| - There was once a young boy who lived in Canada. He was always made fun of in school for always making jokes about boogers and farting. Everyone hated him and called him a disgusting weirdo, even the teachers. His only friends were two pets he had at home. One of them was a chihuahua, who, despite being aggressive with strangers, was friendly with his owner. The other was an extremely obese cat who slept a lot, and often ate his own droppings. The boy often drew cartoons of the two doing stuff together, and having weird adventures.
| - There was once a young boy who lived in Canada. He was always made fun of in school for always making jokes about boogers and farting. Everyone hated him and called him a disgusting weirdo, even the teachers. His only friends were two pets he had at home. One of them was a chihuahua, who, despite being aggressive with strangers, was friendly with his owner. The other was an extremely obese cat who slept a lot, and often ate his own droppings. The boy often drew cartoons of the two doing stuff together, and having weird adventures. When the boy was a teenager, the chihuahua attacked a child, and had to be put down. A short time later, the cat died of heart failure. Both animals were buried right next to each other. The boy was depressed, needless to say. The only things left of his two friends were those cartoons he had drawn, so he decided to do something with them. Years later, after he had grown up, he went on to become an animator, making an award-winning cartoon series out of his two deceased friends. The boy? John Kricfalusi. The show? Ren and Stimpy.