| - At a time in which Superboy has received his costume, but has still not received parental permission to start his Superboy career, the Kents pay a visit to the Crowleys, who have bought their old farm. Unknown to them, the Crowleys are nuclear scientists who are being held prisoner by a spy named Lobko, who is in search of their energy pills. Clark becomes Superboy and frees the Crowleys, but they are struck by flying concrete and later believe the “flying boy” they saw was a dream. Lobko takes one of the pills and disintegrates. When Superboy later refuses to tell his parents about the nuclear secrets he discovered in the case, Jonathan Kent judges him worthy of becoming Superboy.
- Superboy learns that Smallville millionaire Carl Clayton has been alive for almost 300 years. Clayton confesses that, in the 1690's, he was a judge who perhaps wrongly condemned a woman named Nell Porter to death for witchcraft. In return, she cursed him to live until he tasted the “very flames of Hell, but only a power not of this world will be able to save you!” Since then, the shadow of a hangman’s noose has been on Nell Porter’s grave, and Clayton begs her to end his life. The prophecy comes true when Clayton dies in a fire, refuses Superboy’s “other-worldly” help, and is buried. The shadow of the noose vanishes from Nell Porter’s grave.
- Jonathan Kent volunteers to help his old friend and former racing partner Matt Weston by driving his car in an important race after Weston is injured. Superbaby helps his father finish the course despite some traps set by unscrupulous competitors.