| - Chance-based Ecaflips seem to be all the rage. They have a few miserable failings, however: 1.
* Bluff does more air damage than water damage... so why focus on chance? 2.
* Chance becomes expensive very, very quickly for an Ecaflip. 3.
* Almost all your other spells are based upon strength. So why all the chance ecas? Well, Bluff has been upgraded to a pretty powerful spell. Up to 40 base damage twice per turn at level 11 is pretty appealing. Additionally, there is a minute increase in prospecting which never hurts. The one thing to keep in mind, however, is that people seem to greatly overestimate the importance of the later. It's really not going to make a noticeable difference if you have 105 to 110 prospecting. So, the goal here is to make use of a good spell, without blowing all of your plans down the road. While I haven't tested this particular build, it's what I'd try if I were restarting an ecaflip. Start with an agility-based ecaflip and convert it over time to a strength and crit-based one. But bluff eca's are not as usefull as strenth eca's in the long run. So if you are thinking of becoming a bluff eca i strongly sugest becoming hybrid.