| - Geonosis, to pustynna planeta znajdująca się 43000 lat świetlnych od centrum Galaktyki, w sektorze Arkanis w układzie Geonosis na Zewnętrznych rubieżach. Krajobraz jest podobny do Tatooine, jednak przeważają tu tereny górskie. Geonosis jest otoczona przez pierścienie oraz przez liczne księżyce. Część planety posiada zasoby wodne, jednak nie przekraczają one 5%. Zamieszkuje ją rasa Geonosjan.
- Geonosis is the homeworld of the Geonosians. It was also the staging area for the Mandalorians before they had blockaded the Hydian Way. Geonosis also has huge amounts of gladitorial colloseums, a gladiator, from one of these colloseums became the grand champion and claimed himself the New Mandalore and began rallying the Mandalorians. File:WookieepediaFavicon.png For information on this subject beyond The Old Republic, see: Geonosis on Wookieepedia
- Geonosis è il pianeta madre dei Genosiani, la prima capitale della Confederazione dei Sistemi Indipendenti (CSI) e la più grande fonderia di droidi.
- Geonosis has a ring system and is orbited by 15 moons.
- Geonosis was a planet during the Clone Wars controlled by the CIS. The planet's natural inhabitants were called Geonosians. Delta Squad was deployed there during the Battle of Geonosis.
- Geonosis, numită Geonosia de unii nativi, a fost planeta-casă a Geonosienilor, prima capitală a Confederaţiei şi locul care adăpostea două fabrici importante de droizi.
- Geonosis (ook wel Geonosia genoemd) was een desolate planeet op het randje van de Outer Rim op minder dan een Parsec van Tatooine. In 22 BBY brak met de Battle of Geonosis de Clone Wars los op deze planeet. Na het gevecht werd Geonosis onder controle geplaatst van de Galactic Republic.
- Geonosis Kategória:Planéty
- Geonosis ist ein Planet.
- Geonosis ist ein Planet.
- Geonosis var geonosiernas hemplanet, Konfederationen av Självständiga Systems första huvudplanet och ett framstående plats för droidtillverkning.
- The Battle of Geonosis took place there... wait, no, maybe it took place on Hoth... no, no, definitely on Geonosis.
- Geonosis er en planet i Star Wars. Planeten er med i filmen Attack of the Clones hvor den er opholdssted for separatisternes ledere. På Genosis findes der også nogle af de fabrikker, hvor separatisterne producerer deres kampdroider. Geonosis er befolket af geonosianere, som er ca. 1,7 meter høje, insektlignede væsner med vinger. Det er også på Geonosis at kampen imellem milliarder af kampdroider og mange jedier finder sted, efter at Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker og Padme er blevet taget til fange af Grev Dooku.
- A peremvidéki Geonosis bolygó a geonosisiak otthona, ahol a Független Rendszerek Konföderációja felépítette első titkos droidöntő műhelyeit. A bolygón zajlott a Klón Háborúk első ütközete, a geonosisi csata.
- Der im Arkanis Sektor heimische Planet, war der erste Austragungsort der Klonkriege. Geonosis liegt in der Nähe von Tatooine und besitzt ein ähnlich trockenes Klima. Bizzare Felsenformationen überziehen die Planetenoberfläche und enden in tiefen Schluchten.Bewohner dieser unwirtschaftlichen Welt sind die Geonosianer, insektenähnliche Schwarmtiere mit durchschnittlicher Intelliquenz. Geonosis war eine Hochburg der Seperatisten.thumb|left|150px|Poogle (führender Geonosianer) Kategorie:Orte & Planeten
- Geonosis liegt in den äußeren Randgebieten der Galaxis in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft zu Tatooine. Aus Sicht des Weltraums wird der Planet von einem Gürtel aus Asteroiden umschlossen, die aufgrund ihres metallhaltigen Gesteins eine wertvolle Rohstoffquelle für die Geonosianer darstellen. Das Landschaftsbild auf Geonosis ist gezeichnet von Sandstürmen, die eine schroffe, karge und zerklüftete Oberfläche mit spitzen Gebirgen formten. Die turbulenten und lebensfeindlichen Windthumb|left|Geonosis' Oberfläche.verhältnisse sind auch der Grund, warum sich Geonosianer nur selten an die Oberfläche ihres Heimatplaneten wagen und stattdessen bevorzugt im Inneren von Felsformationen leben, die sie den natürlichen Strukturen ihrer Umgebung angepasst haben.
