| - A Plucky Comic Relief character in a sci-fi, fantasy or Superhero story, with a supposedly "cute" appearance and actions, who comes from another planet or dimension, or is a member of some kind of magical race. Such characters are often the Non-Human Sidekick, Small Annoying Creature and/or The Scrappy of the story. Occasionally one of them is a villain, but it's hard to take such a stupid-looking villain seriously. In fact, it's hard to take any story seriously once one of these little buggers is introduced. Really, the trope is sort of a Hand Wave to allow for bloody ridiculous characters. The viewer asks, "Why the hell is that character so stupid and unrealistic, don't they realize he spoils the show?" and the unsatisfactory answer comes back, "Ah, but he's an alien, you see. Everyone's
| - A Plucky Comic Relief character in a sci-fi, fantasy or Superhero story, with a supposedly "cute" appearance and actions, who comes from another planet or dimension, or is a member of some kind of magical race. Such characters are often the Non-Human Sidekick, Small Annoying Creature and/or The Scrappy of the story. Occasionally one of them is a villain, but it's hard to take such a stupid-looking villain seriously. In fact, it's hard to take any story seriously once one of these little buggers is introduced. Really, the trope is sort of a Hand Wave to allow for bloody ridiculous characters. The viewer asks, "Why the hell is that character so stupid and unrealistic, don't they realize he spoils the show?" and the unsatisfactory answer comes back, "Ah, but he's an alien, you see. Everyone's like him where he comes from." How can you tell if it's an Alien Scrappy? Well, if you're not one of those people that despises all things cute and chirpy, in fact, you'll even squeal at a baby animal once in a while... and you still think the annoying little character should die? That's a pretty good hint. Cute Kids And Robots suffer the same fate a lot of the time. Also see Amusing Alien, the source of many Alien Scrappys. Examples of Alien Scrappy/Sandbox include: