| - History of character is unknown.
- The Protector is a Buzz Bee blaster that was released in 2015 under the Ultra-Tek sub-series. It comes packaged with ten Long Distance Darts.
- Fourteenth book in the Foreigner series; second in the fifth trilogy arc.
- The medium obsidian shield "Protector" is an artifact shield that provides the highest DV of any shield in the game. It has useful, albeit not extraordinary, intrinsics. Protector's unidentified form is "medium shield [46s]", but it can be distinguished from medium eternium shields by its darker color in ASCII and its unique tile.
- thumb|250px Protector (рус. Защитник) — машинима, созданная командой Deviant Pictures Films. Выложена 26 июля 2014 года.
- thumb|102px Protector es una medalla concedida por abatir a un enemigo que esta a punto de matar a un compañero tuyo. La medalla está representada por un icono de Asistencia con un salva-vidas por encima de éste. Para poder obtenerla tu amigo no tiene que tener escudos, debe tener menos del 50% de vida y estar bajo fuego enemigo.
- Un Protector guarda el Corazón de la Isla para prevenir que forasteros extingan su luz o hagan un mal uso de la misma. Solamente el Protector puede encontrar el Corazón de la Isla. Los Protectores también tienen diferentes habilidades, incluyendo inmortalidad, la habilidad de conferir inmortalidad, y curar a quien deseé. Además, también define cuales son las reglas que los otros deben seguir.
- Sternensystem: ProtectorLokalität: Soraya (Bündnis)
- Protector is a tile-based tower defense strategy game. It is the first game in the Protector series. The series inspired a spin-off called Little Protectors, which is also a tower defense game. __TOC__
- Protector is the first Good Karma rank in inFamous: Second Son. It is represented by Delsin's logo tilting to the right; in favor of the bird that represents positive karma.
- Protector was a title used by several alien races. The term "protector" was also used by Droxine to describe the filter masks supplied by the USS Enterprise to the Ardanan Troglytes. (TOS: "The Cloud Minders" ) Colyus (or at least the hologram based on him) was a Yaderan Protector. He became Protector in the early 2360s. (DS9: "Shadowplay") Protector was a title given to leaders in Kelemane's species. (VOY: "Blink of an Eye")
- Protector es un rol de los juegos Final Fantasy XIII y Final Fantasy XIII-2. Su función principal es atraer los ataques de los enemigos y servir de escudo para los demás compañeros. Tiene una gran capacidad defensiva y es capaz de utilizar habilidades para reducir el daño sufrido, responder de inmediato a los ataques, etc. La gran resistencia de este rol lo hace indicado para enfrentar a enemigos numerosos o con gran poder de ataque. Bonificación por rol (beneficia también, en pequeña medida, a los demás miembros del grupo): mayor resistencia física y mágica. El rol está simbolizado por las iniciales PRO y el color Amarillo.
- A Protector guards the Heart of the Island to prevent outsiders from extinguishing or mishandling the Light there. Only the Protector can find the Heart of the Island. Protectors also have other abilities, including agelessness, the ability to confer agelessness, and healing. The Protector also defines rules that others must follow.
- Protectors are objects able to be hacked in Watch Dogs and Watch Dogs 2. The player is able to hack them and raise a barrier, providing cover.
- It is found at Iron Island and Route 228 in the Generation IV games, and Route 11 in Pokémon Black and White. In Pokémon X and Y it can be found in the Lost Hotel on Route 16 (must have Strength and Rock Smash).
- Protectors are chest armor found on some Ultras, they are known as the most durable part of an Ultras anatomy and are often cited as being nearly indestructible. Unlike Ultra Armor, this armor is not the Ultra's skin, yet is noted to be part of their natural anatomy. For a few, the armor serves the role of solar panels, enhancing their natural solar energy absorption abilities and allowing them to augment their time limits. Only a select number have them, implying they only appear in a few bloodlines
- The Protector was the hereditary ruler of the Protectorate of Grayson and formal head of the Church of Humanity Unchained. The symbol of the Protector was a sword and bible; his office was known as the "Sword".
