| - Folan Rittor, better known as "The Duke Rittor," was a major character in the life of Balor Ebonthal and the book The Hunter-King. He was described as being short for a Far Northerner, standing only at six feet and one half tall, but he made up for the height difference in being incredibly wide. His breastplate, worn in the Rittor-Jaelian War was reduced to nothing but two flat plates held together by leather straps when the Ebonthal came to be. He was incredibly fond of food, and is unpredictable when it comes to his anger. He often talked calmly of events in his life that left him bitter, and of the same event asked but hours later, he would explode. When the Far Northern Empire fell apart, he claimed the lands of Rittor as his Kingdom, and was backstabbed by the King of Jaelium when the remains of the Empire attempted to capture him again, leading to his being demoted to a Lord of Jaelium, the Duke of Rittor, to be exact. As part of this, the King swore an oath to give the Duke three promises. The first promise was used for an unknown reason, and the second was to make the Ebonthal the Heir Apparent of the Kingdom of Jaelium. Rittor died in the year 675, from choking on a piece of food while waiting for the King of Jaelium to meet him and The Ebonthal for a hunting trip. He was burned in the same pyre that marked the coronation of the Ebonthal.