Chirox był utalentowanym Makutą regionu, w którego skład wchodziła ojczysta wyspa Keetongu i Visoraków, oraz członkiem Bractwa Makuta.
Chirox era un Makuta y un miembro de la Hermandad de Makuta. Tenía asignadas la Isla de Keetongu y Visorak.
Chirox oli Makuta ja Makutain veljeskunnan jäsen.
Chirox was a captured combat mek who had originally served under the armed forces of the Omnius Evermind, but later served as a training mek.
Chirox war der Makuta von mehreren Südlichen Insel und Mitglied der Bruderschaft der Makuta.
Chirox was a Makuta, one of seven that invaded Karda Nui.
Chirox was a Brotherhood of Makuta member and Rahi creator. He was one of the eight Makuta sent to Karda Nui to invade the Universe Core and kill the Toa Nuva after they awoke Mata Nui. This was in truth just part of Teridax’s plan to destroy those Makuta so there would be none left to challenge his rule.
Chirox was the seccond guitarist for the bortherhood of makuta rock band. He ofen wore a leather trench coat on stage with LED lights on it. When the band went on thier 2008 england tour he got the whole band in trouble by spitting on the prime minister and driving thier limo through the parliment building. Durring thier concert, on chirox and antroz's guitar solo in the song "lets all kill mata nui" he played so high that he melted several fans faces off. After thier night out they got really wasted and ran over Hewkii in their limo.
*BIONICLE Legends 9: Shadows in the Sky
*BIONICLE Legends 10: Swamp of Secrets
*BIONICLE Legends 11: The Final Battle
*BIONICLE: Makuta's Guide to the Universe