| - Still being chased by the spirit of Tsao-Chung, Baslyn tries escaping to the big city of New York. He believes that the crowd of people will make him harder to find. But the china man appears again, this time with a blade. He slashes Baslyn's throat, killing him.
- Don Coyote, Hamburger, and Hash find themselves on the run after a show for the King turned disastrous. They pay a fare for a boat ride to France, to hide out until the king cools off. But, as it turns out, the ship they boarded was actually a slaver vessel, and the three of them are now oened by the captain until he says otherwise.
- Sandor searches the palace for his friend Elaka. Rajah is made aware of his trespassing through one of his spies, and has traps set throughout the palace interior. Sandor is able to recover from a fall through a trapdoor, but the sound of guards coming down the stairs deter him.
- Steve and the rest have just gotten the boatr away from the shoreline when a massive explosion erupts from the island. When the smoke clears, Dolorosa Isle is no more. The small boat and it's crew escaped in time, but it was doubtful that anything on the island survived. But among the rubble, the form of Devachan is seen moving...
- Ali leads Dale through the dense foliage, bringing her to the palace of Tsin Lee. Her father is being held somewhere inside. The chinese tell him if he does not tell them the location of the weapons cache, he will be brutally tortured. Captain Brewster rendevous' with Dale and Ali on the outskirts, as the three plan their attack strategy...
- Jim starts to think about what he should do with his money now that he quit gambling. Kim suggests they go into business together. They choose to become suppliers of tools and equipment for mining companies up in Alaska, where large quantities of gold exist.
- Rafael was eating his dinner one night, when an assassin creeps up behind him. Thanks to Rafael's quick reflexes, he is able to fight off the attacker and learn from him that his beloved princess Yolanda was being held prisoner by Malatesta, who ordered his murder. Rafael fends off an attack on his castle by the combined forces of Borgia and Malatesta by tricking the two armies to betray the other. With his home safe for the moment, Rafael rides off to Malatesta's fortress to rescue the woman he loves...
- Their last escape attempt unsuccessful, Harry and Foo Chow come up with a new plan. Their escape is about to come to fruition but, unfortunately for them, Slugger figured out the plan beforehand and showed them he was more than ready to stop it.
- Steve investigates a sudden rise in dope sales. When he follows a dealer back to his supplier, Steve gets captured by the drug peddler and tied up. But he is able to use his intelligence to manipulate the drug sellers into distrusting each other, and get into a fight. Steve escapes his bonds and knocks out both men, calling headquarters to tell them now that the main suppliers are out of business, it will be easier to round up the small fry.
- Western: With Jess' help, Bob is able to round up most of the rustlers, leaving only the ones who had tried to kidnap Jane and Johnny. After Jim is untied, Bob, Jim and Jess all go to the cabin to finish business. But the remaining rustlers are desperate, and they start a cattle stampede in order to cover their getaway...
- Jim Shark is able to elude Blackface and his men by using the confusing network of cavern tunnels. Giving up on the pursuit, Blackface gets a hunch that the girl, Sally, may have been held in the old temple. A short time taken to subdue the indian guards, the gang enters the temples sacrificial chamber, only to be awed by the jewels and gems kept within. But they will have to stay on the island with their stolen riches, because Blackface's Schooner has been pulled into land, and the sail's been taken!
- The druids prepare the fire for the sacrifice of Sundgrid. The slave girl, Elsa, has been given a message to deliver to Ivar from Sundgrid, but Hasylwyn intercepts it. Thinking she will soon be rescued, Sundgrid starts to sing a song, which is overheard by the druids. It moves them so much, that Hasylwyn decides that she is of druid birth, and therefore should be allowed to live among them.