| - As Bloodwynd is forced to spirit Ice away , Jimmy asks Lois if Superman truly is dead. Dubbilex tells those gathered that he cannot detect any brainwaves. SCU forces go to make sure Doomsday is dead, but panic after rumbling occurs. Dubbilex reassures them he's gone as well. As everyone continues mourning, Lois screams out for someone to save him. As the Guardian attempts CPR, EMS crews arrive to take over. Dan forces himself to turn away and discovers the injured Matrix as he does. Before he can help her, Luthor arrives to take her away.
As the EMS crews continue, Cat and Jimmy lead Lois away and suggest tying to find the doctor who helped Superman a number of times. Cat's able to convince Jimmy to get Lois out and try to focus on their jobs as reporters. Watching one of Cat's reports is Jose Delgado and Cat's son Adam. Adam blows it off, causing Jose to snap at him and sending the kid running. Musing at his Gangbuster outfit and how helpless he was, he snaps and destroys the TV after a reporter blasts the fallen hero.
In Smallville, Jonathan and Martha pray for their son's survival.
In Lexcorp Tower, Luthor's able to convince Matrix to return to her Supergirl persona.
In Metropolis, Westfield and the rest of Cadmus go to load Doomsday's body away and attempt to take away Superman should they fail to resurrect him. Dan doesn't take this well and punches him in the gut. With Westfield down, Guardian takes over, using a Shock Trooper and a device by Professor Hamilton to create a powerful defibrillator. Despite this, Superman never recovers.
In the Daily Planet, Jimmy's disgusted over the news reports trying to be the first to proclaim Superman's death. He even feels disgusted using the pictures of his death, but Perry talks him out of it, declaring that the world has to see him as the hero he was. After Lois is finished writing her story, Jimmy offers to walk her home, all of them worried about the missing Clark Kent.