- Protectors are warriors who play a specialized role in their society. Their sole purpose is to defend their leaders and/or their leaders' goals. They must be prepared to do so with their very lives, if necessary.
- El protector (Protector en inglés, プロテクター Protector en japonés) es un objeto evolutivo introducido en la cuarta generación que si se equipa en Rhydon y este se intercambia por otro Pokémon, al finalizar el proceso evolucionará a Rhyperior.
- You managed to keep all of the other sailors alive after the Vigilant wrecked off the coast of Samarach. Effects= +1 survival. Use: Automatic
- The appearance of the Protector, is a long light brown vine, with thorns. The top of it's head is reminiscent of a Venus Fly Trap, with a clam shaped head.
- File:Protector.gif Write the text of your article here!
- The Protector is a level 3 special tower; its one and only purpose is to intercept any incoming nuclear missile that comes within its range, which can be seen by selecting the Protector itself. It needs to be armed manually, and cannot stop a nuclear missile if it has no ammunition. Its CORE counterpart is the Fortitude Missile Defense.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ The Protector can't shoot projectiles or attack enemy tanks and only allows the player to take less damage when bombs are hit. It costs 650 G.
- The rank of Protector is an ancient and lonely one, yet it is vital for the survival of humanity.
- [[Archivo:Mechanicum_preherejia_dalia_cythera_y_Ro_Mu_31.png|thumb|398px|Dalya Cythera y su Protector, Rho-Mu 31]] Los Protectores eran soldados y guardas a las órdenes del Adeptus Mechanicum.
- Holy defenders of the weak. A protector's sword and shield are invaluable tools when in the dungeon. —Protector description, Etrian Odyssey Protectors, known in Japan as Paladins, are a must when exploring the labyrinth. They have very high defense and HP, meaning they will usually be the back row's last pillar of support. As a downside, however, their offensive power is lacking, though they can learn an offensive skill that deals medium damage and can bind target's arms. The lack of attacking power is easily compensated by their gargantuan defenses though.
- (Note: Fan Fiction. Please check guild wiki dot org or guild wars wiki for accurate information and documentation from the game.) Protector is a title that you can display for prestige and to show your protective Kung fu. You may have up to three protector titles. They are: Protector of Tyria - for when you protected all of the objectives and bonuses with your skills. Protector of Cantha - for when you earn Master's Reward by achieving all of the objectives in a timely manner using your skills.
- The Protector is a weapon in Ultima VIII. When the Theurgist Veras visited a village in Pagan, Trolls raided it, and began eating the children. One mother attempted to defend her child however, holding only a knitting needle and crying to Stratos for help. Hearing her plea, Stratos transformed the needle into a mighty weapon, and the Trolls were slaughtered. Veras took the weapon back to Argentrock Isle, where its properties were discovered: It would vastly increase its wielder's defensive ability; thus, it was given the name Protector. The weapon was safely put away on the island.
- Eine vollautomatische Kampfeinheit der Dynastie. Die Gun-Unit ist eine Art Miniatur-Panzer als Chassis mit einem humanoiden, schwer gepanzerten Körper darauf. Sie ist mit je einer AK anstelle der Hände dieses Körpers bewaffnet. Das AK9 12mm Sturmgewehr wird von der Dynastie als Bewaffnung für die Gun-Units verwendet. Ausserdem gehört es zur Bewaffnung der dynastischen Elitekombatanten und Motorknights.
* Protector Mk II
* Ancient Protector
- Adult stage of the Pak and other hominids. This form is achieved when a breeder stage hominid consumes the virus present in Tree-of-Life. It is described as a 'fighting machine,' with armor-like skin, super-human strength and super-human intelligence.
- In the parallel universe of Earth-One, Jason Hart was a student that went to a normal high school, he was a good student and also was good in sports, that without talking about his great sense of what was right and wrong. Everything was ok until the day that he discovered that his little cousin named Ted had tried drugs and apparently he was quickly becoming an addict.