- [[Category: Levels]] Image:Level-art.png Geonosis is a level.
- Geonosis was a planet in the Outer Rim. While not a participant, Nathaniel Kenobi was greatly effected by the battle started there in the Clone Wars.
- A desert planet in the Outer Rim (West). Canon History & Controlling Factions can be found on Wookieepedia, Please refrain from copying Canon Data from that site.
- The Union of Geonosis is a Nationalist republic located in the southernmost reaches of Planet Bob. It's populace remain isolated from major world events and though still a member of the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization, they primarily stick to themselves. It's major industries are furs, gems and oil that is drilled deep within the Arctic Ice shelves. Advanced Robotics and Technology fuel the society of Geonosians, and that enables them to have long life spans as well as a highly developed economy and education system.
- Geonosis was a barren, desert covered planet located in the Outer Rim territories home to the insectoid Geonosian species. The planet was controlled by the Confederacy of Independent Systems for the first two years of the Clone Wars and was the site of the war's first battle. It was here that the first wave of the Droid Army was manufactured in the massive droid foundries on the planet, under the oversight of Archduke Poggle The Lesser. This new formidable military force would display it's killing potential in the First battle of Geonosis where it destroyed nearly 200 Jedi. Later, during the second year of the war, the planet was attacked again, by a smaller group, an attack that lead to the capture of Poggle and the maiming of Queen Karina The Great.
- Geonosis on ulkokehän alueilla oleva planeetta. Se on geonosialaisten kotiplaneetta ja yksi Yhdistyneiden aurinkokuntien konfederaation kannattajista. Planeetalla käytiin myös Geonosiksen taistelu kloonisotien aikaan. Geonosis on hyvin kuiva ja paahtava planeetta, paljon karumpi kuin aavikkoplaneetta Tatooine.
- Tras el fin de las Guerras Clon, la Estrella de la Muerte fue construida en la órbita del planeta bajo el mando del Gran Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. Cinco años después del fin de la guerra, el Imperio Galáctico se estableció fuertemente en el planeta en un intento de explotar los minerales del campo de asteroides que lo rodeaba. Más adelante, el Imperio movió la Estrella de la Muerte a otro lugar de construcción y, como medida de seguridad, casi exterminó a toda la población nativa de Geonosis.
- Geonosis is an arid plainet with less than 5% surface water, it's surface pocked with plot holes left from orbiting asteroid belt impacts. Despite it's seemingly barren, industrially undeveloped outer appearance, the arid world of Geonosis featured some of the most prominent underground arm market manufacturing industry in the galaxy, both literal and metaphorical sense. It housed the factories that constructed the B1 battle droid used n the invasion of Naboo, and throughout the clone wars and the first five years of imperial rule it was site of the Death Star's super top secret construction.
- Geonosis er geonosianernes hjem, men noe spesielt gjestfritt er det ikke. Leveforholdene er harde, og stort sett finner man bare stein og sand på planeten. Den ligger en parsec unna Tatooine, og kan sies å være relativt avsidesliggende, men spilte i likhet med flere andre fjerne planeter en viktig rolle i hendelsene før Republikkens fall. De insektslignende geonosianerne bor i bolkolonier, enorme tårn, som på mange måter farger terrenget. Imidlertid er de utført i en naturalistisk stil, slik at de best mulig skal kunne gli inn i landskapet.
- [Source] Géonosis est une planète située dans la Bordure Extérieure dans le secteur Arkanis. C'est la planète natale des Geonosiens. Monde rocheux situé à moins d'un parsec de Tatooine, Geonosis est une planète se trouvant au delà des frontières de la République Galactique. Sa surface peu engageante est dominé par les rochers, les crevasses et les désert. Le sol et le ciel sont teintés de rouge, et les créatures qui ont évolués sur Geonosis sont bien équipées pour survivre dans ce milieu hostile.
- Geonosis was the location of the first battle of the Clone Wars called the Battle of Geonosis. The planet is located close to the planets of Tatooine and Ryloth in the Outer Rim. Geonosis was ruled by the archduke Poggle the Lesser who was part of the CIS until his death at the end of the Clone Wars. Geonosis was home to several droid construction facilities, which engineered pink-hued battle droids until the Battle of Geonosis. In addition, it was the first planet to create Super Battle Droids, the more powerful successor to the battle droid.