in Afghanistan. Terminal statement, FAO., Rome: 1‑13. Woyke, J. 1984h. Strengthening of apiculture centre and development of beekeeping in Afghanistan. Project document, FAO., Rome: 1-11. Woyke, J. 1984i. Tropilaelaps clareae in Afghanistan, and control methods that could be applied in Tropical Asia. 3rd Intern. Conf. Apicult. Tropc. Climates, Naiorbi. IBRA, London: 163-166. Woyke, J. 1984j. Survival and prophylactic control of Tropilaelaps clareae infesting Apis mellifera colonies in Afghanistan. Apidologie 15(4): 421-434. Woyke, J. 1984k. Increase in the life-span, unit honey productivity and honey surplus with fumagilin treatment of honey bees. Journal of Apicultural Research 23(4): 209-212. Woyke, J. 1985a. Infestation of honey bee colonies by parasitic mites Varroa jacobsoni and Tropilaelaps clareae in South Vietnam, and results of chemical treatment. FAO., Rome: 1-5. Woyke, J. 1985b. Tropilaelaps clareae, a serious pest of Apis mellifera in the tropics, but not dangerous for apiculture in temperate zones. American Bee Journal 125(7): 497-499. Woyke, J. 1985c. Instrumental insemination of honey-bee queens in the development of beekeeping. World Anim. Rev. 56: 40-44. Woyke, J. 1985d. Combat of the parasitic bee mite Tropilaelaps clareae without use of medicine. Apimondia XXX Intern. Apicult. Congr. Nagoya, Japan, Abstracts: 46-47. Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 284-286. Woyke, J. 1985e. Further investigation into control of parasitic bee mite Tropilaelaps clareae without medication. Journal of Apicultural Research 24(4): 250-254. Woyke, J. 1985f. Genetics basis of reproduction in the honey bee. Final. Techn. Rep. for USDA, Agric. Univ. Bee Cult. Div., Warsaw: 1-25. Woyke, J. 1985g. Present situation of parasitic infestation of bee colonies by Varroa Jacobsoni and Tropilaelaps clareae in Vietnam and methods to combate these mites. Min. Agric., FAO., Hanoi: 1-13. Woyke, J. 1985h. Assistance to apiculture development in Vietnam. Terminal Statement of Consultancy., FAO., Rome: 1-16. Woyke, J. 1986a. Dlaczego metody skuteczne w zwalczaniu Varroa jacobsoni zawodzą w zwalczaniu Tropilaelaps clareae. [Why methods effective to combat Varroa jacobsoni fail to control Tropilaelaps clareae] XXIII Nauk. Konf. Pszczel., Puławy: 28-29. Woyke, J. 1986b. Rules governing the dynamics of entry of spermatozoa into spermatheca of instrumentally inseminated queen honey bees. Symp. Intern. Apimondia, Insemination scientifique et commerciale des reines d’abeilles, Toulouse: 21-25. Woyke, J. 1986c. Influence of the number of attendant workers on the beginning of egg laying by instrumentally inseminated queen bees. Symp. Intern. Apimondia, Insemination scientifique et commerciale des reines d’abeilles, Toulouse: 26-30. Woyke, J. 1986d. Strengthening of Apiculture Promotion Unit, Kumasi, Ghana. I Terminal statement, FAO., Accra: 1-13. Woyke, J. 1987a. Strengthening of Apiculture Promotion Unit, Kumasi, Ghana. II Terminal statement, FAO., Rome: 1-22. Woyke, J. 1987b. Some observations and investigations on biology and management of African honey bees in Ghana. Field document TCP/GHA/4505, FAO., Kumasi: 1-40. Woyke, J. 1987c. Strengthening of Central Beekeeping Station in Ghana. Project proposal, FAO., Accra: 1-5. Woyke, J. 1987d. Genetic basis of reproduction in honey bee. Agricultural University, Warsaw: 1-44. Woyke, J. 1987e. Instrumental insemination of queen bees in Egypt. Report on the honeybee improvement in Egypt, FAO., Rome: 1-4. Woyke, J. 1987f. Honeybee improvement in Egypt. Terminal statement., FAO., Rome: 1-19. Woyke, J. 1987g. Can the number of ovarioles of honeybee queens be estimated by external characters of living queens? Apimondia XXXI Intern. Apicult. Congr., Warsaw. Abstracts: 78-79. Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 152-155. Woyke, J. 1987h. The cause of inclining of honeybee eggs in comb cells. Apimondia XXXI Inter. Apicult. Congr., Warsaw Abstracts: 88. Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 181. Woyke, J. 1987i. Infestation of honeybee colonies by parasitic mites Varroa jacobsoni and Tropilaelaps clareae in South Vietnam, and results of chemical treatment. Journal of Apicultural Research 26(1): 64-67. Woyke, J. 1987j. Length of stay of parasitic mite Tropilaelaps clareae outside sealed honeybee brood cells as basis for its proper control. Journal of Apicultural Research 26(2): 104-109. Woyke, J. 1987k. Length of successive stages in the development of mite Tropilaelaps clareae in relation to honeybee brood age. Journal of Apicultural Research 26(2): 110-114. Woyke, J. 1987l. Comparative population dynamics of Tropilaelaps clareae and Varroa jacobsoni mites in honey bees. Journal of Apicultural Research 26(3): 196-202. Woyke, J. 1988a. Problems with queen banks. American Bee Journal 124(4): 276-278. Woyke, J. 1988b. Economic utilisation of honey bees in Sudan. Progress Rep. FAO., Rome: 1-10. Woyke, J. 1988c. Brood survival in productive bee apiaries in Australia as test for breeding honeybee in closed populations. 1. Second Australian and Intern. Bee Congr., Surface Paradise, Australia: 45-46. 2 1988, Journal of Apicultural Research 27(1): 30-34. Woyke, J. 1988d. A mathematical model for the dynamics of spermatozoa entry into spermathecae of instrumentally inseminated queen honey bees. Journal of Apicultural Research 27(2): 122-125. Woyke, J. 1989a. Biology and control of the parasitic bee mite Tropilaelaps clareae and some comparison to Varroa jacobsoni. FAO, Workshop on parasitic bee mites and their control. Puławy: 1-29. Woyke, J. 1989b. Economic utilization of honey bees in Sudan. Periodic Progress Report, FAO., Rome: 1-8. Woyke, J. 1989c. 1. Breeding of honey bees resistant to Varroa jacobsoni American Bee Journal 129(1): 21-23. 2. Republished by journal editors: In Polish:1988, Hodowla pszczół odpornych na warrozę. Pszczelarstwo 39(11): 9-13. 3 In French: 1989, La résistance des abeilles au varroa. La Santé de l’Abeille 113: 228-230. 4 In German:1989, Zucht von Honigbienen, die wiederstansfähig sind gegenűber Varroa jacobsoni. Die Biene 125(12): 693-695. 5. In Czech: 1990, Plemenny chov včel rezistentnich vuči roztoči Varroa jacobsoni. Odborné Včelařské Překlady 1: 11-13. 6. In Spanish:1990, Vida Apicola 41: 43-45. 7. In Italian 1992, Ape Nostra Amica 14(1): 38-39. [All of these belong to similar title and content. They are translations of first title - J.W. ] Woyke, J. 1989d. Maladies des abeilles en Algerie. Rapport de la mission, FAO., Rome: 1-20. Woyke, J. 1989e. Instrumental insemination of queen bees in Albania. Mission report, FAO., Rome: 1-12. Woyke, J. 1989f. Biology and control of the parasitic bee mite Tropilaelaps clareae and some comparison to Varroa jacobsoni Workshop on parasitic bee mites and their control. Puławy, 27 Aug.- 1 Sept., 1987, FAO., Rome: 209-231. Woyke, J. 1989g. Wychów matek pszczół afrykańskich A. m. adansonii w Afryce. [Rearing of A. m. adansonii queens in Africa]. XXVI Pszczel. Konf. Nauk. , Puławy: 27-28. Woyke, J. 1989h. Untersuchungen zur Fortpflanzung, instrumentallen Besamung und Genetic der Honigbiene, durchgeführt in Polen. Mitteil. über Bienenbesamung 1(2): 3-6. Woyke, J. 1989i. 1. Biology and management of African honey bees Apis mellifera adansonii in Africa. Apimondia XXXII Intern. Apicult. Congr., Rio de Janeiro a Abstracts : 77-78. Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 44-47. 2. Republished by journal editor 1990, Apiacta 25: 79-83. Woyke, J. 1989j. Experiences with queen bees rearing and instrumental insemination of Apis mellifera adansonii in Ghana. Apimondia XXXII Intern. Apicult. Congr., Rio de Janeiro Abstracts: 78. Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 61. Woyke, J. 1989k. Cria de las reinas y mejoramiento de abejas en Mexico. Representation de Mission. FAO., Mexico: 1-10. Woyke, J. 1989l. Correct queen maintenance before and after instrumental insemination tested in Egypt. Journal of Apicultural Research 28(4): 187-190. Woyke, J. 1989m. 1. Change in shape of Tropilaelaps clareae females and the onset of egg laying. Journal of Apicultural Research 28(4): 196-200. 2. Republished by journal editor 1991, Mi Feng (Chinese Apiculture, in Chinese) (3): 36-39. Woyke, J. 1990a. Sztucznie unasienione matki ze sprawdzonym czerwieniem. [Instrumentally insemineted queen bees with tested brood rearing]. XXVII Nauk. Konf. Pszczeln., Puławy: 36-37. Woyke, J. 1990b. Economic utilization of honey bees in Sudan. Assignment report, FAO, Rome: 1-24. Woyke, J. 1990c. Economic utilization of honey bees in Sudan. Terminal statement FAO, Rome: 1-19. Woyke, J. 1990d. A T-shaped frame for queen rearing in Kenya top-bar hives. Newsletter for beekeepers in tropical and subtropical countries, 17: 7. Woyke, J. 1990e. Biology and control of the parasitic bee mite Tropilaelaps clareae. Proceed. Intern. Symp. Resent Research on bee Pathology: Gent. Belgium September 5-7: 90-99. Woyke, J. 1990f. Rozpoczynanie czerwienia przez sztucznie unasienione matki pszczele traktowane dwutlenkiem węgla w różny sposób. [Beginning of egg laying by instrumentally inseminated queens treated with carbon dioxide in different manner]. Ogólnop. Konf. Nauk., Współczesne Probl. Pszczelarstwa w Polsce. Olsztyn: 162-166. Woyke, J. 1990g. Biology and management of African bees Apis mellifera adansonii in Africa. Apiacta 25 (4): 97-101. Woyke, J. 1991a. Syringe guide for the instrumental insemination apparatus of queen bees (Apis mellifera L.) Apidologie 22(1): 81-85. Woyke, J. 1991b. 1. Brood nest arrangement in top-bar hives. Beekeeping & Development (20): 3. 2. Republished by journal editor :Ngang Ong (Vietnam) 1(3): 5-7. Woyke, J. 1992a. Diurnal flight activity of African bees Apis mellifera adansonii in different seasons and zones of Ghana. Apidologie 23(2): 107-117. Woyke, J. 1992b. Diurnal and seasonal variation in defensive behaviour of Apis mellifera adansoni in Ghana. Apidologie 23(4): 311-322. Woyke, J. 1992c. Size change of eggs during the incubation period in three Asian honey bee species. Intern. Conf. on Asian Honey Bees and Bee Mites Abstracts: 79. 1993: Proceedings, Asian Apiculture, Wicwas Press, Cheshire, Connecticut, USA: 197-205. Woyke, J. 1992d. Rearing and instrumental insemination of Apis florea queens. Intern. Conf. on Asian Honey Bees and Bee Mites, 1992 Abstracts: 80. 1993: Proceedings, Asian Apiculture, Wicwas Press, Cheshire, Connecticut, USA : 206-210. Woyke, J. 1992e. Natural mating of instrumentally inseminated queen honey bees. Apimondia XIX Intern. Congr. of Entomology, Beijing, China: 238. Woyke, J. 1992f. Control of the parasitic bee mite Tropilaelaps clareae. Apimondia XIX Intern. Congr. of Entomology, Beijing, China: 250. Woyke, J. 1992g. Przyczyny różnego stopnia inwazji Varroa w strefie umiarkowanej i tropikalnej; [The reasons of different invasion degree of Varroa in temperate and tropical zone] Salus Apis mellifera. I Polsko-Niemieckie Symp.: Postępy w Badaniach nad Warrozą, Szczecin: 40-41. Woyke, J. 1993a. Some behavioural characters of Sudanese honey bees (Apis mellifera nubica). Bee World 74(3):133-140. Woyke, J. 1993b. 1 Practical control method of the parasitic bee mite Tropilaelaps clareae. American Bee Journal 133(7): 510-511.2. Republished by editor: Publications of Vietnam Bee Researches 1990 – 1998: 7-9. Woyke, J. 1993c. New data from the biology of the parasitic bee mite Tropilaelaps clareae. Proc. Apidologie Symposium (E. J. Hentshel ed), Jena: 108-111. Woyke, J. 1993d. Survival and reproduction of the parasitic bee mite Tropilaelaps clareae. Apimondia XXXIII Intern. Beekeeping Congress. Beijing, China Abstracts : 101-102. Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 209-212. Woyke, J. 1994a. Comparison of the size of eggs from Apis mellifera L queens and laying workers. Apidologie 25(2): 179-187. Woyke, J. 1994b. Tropilaelaps clareae females can survive for four weeks when given open bee brood of Apis mellifera. Journal of Apicultural Research 33(1): 21-25. Woyke, J. 1994c. Przebieg kopulacji u pasożytniczych roztoczy pszczół Tropilaelaps clareae i Varroa jacobsoni. [Mating behaviour of Tropilaelaps clareae and Varroa jacobsoni]. XXXI Nauk. Konf. Pszczelarska., Puławy: 74-75. Woyke, J. 1994d. Repeated egg laying by females of the parasitic hoeybee mite Tropilaelaps clareae Delfinado and Baker. Apidologie 25(3): 327-330. Woyke, J. 1994e. Risque d’introduction en Europe de nouveaux acariens parasites des abeilles melliferes. La Santé de l’Abeille (141): 111-123. Woyke, J. 1994f. Mating behaviour of the parasitic honeybee mite Tropilaelaps clareae. Exper. & Appl Acarol. 18: 723-733. [Videos also]. Woyke, J. 1995g. Przyczyny trudności w wyhodowaniu triploidalnej pszczoły. [The cause of difficulties to rear triploid bee] XXXII Naukowa Konferancja Pszczelarska, Puławy: 92-93. Woyke, J. 1995h. Expression of body colour in tree castes of four Asian honey bees. Intern. Confer. Tropical Bees and Environment: Pedu Lake, Kedah, Malaysia: 31-32. Woyke, J. 1995i. Porównanie biologii i zwalczania pasożytniczych roztoczy pszczół Varroa jacobsoni i Tropilaelaps clareae. [Comparison of biology and control of Varroa jacobsoni and Tropilaelaps clareae] Materiały. XXII Naukowej Konferencji „Warroza pszczół i gospodarka pasieczna”. Pol. Tow. Nauk Wet. Olsztyn-Kortowo: 44-46. Woyke, J. 1995j. Invasion of Capensis bee. Proceedings of the First International Electronic Conference on the Cape Bee problem in South Africa 05 - 30 June, 1995: 35. Woyke, J. 1995k. Larger honeybee workers. Proceedings of the First International Electronic Conference on the Cape Bee problem in South Africa 05 - 30 June, 1995: 46-47. Woyke, J. 1995l. Dwindling of Cape honeybee colonies headed by laying workers. Proceedings of the First International Electronic Conference on the Cape Bee problem in South Africa 05 - 30 June 1995: 67-68. Woyke, J. 1995m. Instrumental insemination of Apis m. capensis worker bee. Proceedings of the First International Electronic Conference on the Cape Bee problem in South Africa 05 - 30 June, 1995: 69-70. Woyke, J. 1995n. Survival of brood originating from Cape queens and laying workers. Proceedings of the First International Electronic Conference on the Cape Bee problem in South Africa 05 - 30 June, 1995: 74-75. Woyke, J. 1995o. Sex of brood originating from Cape queens and laying workers. Proceedings of the First International Electronic Conference on the Cape Bee problem in South Africa 05 - 30 June 1995: 89-91. Woyke, J. 1995p. Comments on sex of Cape brood. Proceedings of the First International Electronic Conference on the Cape Bee problem in South Africa 05 - 30 June 1995: 98-99. Woyke, J. 1995q. Changes in the size of honeybee eggs during the incubation period. Apimondia XXXIV Internat. Apicultural Congress. Lausanne, Switzerland. Abstracts: 48 Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 124. Woyke, J. 1995r. 1. Rearing larger honeybee workers. Apimondia XXXIV Internat. Apicultural Congress. Lausanne, Switzerland. Abstracts: 84. Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 124-127. 2. Republished by journal editor: 1999, l’Abeile de France No 849, Juin. Woyke, J. 1996a. Odżywianie i przeżywalność samców pasożytów pszczół Varroa jacobsonii i Tropilaelaps clareae. [Feeding and survival of Varroa jacobsoni and Tropilaelaps clareae males]. XXXIII Nauk. Konf. Pszczel., Puławy: 94-95. Woyke, J. 1996b. Kopulacja pasożyta pszczelego Tropilaelaps clareae. [Mating of parasitic mite Tropilaelaps clareae.] XXXIII Nauk. Konf. Pszczel., Puławy: 2. Woyke, J. 1996c. Wybieranie miodu od pszczoły olbrzymiej Apis dorsata. [Honey harvesting from Apis dorsata]. XXXIII Nauk. Konf. Pszczel., Puławy: 3. Woyke, J. 1996d. Size change of honeybee eggs during incubation period. III Polsko-Niemieckie Sympozjum, Salus Apis mellifera, Olsztyn: 92 Pszczeln. Zesz. nauk: 40(2): 239. Woyke, J. 1996e. Liczba kojarzeń a wielkość efektywnej populacji pszczół. [Number of matings and effective population]. Biuletyn Sztuczne Unasienianie Matek Pszczelich 3: 2-5. Woyke, J. 1996f. Wpływ liczby unasieniających trutni na przeżywalność czerwiu. [Influence of the number of mating drones on brood survival]. Biuletyn Sztuczne Unasienianie Matek Pszczelich 3: 10-13. Woyke, J. 1996g. Theoretical studies on the effect of the number of sex alleles in honeybee populations and the number of matings on the frequency distribution of queens producing brood of different survival rate. Pszczel. Zesz. nauk. 40(1): 115-128. Woyke, J. 1996h. Background and the history of apicultural scientific activities in Vietnam. 3rd Asian Apicultural Association Conference, Hanoi, 6-10 Oct. 1996: 1-7. 2001: Proceedings: xxvi‑xxxii. Woyke, J. 1996i. Adult Tropilaelaps clareae males can feed and survive for two weeks.3rd Asian Apicultural Association Conference, Hanoi, 6-10 Oct. 1996 Abstracts: 57. 2001: Proceedings: 198-201. Woyke, J. 1996j. 1. Different reaction of Apis mellifera and Apis dorsata to infestation by Varroa jacobsoni and Tropilaelaps clareae. 3rd Asian Apicultural Association Conference, Hanoi, 6-10 Oct. 1996, Abstracts: 61. 2001: Proceedings: 172-175. 2. Republished by journal editor: Publications of Vietnam Bee Researches 1990 – 1998. Woyke, J. 1996k. Mating of the parasitic honeybee mite Tropilaelaps clareae. 3rd Asian Apicultural Association Conference, Hanoi, 6-10 Oct. 1996. Videos 1-3 . Woyke, J. 1997a. Obfitsze karmienie wszystkich larw po stracie matki w rodzinie pszczelej. [Increased food supply for all larvae after dequeening honeybee colonies. XIV Naukowa Konferencja Pszczelarska, Puławy: 85-86. Woyke, J. 1997b. Gospodarka krokwiowa z pszczołą olbrzymią A. dorsata. [Rafter beekeeping with A. dorsata ]. XIV Naukowa Konferencja Pszczelarska, Puławy: 86. Woyke, J. 1997c. Filmowa dokumentacja przebiegu kopulacji u pasożytniczego roztocza pszczół Tropilaelaps clareae [Film documentation of mating behaviour of Tropilaelaps clareae]. XIII Naukowa Konferencja „Warroza pszczół i gospodarka pasieczna”, ART, Olsztyn: 62-64. Woyke, J. 1997d. Size change of honeybee eggs during incubation period. Apimondia XXXV International Apicultural Congress, Apimondia, Antwerp, Belgium Abstracts: 44. Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 171. Woyke, J. 1997e. Body color expression in several species of honey bees. Apimondia XXV International Apicultural Congress, Apimondia Antwerp, Belgium Abstracts: 44. Proceedings, Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest, Romania: 171-172. Woyke, J. 1997f. Expression of body and hair color in three adult types of the red honeybee Apis koschevnikovi Buttel-Reepen 1906, in Sabah, Borneo. Apidologie 28(5): 275-286. Woyke, J. 1998a. Dalsze badania nad obfitszym karmieniem larw w bezmatkach pszczelich. [Further investigation on increased food supply for larvae in queenless colonies]. XXXV Naukowa Konferencja Pszczelarska, Puławy: 86-87. Woyke, J. 1998b. Wpływ warunków wychowu na wielkość pszczół kapsztackich i ich cechy kastowe. [Influence of rearing conditions on size and caste characters of Cape bees]. XXXV Naukowa Konferencja Pszczelarska, Puławy: 87-89. Woyke, J. 1998c. Differences in body colour expression between European and Asian honey bees.4th Asian Apicultural Association Conference, Katmandu, Nepal, Abstract: 18-9.Proceedings 2000: 20-23. Woyke, J. 1998d. 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