| - A floating eye, e, can be one of the most dangerous NetHack monsters if handled incorrectly — it possesses a passive paralysis gaze attack. The DevTeam does not consider the lack of any warnings about hitting a floating eye to be a bug. The encyclopedia entry does warn even unspoiled players of the danger.
- Floating Eye returns as an enemy fought on the overworld around Mythril during Ceodore's tale, in the Passage of the Eidolons during Rydia's tale, in the Troia Castle Waterway during Palom's tale, and the Tower of Trials during Edge's tale. They fight exactly as in their previous incarnation.
- A fish that hypnotizes its prey
- Floating eye is a type of monster in ADOM. They are notable for their ability to paralyze the PC — either if the eye damages the PC, or the PC attacks the eye. Though the eye itself isn't a dangerous opponent even to paralyzed PCs, it is still worth avoiding getting into a melee battle with one in case more powerful monsters arrive to hack at the PC whilst (s)he is helpless. Eyes appear to have some resistance to mindcraft and bolts spells, but can be dealt with reliably using missiles.
- Kraken are a rare but terrifying sight for any sailor, and a potent weapon when commanded by an Overlord's priest. Even in death, their bodies contain potent magics and can be used in a variety of minor spells. The massive eyes are especially useful, able to be enchanted to give a priest vision of a large area nearby.
- Eating a corpse of floating eye will paralyze you, but may also increase your resistance to nerve based attacks.
- Floating eyes, also known as beholders, are monstrous creatures found in Outland. Floating eyes are only seen in specific locations, and that is probably a good thing; many adventurers are struck with fear at the sight of such odd and malevolent beings. One of the bosses inside the Blood Furnace, a wing of Hellfire Citadel, is said to be such a being. Another beholder-type boss is found in the Auchenai Crypts instance. Other than that they are only found in Netherstorm and the Death's Door subzone of Blade's Edge Mountains, but it is also known that some were jailed in the Arcatraz, now free and roaming the ship due to the mischief of Kael'thas and his followers. Whatever created these abominations is still unknown. (tBCOSG 321)
- Floating eye, známý také jako Pozorovatelé, jsou monstrózní stvoření, nalezené v Outlandu. Avšak naleznete je jen v určitých oblastech, které se většinou nacházejí v Netherstormu a Blade's Edge Mountain. Nadále je lze nalézt v instancích Hellfire Citadel v části Blood Furnace, další v Auchenai Crypts. Nadále také byli někteří uvězněni v The Arcatraz, kde je krvavý elfové využívali k nějakým experimentům nebo něčemu jinému, co nám není známé. Trivia: - Floating eye mají určitou podobnost s Cacodemons ze hry Doom, s Beholders ze hry Dungeons & Dragons a s Evil Eye z Heroes IV.