| - What became the Iyo province bagan its life as part of the Mikawan Empire, which had conquered the greater part of the Azuchi continent as well as a few islands lying of its shore. However, in about 13 ABY the Iyoans joined a rebellion led by the rich Senshi who ruled the Tokugawa Province. The rebellion also included the Oki and Izushi provinces and ,later on in the war, the Tajima and Ashikaga provinces the Mikawan Empire lost several crucial conflicts after their reinforcements were cut off by riots in the Kimura province. Eventually ,Emperor Sashushi of the Mikawans surrendered after his capitol of Mikawa had been besieged for several weeks. After being liberated, the Iyoan Senshi, Askuwa Iyo, assumed control of the province along with his influential family. Under his rule the province prospered for decades before being divided amongst his four sons. However one of the sons, Kasuri Iyo attempted to sieze ultimate control of the province through the death of his brothers. Executing a well-planned scheme, Kasuri gathered his brothers for a meeting in the Palace of Iyo. There he ordered his guards to turn on his brothers and make him king. However, he was betrayed and his guards refused to shoot. Enraged, Kasuri drew his traditional sword and attacked his brothers. The speed and fury of the attack took on of them off guard and the unfortunate sibling was slain. After mortally wounding a second brother, he was left to fight one on one with his oldest brother, Fazaki Iyo. Fazaki defeated Kasuri and took control of the province.