| - Sometimes when a show is trying to come up with a title for an episode, they have to take short-cuts, such as Rule of Funny, settling for one of the Stock Episode Titles, or just generally using an old pop-culture reference to create some sort of pun. This trope is what happens when a show, usually a Long Runner, ends up later coming up with a High Concept that actually works much better with the earlier title of a previous episode. Examples of Premature Encapsulation include:
| - Sometimes when a show is trying to come up with a title for an episode, they have to take short-cuts, such as Rule of Funny, settling for one of the Stock Episode Titles, or just generally using an old pop-culture reference to create some sort of pun. This trope is what happens when a show, usually a Long Runner, ends up later coming up with a High Concept that actually works much better with the earlier title of a previous episode. This is very common in shows that use, or gradually adapt to, a Planet Eris setting. While in the earlier episode the title may have been a metaphor for what was actually going on, say, "Shoot the moon" being about a character trying to win a game via Springtime for Hitler, the later episode will involve the characters actually building a ray gun and trying to shoot the moon with it. Use of this trope is almost always accidental, and as is such, it functions mainly as an oddity while the viewers wonder why, in retrospect, the writers used the naming conventions they did. Those curious about how inner wiki working like renames will find that a lot of them are motivated by this trope. A well-meaning troper will name a trope after an abstract concept, and several months later there will be inaccurate Pot Holes everywhere assuming that the trope means something completely different. This is a large part of the reason why wiki policy encourages new tropes to have more easily understood names. Examples of Premature Encapsulation include: