| - Chuundar era un cacique wookiee, y el hermano de Zaalbar.
- Chuundar was a Wookiee chieftain and the son of chieftain Freyyr, and the brother of Zaalbar. Chuundar was born a runt on the planet Kashyyyk. After his brother, Zaalbar, was exiled from Kashyyyk for being a madclaw, Chuundar seized power from his father over the Wookiee tribe. He was involved in secretly selling fellow Wookiees to the Czerka Corporation as slaves.
- Freyyr-nimisen heimopäällikön poika, Chuundar syntyi Kashyyyk-planeetalle. Sen jälkeen, kun hänen veljensä Zaalbar oli ajettu maanpakoon Kashyykilta, koska hän oli hullukynsi, Chuundar kaappasi Wookiee-heimon vallan isältään. Hän myi salassa orjuuteen monia lajitovereitaan Czerka-korporaatiolle.
- Chuundar was a Wookiee warrior, the son of the chieftain Freyyr and the brother of Zaalbar. He was a traitor to the Wookiee species as he made deals with Czerka Corporation to allow them to enslave Wookiees in return for their help with whatever he needed at the time. His brother Zaalbar discovered him, and in his anger attacked his brother with his claws, but because he was younger and by Wookiee culture not the one to listen to when deciding truth in matters of great importance, he was exiled as a "mad-claw" and Chuundar was allowed to stay. Chuundar carried a modified bowcaster.
- [Source] Chuundar naquit sur Kashyyyk dans la famille du chef de tribu. Son père était Freyyr et son frère cadet Zaalbar. Chuundar rapporta aux esclavagistes où se trouvaient sa famille en échange de promesse de pouvoir cependant, Zaalbar découvrit sa trahison et l'attaqua, griffes ouvertes pour le faire payer ; mais Freyyr intervint et les sépara. Freyyr posa sa confiance en son fils aîné, Chuundar et il exila Zaalbar de Kashyyyk, le prenant pour un fou.
- Chuundar was a Wookiee warrior, the son of the cheiftain Freyyr and the brother of Zaalbar. He was a traitor to the Wookiee species as he made deals with Czerka Corporation to allow them to enslave Wookiees in return for their help with whatever he needed at the time. His brother Zaalbar discovered him, and in his anger attacked his brother with his claws, but because he was younger and by Wookiee culture not the one to listen to when deciding truth in matters of great importance, he was exiled as a "mad-claw" and Chuundar was allowed to stay. Chuundar carried a modified bowcaster.