| - A Force-sensitive Aleena from his species' homeworld, Tsui Choi was turned over the Jedi Order at birth and trained on Coruscant for the next decade. Once selected by Jedi Master Wyla Darrst, Choi studied the art of diplomacy while attempting to compensate for his height while practicing his lightsaber technique. Under Darrst's tutelage, Choi overcame his lack of confidence in his height and passed his Trials of Knighthood. Pursuing the path of the Consular, Choi wielded a green-bladed lightsaber he had created during his apprenticeship on Ilum, though he preferred to spar with his words and his with then with his weapon. One he had established himself as a competent Knight, Choi took on the Anx Jedi Theen Fida as his apprentice and taught him all he knew about the Force and the Jedi. Midw
| - A Force-sensitive Aleena from his species' homeworld, Tsui Choi was turned over the Jedi Order at birth and trained on Coruscant for the next decade. Once selected by Jedi Master Wyla Darrst, Choi studied the art of diplomacy while attempting to compensate for his height while practicing his lightsaber technique. Under Darrst's tutelage, Choi overcame his lack of confidence in his height and passed his Trials of Knighthood. Pursuing the path of the Consular, Choi wielded a green-bladed lightsaber he had created during his apprenticeship on Ilum, though he preferred to spar with his words and his with then with his weapon. One he had established himself as a competent Knight, Choi took on the Anx Jedi Theen Fida as his apprentice and taught him all he knew about the Force and the Jedi. Midway through Fida's apprenticeship the High Council decided to elevate Choi to the rank of Master in recognition of his masterful handling of the civil war on Arva in the Mid Rim. In Year 2, Choi volunteered to go as part of one of three Jedi task forces being sent to investigate Yinchorri aggression in the star systems neighboring their homeworld of Yinchorr. Choi was sent to the oceanic world of Yitheeth alongside a team consisting of himself, Fida, and Masters Adi Gallia and Eeth Koth; specifically to locate a Yinchorri compound on the planet. While on board a Consular-class cruiser, the four Jedi crash-landed on that world, to find that there was no such base on the planet. There was only a force of Yinchorri warriors there to ambush them. Choi and the other Jedi fought their way through the Yinchorri and find transport off the planet. The four Jedi then traveled to a nearby planet, Yibikkoror, where another of the task forces was carrying out a similar mission. The two groups of Jedi met and set a course to Yinchorr, where Jedi Masters Mace Windu, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Saesee Tiin, along with Jinn's Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi; were busy holding off a massive Yinchorri attack. Choi and the other Jedi joined the fight and, during the ensuing multi-planetary battle, Theen Fida was killed. Choi was greatly disturbed by the death of his Padawan and mourned his death in silence. Because of this, when he caught a Devaronian associate of the Yinchorri army whom the Jedi had captured, smuggler Holmar Grahrk, trying to steal a Consular-class cruiser to escape Yinchorr, Choi approached him angrily and took him into custody. Choi later attended the funeral of his Padawan on the planet Coruscant where Fida was cremated alongside Micah Giiett and Lilit Twoseas, other Jedi who were killed during the excursion.