| - AGENT LEE: What's going on? PETER: Shh. It's Grazing Day. AGENT LEE: Grazing day? OLIVIA: Walter thinks that she's depressed. WALTER: Well, technically, it's Seasonal Affective Disorder. Bovines aren't meant to spend extended periods inside. They need lots of Vitamin D. Sunshine. PETER: Taking a day trip out to Warwick. That's where her favorite pasture is. AGENT LEE: I see. OLIVIA: I almost forgot, I, uh... I found this in my apartment. I think it might be yours. It has a name engraved on the back. Robert Danzig. He was your partner, wasn't he? AGENT LEE: Yeah. It was his. OLIVIA: How did I wind up with it? AGENT LEE: Actually, I gave it to you. A few months back, when you came to see me at the hospital. It was a thank you for saving my life. You don't remember me telling you what t
| - AGENT LEE: What's going on? PETER: Shh. It's Grazing Day. AGENT LEE: Grazing day? OLIVIA: Walter thinks that she's depressed. WALTER: Well, technically, it's Seasonal Affective Disorder. Bovines aren't meant to spend extended periods inside. They need lots of Vitamin D. Sunshine. PETER: Taking a day trip out to Warwick. That's where her favorite pasture is. AGENT LEE: I see. OLIVIA: I almost forgot, I, uh... I found this in my apartment. I think it might be yours. It has a name engraved on the back. Robert Danzig. He was your partner, wasn't he? AGENT LEE: Yeah. It was his. OLIVIA: How did I wind up with it? AGENT LEE: Actually, I gave it to you. A few months back, when you came to see me at the hospital. It was a thank you for saving my life. You don't remember me telling you what this symbolizes? It's Native American. The maze represents the journey of life. The obstacles, making the right choices. Until we find ourselves in the center. OLIVIA: What's in the center? AGENT LEE: Home. A place to belong. Danzig knew I was never much for putting down roots. I never really stayed in the same place too long. He used to joke that if I kept living like that, that one day I would just float off into space. So he gave me this as a reminder that I always had a home. With him, with his family. This, he said, was my tether. WALTER: Olivia. The sedative. Gene's getting anxious. OLIVIA: Excuse me. AGENT LEE: Here. Let me give you a hand with those. ASTRID: Thank you. AGENT LEE: Let me guess. Gene's picnic lunch? ASTRID: Yeah, I wish. Apparently, the other side is requesting a detailed debrief of our recent run-ins with David Robert Jones. And given the gaps in Agent Dunham's memory, Broyles thinks its best if somebody else goes. Lucky me. AGENT LEE: You sound less than enthused. ASTRID: I was supposed to take my dad to Castle Island today. I promised him. AGENT LEE: Breaking promises. One of the many perks of the job. ASTRID: Yes, sadly. AGENT LEE: What if I went for you?