Proteus was a villain from the animated series "Gargoyles", appearing in the season 2 episode "The New Olympians". In this series, New Olympians are a race of superhuman beings that resembled the various creatures of Greek Mythology, from whom they were descendants. This race lived on the isolated island known as New Olympus, somewhere in a vast ocean. As the name suggests, Proteus was descended from the shape-shifting sea god/demigod of myth, in turn a son of Poseidon. Unlike his predecessor, Proteus was openly malevolent, acting as the island's resident trouble-maker, who sought to leave the island and was responsible for the murder of previous chief of security, the father of Taurus, an ancestor of the Minotaur.
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| - Proteus was a villain from the animated series "Gargoyles", appearing in the season 2 episode "The New Olympians". In this series, New Olympians are a race of superhuman beings that resembled the various creatures of Greek Mythology, from whom they were descendants. This race lived on the isolated island known as New Olympus, somewhere in a vast ocean. As the name suggests, Proteus was descended from the shape-shifting sea god/demigod of myth, in turn a son of Poseidon. Unlike his predecessor, Proteus was openly malevolent, acting as the island's resident trouble-maker, who sought to leave the island and was responsible for the murder of previous chief of security, the father of Taurus, an ancestor of the Minotaur.
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type of villain
| - Master Manipulator, Murderer
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| - Shape-Shifting & Master Of Deception
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| - Taurus's Father, Elisa Maza, Goliath, Taurus
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| - Trickster, Criminal, Murderer
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| - Proteus was a villain from the animated series "Gargoyles", appearing in the season 2 episode "The New Olympians". In this series, New Olympians are a race of superhuman beings that resembled the various creatures of Greek Mythology, from whom they were descendants. This race lived on the isolated island known as New Olympus, somewhere in a vast ocean. As the name suggests, Proteus was descended from the shape-shifting sea god/demigod of myth, in turn a son of Poseidon. Unlike his predecessor, Proteus was openly malevolent, acting as the island's resident trouble-maker, who sought to leave the island and was responsible for the murder of previous chief of security, the father of Taurus, an ancestor of the Minotaur. Proteus was voiced by the late Roddy McDowall. <default>Evil-doer</default>
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